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I'm pleased that my little cat, Squeaky, has had 2 kittens!! I set a box up on a shelf on the back porch so that it faced a window beside where I have my computer. Last fall I got a Lizard Light, a 50 watt infrared heat lamp. At 2 feet away at the most on cold nights I had the same 3 kitties using it. They stayed warm all winter. Squeaky has kick them out with the kittens. At the moment they aren't even a day old and I'm kinda suprised at how much they are moving around. I'm going to modify the box so they can inadvertantly fall out of the box until they can crawl over a barrier I'm adding.

Not very often can you watch the developement of kittens and I'm going to enjoy it :)
I feel like i live in a zoo sometimes! kids, just me, my wife, 3 "hellhounds", 1 turtle, 4 snakes,(and counting?). And thats just our "inside" animals.
My big whie Catahoula/Pit mix,(Kazz) is my profile picture. I have a 14month old Bluenose Pit,(Indigo), a pureblood Bluetick Coonhound,(maverick the LOUD), A Florida Kingsnake,(Naga), a Red Ratsnake,(Mars), a Cornsnake (Venus), and a Royal Python,(Stella)......
No pics of my pooch but I have a Black Russian Terrier who is a sweetheart. I took him too a couple of launches when he was young and he had no problems with the noise. But a couple years later I took him and he freaked out whenever a rocket launched. Now he dont get to go! :(

Almost lost him a few years ago when he got the Parvo virus. I was a basket case for a week before he finally pulled out of it. The $4000 of treatment was worth it but it put my rocket launching on hold for quite a long time. Parvo is some nasty stuff, make sure you get your poochies vaccinated.
No pics of my pooch but I have a Black Russian Terrier who is a sweetheart. I took him too a couple of launches when he was young and he had no problems with the noise. But a couple years later I took him and he freaked out whenever a rocket launched. Now he dont get to go! :(

Almost lost him a few years ago when he got the Parvo virus. I was a basket case for a week before he finally pulled out of it. The $4000 of treatment was worth it but it put my rocket launching on hold for quite a long time. Parvo is some nasty stuff, make sure you get your poochies vaccinated.

My dog (a lab/something mix) is the same way. High power, low power, it doesn't matter -- she doesn't like it.
We (Carl and I) are small dog people. We had a pound limit of 30 but have gone over that. We also had 5 but two weekends ago had to put our 18 yr old yorkie to sleep. 2 maltese's, 1 yorkie, 1 silkie keeps us sane around here.

We (Carl and I) are small dog people. We had a pound limit of 30 but have gone over that. We also had 5 but two weekends ago had to put our 18 yr old yorkie to sleep. 2 maltese's, 1 yorkie, 1 silkie keeps us sane around here.


Sorry to hear that Sheryl, we had to put our beloved boxer down a couple of years ago and it was heart breaking.
Can't afford a dog in this economy!
Here is my pet Fly "Werner". Last week I showed him how to pump some iron so he can kick some fly ass and tear up some webs.

werner 1.jpg

Werner 2.jpg

werner 3.jpg
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We (Carl and I) are small dog people. We had a pound limit of 30 but have gone over that. We also had 5 but two weekends ago had to put our 18 yr old yorkie to sleep. 2 maltese's, 1 yorkie, 1 silkie keeps us sane around here.


Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear this Sheryl! I know how much you and Carl treasure your 4-legged kids.

We're thinking of you!

Carol, Max, and Sammy
We probably just took in cat #10. I worked from home Wednesday and saw her lying in the neighbor's driveway when I went to get the mail. I walked up to her and she didn't even try to get away. I picked her up and took her into the garage to get her out of the cold. When I picked her up she was nothing but skin and bones. You can feel the skin pulled tight over every rib and her spine sticks up through her skin.

I put some food and water out for her and she staggered over to the bowl and started eating like she would never get food again. She seemed to struggle with the dry food (bad teeth???) so I opened up a can of cat food and she really went after that. While she was eating I went and grabbed one of the cat hot pads (heating pads that get warm, but not hot - our older cats love them) and set it up for her. She settled down on that and went to sleep.

She had an eye infection that looked pretty puffy and runny. Within a few hours of eating and drinking the eye swelled shut. She must have been horribly dehydrated.

My wife and I cleaned out some stuff from our half bathroom and put her in there. It is warmer than the garage, but keeps her separated from our cats. We took an old box and put a fuzzy blanket in it for her. She started purring as soon as I put her in the box and was asleep in no time.

The next morning I checked on her and she had wet her bed. She may have been so sound asleep that she didn't know it or maybe she couldn't walk the few feet to the litterbox. I rearranged the bedding so she could lay on a dry spot. Her fur is all messed up and she has ear mites and who knows what else. I scratched under her chin and a small clump of hair came out. A little urine in her bed is the least of her worries. Plus, I didn't want to grab the soiled blanket and put it in the laundry room where the other cats might find it. Who knows what diseases she might have.

We decided not to clean her up until after she saw the vet. There was no sense putting her through that ordeal if she isn't going to make it. All she does is eat and sleep so we just leave her alone.

This morning (Friday) I found that she had peed on the floor. I put the litter box in that spot and set her in it. She sniffed the kitty litter and then ate some of it. At this point she must think that she needs to eat anything she can.

Forty eight hours later and no bowel movements. She probably hadn't eaten for days before I found her.

My wife took her to the vet this afternoon and she does not have feline leukemia so that is a huge hurdle that she cleared. The vet gave her an antibiotic shot for the infection(s) and by the time I got home from work a few hours later her eye wasn't swelled shut anymore.

The vet cleaned out her ears which were filthy from mites. She doesn't seem to hear anything so we suspect she is deaf. The vet thinks so too. We don't know anything about her teeth as the vet couldn't look in her mouth. She resisted and they didn't want to hurt her or stress her anymore than necessary. They took blood and just that was pretty hard on her.

We are keeping her warm and giving her food and water. She purrs when you pet her, but she doesn't have any energy to do much else.

She goes back to the vet in a week for another antibiotic shot. Hopefully, she will be in better shape by then for a more thorough exam.
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We probably just took in cat #10. I worked from home Wednesday and saw her lying in the neighbor's driveway when I went to get the mail. I walked up to her and she didn't even try to get away. I picked her up and took her into the garage to get her out of the cold. When I picked her up she was nothing but skin and bones. You can feel the skin pulled tight over every rib and her spine sticks up through her skin.

I put some food and water out for her and she staggered over to the bowl and started eating like she would never get food again. She seemed to struggle with the dry food (bad teeth???) so I opened up a can of cat food and she really went after that. While she was eating I went and grabbed one of the cat hot pads (heating pads that get warm, but not hot - our older cats love them) and set it up for her. She settled down on that and went to sleep.

She had an eye infection that looked pretty puffy and runny. Within a few hours of eating and drinking the eye swelled shut. She must have been horribly dehydrated.

My wife and I cleaned out some stuff from our half bathroom and put her in there. It is warmer than the garage, but keeps her separated from our cats. We took an old box and put a fuzzy blanket in it for her. She started purring as soon as I put her in the box and was asleep in no time.

The next morning I checked on her and she had wet her bed. She may have been so sound asleep that she didn't know it or maybe she couldn't walk the few feet to the litterbox. I rearranged the bedding so she could lay on a dry spot. Her fur is all messed up and she has ear mites and who knows what else. I scratched under her chin and a small clump of hair came out. A little urine in her bed is the least of her worries. Plus, I didn't want to grab the soiled blanket and put it in the laundry room where the other cats might find it. Who knows what diseases she might have.

We decided not to clean her up until after she saw the vet. There was no sense putting her through that ordeal if she isn't going to make it. All she does is eat and sleep so we just leave her alone.

This morning (Friday) I found that she had peed on the floor. I put the litter box in that spot and set her in it. She sniffed the kitty litter and then ate some of it. At this point she must think that she needs to eat anything she can.

Forty eight hours later and no bowel movements. She probably hadn't eaten for days before I found her.

My wife took her to the vet this afternoon and she does not have feline leukemia so that is a huge hurdle that she cleared. The vet gave her an antibiotic shot for the infection(s) and by the time I got home from work a few hours later her eye wasn't swelled shut anymore.

The vet cleaned out her ears which were filthy from mites. She doesn't seem to hear anything so we suspect she is deaf. The vet thinks so too. We don't know anything about her teeth as the vet couldn't look in her mouth. She resisted and they didn't want to hurt her or stress her anymore than necessary. They took blood and just that was pretty hard on her.

We are keeping her warm and giving her food and water. She purrs when you pet her, but she doesn't have any energy to do much else.

She goes back to the vet in a week for another antibiotic shot. Hopefully, she will be in better shape by then for a more thorough exam.

Good luck with that bud very generous of you to do it. I have one 18 year old cat :) She's a little crazy and I'm a lot so we get along fine.:roll:
well when she does produce a bowl movement, bag and take it to the vet to check for worms. the last cat who showed up on my porch (3 lb.s @3 months) had em. (got pic of him on the 'puter some where...found it :))

smokey 003dcrop.jpg
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We probably just took in cat #10. I worked from home Wednesday and saw her lying in the neighbor's driveway when I went to get the mail. I walked up to her and she didn't even try to get away. I picked her up and took her into the garage to get her out of the cold. When I picked her up she was nothing but skin and bones. You can feel the skin pulled tight over every rib and her spine sticks up through her skin.

Awwww, poor little kitty! Stories like this just break my heart. You and your wife are very good hearted people indeed.
Heres my dog, Kaiser. Hes a Bichonpoo, Best dog ever. He doesnt do anything hes not suppose to! He also doesn't shed. Kinda acts like a cat......:D

Can't afford a dog in this economy!
Here is my pet Fly "Werner". Last week I showed him how to pump some iron so he can kick some fly ass and tear up some webs.

Funniest post of the thread!!
Lucy, a very BLONDE lab.

Doesn't know that she knows how to swim (fell in lake twice, was terrified and had to be hauled out).

Will not go outside and pee by herself. Will just stand by the door until someone comes out with her.

When she gets bored, goes "shoe shopping" (walks over to kitchen/garage door, collects shoes from the pile there, and brings them back to her pillow. May GENTLY nibble on a shoe-- rarely.)

Has doggie dreams where she gives out little "woofs" (which sound weird coming out of a 75 lb lab.)

Probably the happiest dog in the world.

Lucy and the Unstuffed GooseSmallFile.jpg


Lucy Deck.jpg
Funniest post of the thread!!
It is April Fools all month....BTW that Fly came out of a vintage 1990's Alice in Chains singles CD called "Jar of Flys" it was a promo only and I was lucky to get one with the spine filled with 7 or 8 Flys...most folks got nothing in the spines.My Buddy worked for "Turtles" and hooked me up with a lot of CD's over the years.:D
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Lucy, a very BLONDE lab.

Doesn't know that she knows how to swim (fell in lake twice, was terrified and had to be hauled out).

Will not go outside and pee by herself. Will just stand by the door until someone comes out with her.

When she gets bored, goes "shoe shopping" (walks over to kitchen/garage door, collects shoes from the pile there, and brings them back to her pillow. May GENTLY nibble on a shoe-- rarely.)

Has doggie dreams where she gives out little "woofs" (which sound weird coming out of a 75 lb lab.)

Probably the happiest dog in the world.

Looks like someone thinks she's in trouble for creating a mess. Our dog won't go out alone sometimes. And sometimes she freaks me out by going out the back door and staring into the corner of the yard and growling. I see nothing there and realize that she has better night vision, but it's still kind of creepy.
Our stray kitty is doing better today. She has used the litter box a few times, although not consistently. She did have a bowel movement Sunday morning which is the first one since we brought her in on Wednesday. Of course, she just went on the floor.

Her left eye is still swollen shut for the most part. We saw her wash herself for the first time today after she ate her breakfast. That was the first time she did anything other than crawl into bed after she ate. She is walking a little better, but still wobbly. She loves her little bed.

I put her on my lap this morning and she stayed once she got comfortable. She didn't go to sleep either, but just lied still and let me pet her. Unfortunately, I was sitting on a tile floor in shorts and had to get up after 15 minutes as it was cold and incredibly uncomfortable.

All signs indicate she is getting better, but progress looks pretty slow.

Our stray kitty is doing better today. She has used the litter box a few times, although not consistently. She did have a bowel movement Sunday morning which is the first one since we brought her in on Wednesday. Of course, she just went on the floor.

Her left eye is still swollen shut for the most part. We saw her wash herself for the first time today after she ate her breakfast. That was the first time she did anything other than crawl into bed after she ate. She is walking a little better, but still wobbly. She loves her little bed.

I put her on my lap this morning and she stayed once she got comfortable. She didn't go to sleep either, but just lied still and let me pet her. Unfortunately, I was sitting on a tile floor in shorts and had to get up after 15 minutes as it was cold and incredibly uncomfortable.

All signs indicate she is getting better, but progress looks pretty slow.


That's great news!
Lucy, a very BLONDE lab.

Doesn't know that she knows how to swim (fell in lake twice, was terrified and had to be hauled out).

Will not go outside and pee by herself. Will just stand by the door until someone comes out with her.

When she gets bored, goes "shoe shopping" (walks over to kitchen/garage door, collects shoes from the pile there, and brings them back to her pillow. May GENTLY nibble on a shoe-- rarely.)

Has doggie dreams where she gives out little "woofs" (which sound weird coming out of a 75 lb lab.)

Probably the happiest dog in the world.

First picture---I've soooo been there---funny, Diggs--black lab-- does'nt like the water either! Why the big feet????Couch buddy!!!
Most of you have seen my buddy "Kodiac"
95lbs of Chocolate Lab.
Loves the water,flying rockets,taking rides ,and anything else Dad (me) does.

Today, Justice a dog that had 3rd degree burns on 98% of his body was put down because of kidney failure. He had a flamable liquid poured on him and set fire--some say gasoline-- Two little rat farts are in custody--I'm not a bad guy ,but personally, I hope things go from bad to worse for them. Sorry to TRF and the mediators---I have a beaten rescue dog and this kind of stuff is my line in the sand.----MAD HORNET -!
^ I understand the rescue end of things. Other than my beloved Weimeraner "Otto" that I put down 10 years ago,(bought him) I grew up with either rescued or found dogs. We hosted and gave great food and lives to 6 very grateful and loving dogs. One of them Ben a springer spanial was tied to a tree in woods a few blocks away from us...he tried in vain to chew through the handle but the rest was chain. he eventually knotted himself up so he was choking. A neighborhood kid alerted us as we were kinda the rescue family.;)
One dog we got was found in the chapel at Florida Southern College, a Frank Lloyd Wright designed college campus in Lakeland Florida..someone had left her in there and she peed her little puppy heart all over the chapel..
Today, Justice a dog that had 3rd degree burns on 98% of his body was put down because of kidney failure. He had a flamable liquid poured on him and set fire--some say gasoline-- Two little rat farts are in custody--I'm not a bad guy ,but personally, I hope things go from bad to worse for them. Sorry to TRF and the mediators---I have a beaten rescue dog and this kind of stuff is my line in the sand.----MAD HORNET -!

No need to apologise as I feel the same way. Where my wife came from two guys did the same thing to an old woman. I just stay away from the news.
Today, Justice a dog that had 3rd degree burns on 98% of his body was put down because of kidney failure. He had a flamable liquid poured on him and set fire--some say gasoline-- Two little rat farts are in custody--I'm not a bad guy ,but personally, I hope things go from bad to worse for them. Sorry to TRF and the mediators---I have a beaten rescue dog and this kind of stuff is my line in the sand.----MAD HORNET -!

Concur. Unfortunately the most appropriate and effective punishment for these perps, neutering, is not allowed. (appropriate for obvious reasons, effective because it would remove them from the gene pool.)

Lucy, the big footed lab, is a stray we found on the street. And her feet really aren't that big, she just has the longest toes you've ever seen. She can almost "grip" the sides of our paddle boat on the lake.

We thought she'd grow into them. Fortunately (she is already 75 lbs and we think she is about three years old) I think she has stopped growing. She can almost knock you over with that tail, though.
This 85lb bundle of pure energy is Penny, my rescue shepard/rotti.

When I first saw her at the Humane Society, there was an info card on the door of her pen and across the face of it was stamped "HIGH ENERGY" in big red letters. I called her name and she slowly got up, ambled over to the door and layed back down. I thought, "HIGH ENERGY, they have to be kidding". She moved so slow. I got her home and a few weeks later, I was ready to call and tell them that their "HIGH ENERGY" stamp wasn't big enough or red enough.

When people asked me what breed she was, I used to say she was Oganian. For you non-Star Trek geeks, the Oganians were a race of creatures that were, as Spock described them, pure energy. She is 4 1/2 now and slowing down a little. The second picture is of her opening her Christmas present.


Today, Justice a dog that had 3rd degree burns on 98% of his body was put down because of kidney failure. He had a flamable liquid poured on him and set fire--some say gasoline-- Two little rat farts are in custody--I'm not a bad guy ,but personally, I hope things go from bad to worse for them. Sorry to TRF and the mediators---I have a beaten rescue dog and this kind of stuff is my line in the sand.----MAD HORNET -!

If I posted what I really thought of this I would be banned from TRF for life; and maybe the entire internet. I'm with you Hornet - MAD CAT!

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