Nosecone 073004 (Super Alpha)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
Reaction score
I want to clone a Super Alpha and need a bit of data. Is the shape of the Super Alpha nosecone (part number 073004) basically the same shape as a PNC-60k? I can't find any details on the 073004.

Also, is there a good scan of the decals anywhere? JimZ's site doesn't have them.

Yike. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm not sure my pronouncements deserve to be called "gospel"...

In the link in @Scott_650's first post the nose cone listed on the instructions is the balsa part that's "close" for an upscale Alpha and predates the later kits with the plastic nose cone. eRockets has both the BNC-60K and a BNC-60KP (which is an upscale of the Alpha III/IV/VI shape). Depending on whether you were looking to upscale the Alpha or the Alpha III you would pick one over the other. Also, take note of Roy Green's comments in the thread Scott linked to just above, about the Super Alpha body length being a bit short for a true Alpha upscale. He's right about that.

My spreadsheet says I have one of the balsa nose cone versions of the Super Alpha kit in the stash. I'd have to dig it out to refresh my memory as to why I said it was close but not exact in the thread linked to above.