Maine Missile Math & Science Club August 4th

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Carl got his L2 (Congrats, Carl) and we had a total of 99 flights.

Congrats! That was a well done L2 flight.

Dang that E12! If that hadn't Catoed it would have been another triple-digit launch! Poor V2....

Another Glorious day at MMMSC. A little chute entaglment on my EZI-65, but it returned without damage. I'm going to have to look into how I packed that chute, because the method I used obviously didn't work. My pyramid also suffered some damage... the kevlar ripped right through the 1/8 plywood centering "ring". I have to find a better way to hold that together, it's quite dangerous when that thing comes back ballistic.

Sorry I missed your scratchbuild again eggplant! I really meant to watch that go up.
As usual, I had a great time at today's MMMSClub launch! I had one flight today, but it was a good one as it represented the second time that I have flown an H engine. I flew my still-unnamed scratchbuild on an AT H165R-10 that we drilled down to an 8, but still ended up being more like a 10. It ended up okay in the end, and the flight was flawless otherwise. I only had to walk about 300 feet to grab it! Once again, thanks to Jason for helping me with the flight. Here is the onboard video.
Sorry you couldn't make it today; the conditions were very good. Carl got his L2 (Congrats, Carl) and we had a total of 99 flights. We called it a little early when we heard thunder in the not too far distance.

I won't be at the 18 August launch but Scott will have the tests and answer key so keep up your studies and get ready to fly.


Thanks, Kenn. I'm glad the weather held for you guys: it did look nice outside from down in Worcester when I had the opportunity to look out a window.

And maybe by next launch DLazarus will have all the butt-tapping out of his system (I bet he chickened out, anyway).
Sorry you couldn't make it today; the conditions were very good. Carl got his L2 (Congrats, Carl) and we had a total of 99 flights. We called it a little early when we heard thunder in the not too far distance.

I won't be at the 18 August launch but Scott will have the tests and answer key so keep up your studies and get ready to fly.


Thanks again to all the help with the L2 flight today.This is a great group and a great field for flying. I was happy to hang out with

My son Max told me today "Eating hot dogs, drinking orange Sunkist, and flying rockets. It doesn't get any better than this."

He was so right.
Agreed it was another GREAT day! Admittedly bummed that I could have put up one more rocket to get to 100! Oh well!

First - Eggplant's rocket was awesome! I was more than happy to help! A very nice scratch-built rocket and I am glad that my motor building skills didn't blow it up! I think that you were a little nervous since i clearly was not an expert on AT HP motors. However, it went up and looked great!

Off the pad

Great shot under boost. Love the red flame. I have GOT to get me some red motors

Rocket and owner soon to be reunited.

I did up my first dual-deploy on my Warrior on a White Thunder H225. Quite the rush when you see the main come out at 500! The PerfectFlite delivered and somehow I didn't screw it up. I have some onboard that I'll work on in a little bit. I need to edit out the pre- and post-launch dead air. My ear heard 1800 or so on the beepout which is just a little under where I thought we would be but still a worthy first flight of the Warrior. I suppose getting it vertical off the pad would have helped with that:

Other than that a good day for launching! I did lose the nose cone off my BaddAzz defender - that was a bummer. My ventris didn't record more than a minute or so of video and that was just of it sitting on the pad. I also zippered the ventris a little despite having about 20 feet of kevlar. Oh well it is a simple fix with a little epoxy and some parchment paper. The only other issue of the day was my corona-2 had a strange flight. The boost up went great and the staging occurred correctly and then when the sustainer lit it spiraled under boost, fell to the ground and then ejected. It was kind of strange for sure. I'll check to see what the deal is. Entertaining for sure!

Congrats on the L2 flight to cvause (Carl) and I loved his powered glider. My son thought that was the bee's knees and asked me to build one! Your son hit it on the head - it doesn't get much better than a good launch day!

Thanks to Mr. DeHate and his wife for showing up again and for emptying my hobby fund! I did pick up a couple of red motors, including a 3grain I for the warrior's next flight!
I had a great time, flew with Eggplant. I brought my stretch initiator, which flew well, except for at apogee. A bulkhead intended to keep the payload failed (chewed up by my dog during the winter) and it freefell at least 1200 ft. The payload, an Arduino, amazingly survived. I confirmed this last night, worked flawlessly. It was supposed to record the altitude at apogee to internal EEPROM, but when I read it last night, it gave me 2165m, obviously very wrong, likely old data. I'm guessing it didn't record due to an error on my part programming it, but I'm not sure at this point, will look into it. Thanks to Jason for letting me use his table for motor assembly and such, as well as keeping my electronics out of the sun (Those ATMEL chips don't like heat at all, just like me)
Dr. Q

Happy to have you guys use the tent! Glad the board is ok. The up part was great! Sorry I didn't get a shot of it off the pad.

We should have jammed that board into the ventris' payload. I bet if we pulled one of the removable rivets it could ave sampled. Next time we can check it out.
Dr. Q, I wanted to check out your payload in more detail, but I never got the chance. Glad to see another fellow rocketeer into the DIY electronics! We'll have to nerd out next time :D Over the next two weeks I'm working on a data-logger myself, I'm interested to see how you did it (especially your baro sensor! The hardest part!).

And if you ever want to pull data at the launch, I always have my laptop fully charged at the launch with the arduino software on it.
Dr. Q, I wanted to check out your payload in more detail, but I never got the chance. Glad to see another fellow rocketeer into the DIY electronics! We'll have to nerd out next time :D Over the next two weeks I'm working on a data-logger myself, I'm interested to see how you did it (especially your baro sensor! The hardest part!).

And if you ever want to pull data at the launch, I always have my laptop fully charged at the launch with the arduino software on it.

Thanks! The setup I had at the field was not, admittedly, a datalogger, this was just set up to record altitude at apogee. I have it set up at home on a breadboard, but didn't get enough parts to put it on a proto board. I have the BMP085 breakout from SFE and an SD card w/ some headers I soldered directly onto the contacts, with logic sent through a 5v-3v3 level shifter (SD cards are quite sensitive to 5v, it would seem). Ladyada has a good tutorial for the BMP085, along with a library to handle the interface with it. SDFatLib is used to interface w/ the SD card.

I love the auto-roll stabilization, very cool! What magnetometer did you use?

Dr. Q

Happy to have you guys use the tent! Glad the board is ok. The up part was great! Sorry I didn't get a shot of it off the pad.

We should have jammed that board into the ventris' payload. I bet if we pulled one of the removable rivets it could ave sampled. Next time we can check it out.

I'm not sure it would fit in the Ventris, sadly, 2.1 inches wide, and 2.7 inches long. I'd love to see some data from a HPR flight though, if you have a slightly larger diameter rocket!
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I'm not sure it would fit in the Ventris, sadly, 2.1 inches wide, and 2.7 inches long. I'd love to see some data from a HPR flight though, if you have a slightly larger diameter rocket!

Well.....if by some miracle when we get the frenzy out the tree and it's fly able it will fit in for sure. Otherwise I have a couple of other 4" rockets in progress.
I was RSO and you were standing next to me complaining of dead batteries. If you disliked it so much, why repost? :wink:
I also forgot to mention how much I LOVED the Estes Snitch>Birdie staging that one of the younger fliers lit up! He was SO jazzed about the idea and just stuck with it overcoming the challenges and getting the job done. Not to mention it flew FANTASTICALLY! Two thumbs up!
I also forgot to mention how much I LOVED the Estes Snitch>Birdie staging that one of the younger fliers lit up! He was SO jazzed about the idea and just stuck with it overcoming the challenges and getting the job done. Not to mention it flew FANTASTICALLY! Two thumbs up!

Not olny did it fly, it flew great all three times. Christien and all the Hendricksens (sorry for any spelling errors) are avid rocketeers and but he was especially excited about this two-stage he had worked up. I can't say that I blame him.
Not olny did it fly, it flew great all three times. Christien and all the Hendricksens (sorry for any spelling errors) are avid rocketeers and but he was especially excited about this two-stage he had worked up. I can't say that I blame him.

It was awesome - I LOVED seeing the whole family there at the field flying all sorts of stuff from the snitch to the PAC-3. Loved it!
I also forgot to mention how much I LOVED the Estes Snitch>Birdie staging that one of the younger fliers lit up! He was SO jazzed about the idea and just stuck with it overcoming the challenges and getting the job done. Not to mention it flew FANTASTICALLY! Two thumbs up!

Was that a basic CHAD stage? It was great and I think I can use it to jazz up my son's Phord x150 for Acton
Was that a basic CHAD stage? It was great and I think I can use it to jazz up my son's Phord x150 for Acton

Yeah - it was a C6-0 > a 1/2A in the birdie. I think that a little tape was all that was in use for this staging.
Is there any chance of sharing the video footage that was shot? I seemed that they were recording every launch.


Hi All,

We need everyone who can to show up on Aug. 4th! We are going to be shooting some video for a promotional piece that will also be part of a TV show that will run in the CMASS area and NH and ME as part of a TV show on Science and Teachers and such. So we need as many people and Tents and rockets as we can muster to fill vid time. Same goes for the Aug. 18th launch both launches will be taped for the TV show and so we need turnout.

Thank You,

I hope so!
I spoke to a gentleman who had a camera, taking pic's and video, but completely forgot about the promo.
Footage is his and it will be used for a promo and I will see if he will make raw available, but he does this for money not giggles, so we will see. He is totally donating his talent to us. as we are poor.
Is there any chance of sharing the video footage that was shot? I seemed that they were recording every launch.
