Help! Insurance claim suggestions

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26 hour/day parent
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Dec 15, 2019
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Last Tuesday I was side swiped while I was stopped in traffic at a red light. Guy that hit me drove up onto the curbed median to get a in a left turn light and his passenger rear oversized tires did the damage seen below. I called the police and I have all the at fault drivers vehicle and insurance information. Obviously I need to file an insurance claim to get my car fixed. I spoke with my insurance regarding options and timeline. Sounds like I can either file a claim directly with the "at fault" drivers insurance OR file with my insurance and let them go after the "at fault" driver/insurance company for compensation and my expenses (deductible). I've never had to deal with this before so I figured I would ask if there are any opinions how I should press forward or maybe someone has lessons learned from an unfortunate similar situation. If I file with my insurance I know the level of service I will receive and will probably get fixed quickly but will be out my deductible while the claims are settled and I will have representation. Or just file the claim directly to the at fault driver and insurance?

Using your own collision coverage will certainly be the least aggravating. Going through the other guy's coverage will take longer with no certainty of outcome. How long does it take them to accept liability? Is it 100%? How will they adjust the claim? The photo looks like minor surface damage, but when the repair shop pries away the sheet metal (or plastic) additional damage is revealed - perhaps structural or electronic sensors. Will the other company approve a supplement. Your own company may have a net work of repair shops where they guarantee the work for the lifetime you own your car. How much will they allow for a rental vehicles while yours is out of use?
This really depends on who the other persons insurance carrier. If it is a reputable carrier (State Farm, All State, Farmers etc.) then I would go straight to them with the police report and let them handle it. They generally don't mess around. I've had to do this twice and both times it was an easy process. Just a couple of calls and it was over.

If they have one of the cheaper substandard carriers then you're better off going through your own insurance and letting them do the work for you.
I just had 2 accidents. First one in semi in OK, got rear ended while I was making a right hand turn. The other driver got a ticket. His Ins was State Farm. I dealt with them after reporting it to my company. They were fast, took my estimate from Timpte, called them and paid them and myself.
Second one was a deer, only me involved, Integrity was the Ins company, my company. They were horrible. I had paid the truck off 4 days before accident and they treated me like I did it on purpose just to collect some money. Fought for weeks. They sent payment to the wrong body shop as I presented 2 estimates. they did this cause Belzers give Ins companies a lesser rate. But Belzers were booked up for weeks. So I took to Apple Ford in Apple Valley, MN instead. Sent in second estimate, it was approved. But they now would only pay partial payments.
So it really does not matter if they are your own carrier, they ALL suck!!!!!!!!
The photo looks like minor surface damage, but when the repair shop pries away the sheet metal (or plastic) additional damage is revealed - perhaps structural or electronic sensors.
Looks like surface damage but there are some gouges and i believe there are some creases in the bumper. I'm unsure if these are repairable or will need to have the bumper and tail light replaced.
My car was hit in the parking garage at work. All the person left was a phone number and first name. They were less than forthcoming when I called, so I just handed everything over to my insurance agent after filing a PD report. I don't know what it was like on the other side, but I had a rental car and the body work repaired quick with little frustration on my part.
Open a claim with your insurance and have them go after the other party. The cost of handling claims like this is part of your premium so you've already paid for it. They're also the experts whereas I'm assuming you're not.
The other parties insurance is Geico. I also carry a big name reputable company.

If the other company is Geico, I would turn it over to your insurance and let them deal with it. My buddy is an adjuster and HATES dealing with Geico. Says they nickel and dime on every claim and a number of body shops in the area won't take Geico insurance work for that reason.
Last Tuesday I was side swiped while I was stopped in traffic at a red light. [...]. If I file with my insurance I know the level of service I will receive and will probably get fixed quickly but will be out my deductible while the claims are settled and I will have representation. Or just file the claim directly to the at fault driver and insurance?

100% file through your own insurance company.
You will be out of the deductible, until your company subrogates the damages from the other party's insurance company, and they pay up. That can last as little as a few weeks, to a few years. But that's still better than going through all that while your car is unrepaired.

Commercial insurance providers are the slowest and the worst to deal with, by far.
I found that out the hard way, twice - decades ago my wife's car was side-swiped by an 18-wheeler (driver denied being in the area at that time, then claimed his trailer was stolen). Then a few years ago her car was rear-ended by an Amazon deliver van at a traffic light. Driver claimed she revered into him for no reason, and his insurance (Zurich something or another) dragged out the dispute for 2+ years. Dispute went into arbitration, and I finally got my deductible reimbursement for that accident last month, which was a total and pleasant surprise.

The other parties insurance is Geico. I also carry a big name reputable company.

Geico is the WORST insurance company to deal with, by far.
From both the customer as well as the body-shop side of the equation. Many body shops will NOT accept work if they have to deal with Geico.

200% go through your own insurance!

If it's companies like Geico or Progressive your repair will be done with After Market Parts. If you have a quality company, a newer car might get OEM parts.
I've worked in insurance my entire career, let your insurance company represent your best interest here. It will be a "no-fault" claim on your insurance, so no worries there. This will also be an opportunity for your carrier to demonstrate if they can provide a good customer experience on the claims end.
Geico is the WORST insurance company to deal with, by far.
From both the customer as well as the body-shop side of the equation. Many body shops will NOT accept work if they have to deal with Geico.

I think it was @hobie1dog that pointed out on an unrelated post a few months back that companies that spend a lot on marketing tend to skimp everywhere else. It made so much sense that I've been wary of companies with crazy amounts of commercials and sponsorships ever since. Consider this and then consider Geico's ubiquitous commercials with the animated gecko. Plus the fact that they now spam me with junk mail every other week after I asked them for a quote once.
If you file with the other person's insurance, you may well end up arguing with their lawyers. If you file with your own insurance company, THEIR lawyers will be arguing with the other company's lawyers. In anything that may involve lawyers, always choose the option that has lawyers on your side.

We once had someone with a fake insurance card run a traffic light and broadside our car. Our insurance paid the claim (less our deductible) and we forgot about it. YEARS later, we got a random check in the mail from our insurance carriers and had no idea why. When we asked they just said that they had been patiently waiting for the other guy. He got picked upon a bench warrant after a speeding ticket or something, and our carriers lawyers wouldn't agree to have him released until he paid them. When they got paid, they returned the deductible that we had paid several years earlier.

After that, I'm more than happy to let our company's lawyers do what we, ultimately, are paying them to do. They're already on your team. Feel free to use them.
If I file with my insurance [...]. Or just file the claim directly to the at fault driver and insurance?
I've done it both ways, and it didn't really seem to matter. When I filed with mine, I didn't have to front the deductible while they got the money from the other carrier. I was rear-ended while stopped, so there wasn't really any question of fault. If you do decide to file directly with the other guy's insurance carrier, I'd still call my carrier and let them know what's going on. When I filed with mine (Geico at the time), I took the car to a body shop that was on their pre-approved list. The shop took the photos, handled all the paperwork, and it was about as hassle free as it could possibly be.

YMMV, of course.
If it's companies like Geico or Progressive your repair will be done with After Market Parts. If you have a quality company, a newer car might get OEM parts.

I'm with All State, but they gave me a choice when repairing my car. I told them it was 10 yr old Hyundai, as long as the color matched, I didn't care if they used aftermarket or OEM parts, whichever would have a quicker turnaround for me.
My Wife's car was totaled in a parking garage when the vehicle parked next to hers caught fire. In all there were 4 cars totaled. Not to mention the damage to the paint on the parking garage (which 2 years later has not been repainted!) We chose to file the claim with our own insurance. We received a payout within days and had a new car fairly quickly.
I got rear ended once. The other guys insurance was Progressive. They called and offered me a replacement bumper out of a junk yard. I declined and took it to my dealer and contacted my insurance company. Another time I was in the mountains of Idaho on a mountain road about 1 1/2 lanes wide. Every one hugs the edge going around blind corners. Except the guy from California. He hit me head on. I'm 800 miles from home and have an undrivable truck. A forest service guy comes along, looks at the accident and grabs a can of paint and marked where I was. Then grabs a pick ax and pulled my bumper off my front tires so I could drive it. The other drivers insurance called and offered me a lowball price. I told them no and that they would pay for my rental because I wasn't the one driving on the wrong side of the road. They paid up.
Last Tuesday I was side swiped while I was stopped in traffic at a red light. Guy that hit me drove up onto the curbed median to get a in a left turn light and his passenger rear oversized tires did the damage seen below. I called the police and I have all the at fault drivers vehicle and insurance information. Obviously I need to file an insurance claim to get my car fixed. I spoke with my insurance regarding options and timeline. Sounds like I can either file a claim directly with the "at fault" drivers insurance OR file with my insurance and let them go after the "at fault" driver/insurance company for compensation and my expenses (deductible). I've never had to deal with this before so I figured I would ask if there are any opinions how I should press forward or maybe someone has lessons learned from an unfortunate similar situation. If I file with my insurance I know the level of service I will receive and will probably get fixed quickly but will be out my deductible while the claims are settled and I will have representation. Or just file the claim directly to the at fault driver and insurance?

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[/QUOTE Since, you filed a police report and have all the information, you can go both ways as you stated. So why not try and call his company first and see if he/they agree it is 100% his fault. If yes....go let his insurance handle it sine you will not be out your deductible. Looks like just minor damage so using even their recommended body shop is ok. I have done it both ways, especially when I first started driving in NYC, I would only go to my insurance company, but one time it took almost a year to recoup my deductible as insurance lawyers argued it out and I was found 15% at fault.

Now if you have a low deductible ($200) then I might lean and say go to your company. I have a high deductible nowadays and now would try and go to the other guys insurance.

And if this was a hit and can not be considered your fault and your insurance would not go up.
Looks like surface damage but there are some gouges and i believe there are some creases in the bumper. I'm unsure if these are repairable or will need to have the bumper and tail light replaced.
Gouges, creases...they will replace the plastic bumper cover.......anyway a bumper is not a major repair. Again call his company and see if they and/he admits to fault. Worst case you wasted a weeks timeframe. You have the data and really nothing to lose. You car is drivable so time is on your side. I have had accidents, car was not drivable and therefore I went immediately to my company, got a rental and let companies handle it.
Oh and if you go to his company...also call your company, give all the data, and state you will try his company first. That way they have all the data ahead of time and you are suppose to report accidents to them.
I let my insurance company do all the work. It worked like a charm when my Z3 was totaled. In one month's time I was driving my Z4. Pain free and happy as a lark. Got a better car out of it all as well. Can't wait for my next accident.
Last Tuesday I was side swiped while I was stopped in traffic at a red light. Guy that hit me drove up onto the curbed median to get a in a left turn light and his passenger rear oversized tires did the damage seen below. I called the police and I have all the at fault drivers vehicle and insurance information. Obviously I need to file an insurance claim to get my car fixed. I spoke with my insurance regarding options and timeline. Sounds like I can either file a claim directly with the "at fault" drivers insurance OR file with my insurance and let them go after the "at fault" driver/insurance company for compensation and my expenses (deductible). I've never had to deal with this before so I figured I would ask if there are any opinions how I should press forward or maybe someone has lessons learned from an unfortunate similar situation. If I file with my insurance I know the level of service I will receive and will probably get fixed quickly but will be out my deductible while the claims are settled and I will have representation. Or just file the claim directly to the at fault driver and insurance?

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Can’t speak for Arizona insurance policies, but here in California if you file with the at fault it will most likely go on your insurance and could raise your rates as they have no one to go after. Because of this, I would file with your insurance and have them go after the other driver…if they are found at fault, it may not raise your rate or get dinged for it. Just something to consider.
My Wife's car was totaled in a parking garage when the vehicle parked next to hers caught fire. In all there were 4 cars totaled. Not to mention the damage to the paint on the parking garage (which 2 years later has not been repainted!) We chose to file the claim with our own insurance. We received a payout within days and had a new car fairly quickly.
In your case that is a Comprehensive Claim....not Collison. Insurance rates do not go up on Comprehensive claims and I do not know if your company would seek reimbursement from the other company.. Are there any Insurance brokers on TRF that can answer this?
Side swiped while stopped at a light is a collision claim and can effect your rates depending on the insurance company‘s outcome And policies.

The OP asked for help on how to proceed with his problem which I think many already answered….use your insurance company. :)