Got Milk?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2009
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Last night, I was posting a blog on Myspace while munching on some crackers with peanut butter spread over them. After I decide it all looks okay and post it, I think to myself "Self, what washes down peanut butter perfectly?" Of course, it's milk. Milk is perfect with peanut butter. So I tromp off to the fridge to get some milk.

I'm a guy. Being a guy, it means that after the sun goes down and everyone else is in bed, the carton is my glass. Some of you women may think your husband/significant other has been trained not to do this. You would be wrong to asume that. He does it. You're just not looking when he does. It's something that's embedded in the corner of the Y chromosome, right next to the burp and fart genes.

I learned 3 valuable lessons last night.

1. Using glassware instead of the carton does have value beyond not getting yelled at by your S.O.

2. Despite what scientists tell you, the singal travels faster along some nerves than others.

3. There *is* a difference in the brand of paper towels you buy.

I suppose I should explain. People rarely learn from the mistakes of others, but if I hope to have anyone get something out of this, it should be a little less cryptic than tossing out 3 obscure life lessons and leaving it at that.

Where was I? Oh, yeah. Blog done, peanut butter crackers done, carton of milk. I reach down, pick up the carton of milk and take a healthy slug. This is where lesson #1 and lesson #2 make themselves readily apparent. You see, while I know the touch and taste nerves should reach my brain at exactly the same time, or at least at an interval too small to be consciously noticeable, I swear to GOD I can feel the chunks in my mouth a split second before my tastebuds catch onto the fetid, rotting flavor of spent milk and start exploding like so many tiny land mines dotted over the landscape of my tonuge. Just typing this is giving me nasty flashbacks and I just know I can still taste this right now. I had managed to go 38+ years without this particular experience, but now my rotten milk virginity is gone.

Fortunately, I'm standing right next to the sink, which catches most of the spewing fetid curdled mess. I reach to my right and grab a paper towel and start scrubbing my tongue with it. I've seen a considerable number of those commercials for Brawny paper towels. You know the ones, where they put 50 lbs of buckshot or some such crap on two wet paper towels. Of course, since Brawny paid the bill, the Brawny one holds up while the other guy's paper towel turns into goo. I've always thought "look, man, I'm not going to be towing my car or making a paper towel rope to escape from prison with these things" and bought the cheap generic ones. Oh, foolish mortal! As I'm scrubbing my tongue, the paper towel is disintegrating. As it disintegrates, it's pilling up into these little soggy wet balls that are exactly the same size and consistency of the chunks of milk I just spewed into the sink!

Sheila, my fiance, my love, you win. You're right and, even after you go to bed, I will now pour liquids into a glass before imbibing. Oh, and by the way, I'm going to be a few minutes late getting home from work. I need to stop at the store and pick up some Brawny paper towels.
That's hilarious. Very funny story very well told.

However I know I'm safe from the same fate - I never drink domesticated bovine mucous secretions. I find it disgusting in a fresh state - your story a mouthful of curdled crud really turns my stomach.

Oh, and I'll still buy generic paper towels since I'm safe from this disaster of epic proportions.
And I am not going to try.

Just wanted to add my own "milk" predicament.
At our house two of our boys prefer whole milk and my wife and I and our daughter drink 1% or 1/2%, so we always have two bottles running in the fridge (one gallon each). We ran out of both the other day (this is a big deal to my #2 son as milk is about 80% of his diet). The next day I ran some errands at lunch time, one of which was to buy milk and take it home to keep it cold. Then, after school, my daughter went to the grocery store..... and bought two more gallons. Not to be outdone, my wife stopped on the way home from work that evening and bought..... you guessed it...... two more gallons.

Communications are important.
That's pretty funny! There's few things worst to taste than curdled milk.
Originally posted by KermieD
I learned 3 valuable lessons last night.

1. Using glassware instead of the carton does have value beyond not getting yelled at by your S.O.

2. Despite what scientists tell you, the singal travels faster along some nerves than others.

3. There *is* a difference in the brand of paper towels you buy.

I had to run to the bathroom to get something to wipe all the tears out of my eyes. Too funny. (well not for you, but for us)

I really needed to read this 1st thing in the morning!!! Now I'm looking to see if the little chunks start floating to the top of the coffee at work!! Many thanks.:mad:

Haha! Great story Kermie!

Your instincts to drink from a carton must not be refined. For some reason, I learned to shake, sniff, sip, then chug (and if the jug is translucent, then hold to light for a visual examination.) Using this method has yielded great results and avoided many sour milk moments. :)
OH my friend you have hit such a cord!!!! Ha haha haaaaaa!!!!
I must admit I too frequently indulge in this inbred behavior.
Your story is by far better told! Great read.... LOL!!!

But, my young friend...We mere men are prone to return to our predestined ways:D Learning from our mistakes is important.
Use the force Kermie...Smell is the strongest sense. Smell my friend... smell before you taste:D:D:D lol OH the tears, Oh my jaw hurts...OH LOL....HA Ha ha Tee hee he..............Rolling on the floor holding my sides!!!!
Kermie, you are definitely ready for 20 mins. of stand up comedy on HBO. That could quite possibly be the funniest thing I've ever heard.
What's more is, I literally had to pour my glass of milk *back* into the carton.:D :D
I won't attempt to verbally convey how loud I was laughing.

Yeah right.......Baaaaaahaaaaaaa!
There's only one thing worse than chugging spoiled milk, and that's coming home from a week-long vacation during the HOTTEST days of summer to find out that the freezer you keep in your garage, containing about 60 pounds of the finest cuts of beef and venison, lost power due to a faulty GFCI circuit on the day that you left.
i too have done this, and to this day i have trouble drinking milk in any form. I pour it in a glass, swish it around like a fine glass of wine (to check for chunks) smell it (a bunch of times) then sip.

welcome to the club my friend. and i qoute the commercial. "cottage cheese dosent come in cartons"
I just learned three new things while reading your story.

1. Never eat or drink at the computer while reading a story from Kermie.
2. Don't drink milk, out of the carton, while wearing Scoodby Doo boxers, at the computer while reading a story by Mermie.
3. Generic paper towels connot clean spewed milk off a monitor or keyboard worth squat.

There is a bar shot, called the "Cement Mixer"

(I've never witnessed it, nor have found any willing participants...)

2 shots: one lemon juice, the other is Bailey's, or some other cream based liquor.

Do the Bailey's shot. Hold in mouth.
Do lemon juice shot. Hold in mouth.
Shake head violently

The lemon juice is supposed to curdle the cream.
We can all guess what happens next...
Just make sure NEXT time that it has gone WAY bad before trying to drink it! I live alone and have the male gene that generally allows you to see only whats in the front of the refrigerator. I also only consume about a quart of milk a week. When the carton gets about 2/3 of the way gone, I get a new one to be readily on hand when the old one is done. A couple of nights ago I reached a little too far back into the fridge and grabbed one of the 1/3 full cartons that must have last been used during the y2k scare. I did have a glass ready to receive the "milk", but it was not needed. I tilted the carton up to pour, felt the weight of just under a pint of milk in the bottom of the carton... It just did not shift as the carton was tilted. At the point that I began to wonder what was going on, the white plug began to slide forward with a strange sound as the vacuum forming behind it drew air from the mouth of the carton. Before the block of sour cream made it half way, the carton was righted, closed and put out in a bag on the curb.

Thank God its pollen season and I have no sense of smell for the next month!!!

The 'fridge has since been cleaned out... I found several other unique items that were not immediately identifiable.

-Feeling your pain:rolleyes:
Originally posted by rokitflite
The 'fridge has since been cleaned out... I found several other unique items that were not immediately identifiable.

This whole thread is great!!!! Comedy 101, get a bunch of guys together and have them talk about milk. :D
Uhm... I work in a dairy laboratory and I resemble these remarks! ;)

As a result of working with and having to test milk to it's code date (and sometimes beyond), I've developed a really good nose for soured or spoiled milk. (You DON'T want me to go into how many different odors spoiled milk can assume!!!) And yes, I do smell the milk before pouring into a glass, cooking item or cereal - if it's even slightly blinky (a technical term), it goes down the toilet.

Actually, here's a good trick to tell if the milk is about to go bad - pour a bit into hot coffee. If it curdles when it hits the hot java, I guarantee it will smell bad in one or at most two more days.


(and yes - buttermilk IS just spoiled milk we trick you into drinking 'cause it's supposed to be good for you! :rolleyes: )
I'm still trying to figure out how / who was the first to 'discover' cheese...

What, was it desperation? A dare? An accident? Torture gone wrong?

Of course, I'm wating for the local video store to have a 'Cheese' section. A place for 'those' movies...
Funny story!!

I don't have to worry about doing something like that as I'm real picky about my milk. 3 days after bringing it home from the store, it gets thrown out. Don't care if the date it expires is another week away, 3 days and out it goes.
You know what MUST be a result of this thread?

A rocket that looks like a cow. (At least painted in traditional black-and-white cow pattern, if not actually resembling a cow in some physical way.) After all, I've seen rockets that look like rabbits and Santa Claus. And I personally have a chicken rocket.

(Better picture of chicken.)

Now, what would we name a cow rocket? Hmmmm.... :confused:
I used to have a cow painted Aerotech "Moo"stang. I painted it like that so that Phil would keep his hands off it at the first TRF get together (since he's so afraid of cows). The Mustang was his favorite rocket at the time.
O'Leary's Lantern


Just make sure to use it only udder close supervision
Originally posted by Yruc
O'Leary's Lantern


Just make sure to use it only udder close supervision
Yruc, I noticed you have a picture of Colin "Moo"chrie as your avatar. Also referred to as "Mr. Moo" on one ep of "Whose Line...". Coincidence?
Originally posted by vjp
How 'bout, "Whey up yonder" ? :D
Okay, I am in serious pain now. I think I just pulled something from laughing....

I've got so many rockets still unbuilt, now I'm going to HAVE to paint one in cow theme. Keep the name suggestions coming in, folks!

(Does this constitute a thread hijacking? I can talk about milk some more if that would help.)

Maybe a boost glider named Red Bull? Of course, I'll have to give it wings....

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