Estes price increases for 2022

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
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The Estes website ( ) has been updated with new pricing on all the products.

While I have not reviewed every item, it appears there has been a ten percent increase in Suggested Retail Price (SRP).

Several of the on-line vendors (AC Supply for one) have already raised their prices.
I doubt many cost of living raises will be that much.
I am starting to get flashbacks of the mid-70s, when inflation was rampant. At least we don't have to wait in line to get gas (I was what, 10-11, but I still remember it).
SS Income went up $95.00/month cost of living increase. The news said Covid has increased household expenses $175.00/month. We get farther behind all the time., and the Shareholders keep getting ahead year after year.
Holy smokes, you weren't kidding about the price increases. At AC Supply, B6-4 3-packs went from $6.47 to $8.03. 24% increase. D12-5 2-pk went from $7.19 to $9.03. 25% increase.

Thanks, our elected overlords for screwing us with shortages and massive inflation.
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SS Income went up $95.00/month cost of living increase. The news said Covid has increased household expenses $175.00/month. We get farther behind all the time., and the Shareholders keep getting ahead year after year.

Sad. Do you by the way have any 401K or retirement investments? If you do, then YOU are one of those shareholders...
Nope. I got 4% and that is the GOV. Most are going to see 3%.
We managed to negotiate insurance premiums will go up 3% and inflation will take everything else plus some, by the time its said and done I now have less to purchase anything than I did 12 years ago despite making almost $10/hr more. Yeah I feel screwed....
Holy smokes, you weren't kidding about the price increases. At AC Supply, B6-4 3-packs went from $6.47 to $8.03. 24% increase. D12-5 2-pk went from $7.19 to $9.03. 25% increase.

Thanks, our elected overlords for screwing us with shortages and massive inflation.
Yeah, what a downer. I was thinking I should make a bulk motor order before those price increases kicked in, but I guess I missed that.
I ordered a bunch of stuff recently (body tubes and engines) when the Goex plant closed in case that would lead to price increases... I am good for a while with my slow rate of scratch designing / building... Also picked up an extra 20 sheets of 1.5mm basswood plywood (200x300x1.5mm) for $24 just last week. Bit more than the $20 I spent for 2mm stock last year but still not too bad (although last year my first order was lost, they shipped me a new order, then my original shipment showed up a month later so 40 sheets for $20 was great!). More and more difficult to find inexpensive thin-ply as well.

Lumber prices are apparently dropping so there is that!
The Estes website ( ) has been updated with new pricing on all the products.

While I have not reviewed every item, it appears there has been a ten percent increase in Suggested Retail Price (SRP).

Several of the on-line vendors (AC Supply for one) have already raised their prices.
With inflation at 6.8 percent, that is not hard to believe. That is a rate I have not experienced since the late 80’s or early 90’s.
As a heads up, if you go to Hobby Lobby and order engines off their website, they are the old 2021 prices still. I went back and looked at my flight records from 2021 and ordered a bit more than that, so I'm good for most black powder engines for 2 years or so (aside from the motors that HL doesn't carry like C5-3, C11s, and some booster/upper stage engines)...

So you all might order from them to get the cheaper price, but I'd hurry.
Sad. Do you by the way have any 401K or retirement investments? If you do, then YOU are one of those shareholders...
nope, zero money in 401, zero in retirement account, zero in savings account, with many thousands of dollars in medical debt that Medicare doesn't cover, been that way since 2013 when I couldn't work anymore, and went 5 months with ZERO income before I got the first disability check.:(
nope, zero money in 401, zero in retirement account, zero in savings account, with many thousands of dollars in medical debt that Medicare doesn't cover, been that way since 2013 when I couldn't work anymore, and went 5 months with ZERO income before I got the first disability check.:(

Wow, that really sucks. Sorry to hear about that.

While I could have bought my doc who treated me for Lyme Disease an Mercedes for what I ended up paying out of pocket, at least my wife (the main bread-winner) was still working so while it hurt us financially a bit, nothing like it could have been. Otherwise, I'd probably be dead or permanently disabled (not that they give disability for Lyme Disease very easily) if we couldn't have afforded treatment. Most of the treatment/testing was "experimental" so insurance wouldn't cover it. :(
So true, and it is wonderful!
nope, zero money in 401, zero in retirement account, zero in savings account, with many thousands of dollars in medical debt that Medicare doesn't cover, been that way since 2013 when I couldn't work anymore, and went 5 months with ZERO income before I got the first disability check.:(
Did you not have opportunity to invest in 401K or other long term investments prior to 2013? Compounded interest over time and employer matching is a heck of a tool to get ahead. I'm sensitive to the situation you are in, truly empathetic, but its hard to distinguish your constant "greed/rich get richer" talk track when this post kinda validates lack of proper financial planning on your part.

Hope things look up for you in 2022.

Did you not have opportunity to invest in 401K or other long term investments prior to 2013? Compounded interest over time and employer matching is a heck of a tool to get ahead. I'm sensitive to the situation you are in, truly empathetic, but its hard to distinguish your constant "greed/rich get richer" talk track when this post kinda validates lack of proper financial planning on your part.

Hope things look up for you in 2022.

Yes, my wife and I both had 401's which we had to liquidate, paying the early withdrawal fees. They don't care what your situation is, as not one of the people who create these plans have absolutely ZERO concern for you. All they want is theiir money. No matter what happens to you (car wreck, stroke, heart attack, cancer, etc,) when you need your money that you have saved for many years, and then you need it to keep from becoming homeless, the greedy say "give us our money, it's ours, we are highly paid people in he medical business and the king of all Greed is the Bankers, don't you even think about missing the house payment, with the extremely high amount of mortgage interest they charge you, we'll kick you out of "our" house. and it doesn't matter what you're going through",,,,,
Try going 5 months with zero income, then add 20+K dollars in medical bills with collection agencies calling every week wanting their money, are you going to have enough savings to say" no problem"? My wife got let go of her job training physicians how to use breast biopsy equipment 6 months before I had to quit work, losing a 97K dollar/year salary, she got replaced with a blond 27 year old with large breasts (which the doctors like having them right next to them in surgery).They told her she didn't fill her calendar out correctly even though a month before she got her Quarterly bonus. Because I made a low salary, we had to sell our house that we had completely renovated and thought we were going to retire in.
I worked for 35 years and never made over $35k/year the whole time, try that too. Making 35K/year doesn't leave a lot of money to constantly dump into savings. You can call it improper financial planning but I put the maximum amount allowable into my 401 for years. The old saying is: "You spend your youth gaining wealth, only to lose it trying to regain your health in old age" . Only until everyone who reads this (likely young and healthy), loses their health in a catastrophic manner like I did, they will have absolutely no idea what I'm trying to explain. I feel it's necessary to explain this as well so that you may understand why there is much negativity in some of my posts, which you have called me out on, justifiably. I apologize to all I offend. As well as the OP of this thread for completely hijacking it.

Thanks for your well wishes too. Now back to Estes pricing.
With the price increase on BP motors, has anyone done the comparison for Quest motors? They used to be slightly more expensive but I don't remember by how much. I'm thinking both similar size and similar performance
With the price increase on BP motors, has anyone done the comparison for Quest motors? They used to be slightly more expensive but I don't remember by how much. I'm thinking both similar size and similar performance
There are less places to get them at a discount. I think they're still more expensive, but the gap has narrowed.
As others have pointed out Hobby Lobby is now cheapest option for Estes engines -- for what they have. Some HL stores by me have reduced down their rocket section (less higher powered / larger stuff, just starter sets and other family-focused stuff) so not sure if that will roll out to other stores.

Quest is still more expensive in D/E range -- partly due to shipping costs since no AC supply or HL options. Note: For costs of Estes engines, left most column is old prices at AC Supply (I have not deleted them yet).


I cannot find the discounted 12 and 25 packs of C12 Quest engines I had found before (not sure if I found these on Sirius or Bellville). These would be cheaper than Estes engines at this point w/ new AC Supply prices (since HL does not sell bulk packs of anything besides A-engines).
