Desparate To Move. Humbly Asking For Help

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Sounds like it is time for me to resurrect the EMP gun project... Wouldn't solve the dog issue, but sooner or later they would run out of generators..... Maybe the sonic canon...hummmmmm.... Oh wait, no , I said I was going to change my evil ways... Never mind.

Wish I had a better suggestion. I will try to get you a little something in the GFM account soon. I've kind of been there. When I lived in Virginia, all I heard every day was certain people's stereos going boom-bida-boom-bida. Moved to Texas, now I hate the heat and humidity. Grass isn't always greener. I hear Montana has some pretty secluded and peaceful areas...
Call the police, but don't tell them they are making noise.
Tell them they are shooting at your house and ask if you can shoot back.
I bet they get out there pretty quick.
Once the come, just tell them you called because you heard what sounded like gun fire.
They will search their home for weapons at least, and maybe give em an idea.
I've never been in your neck of the woods, so I don't know what people are like.
I imagine they are a cross between irate New Yorkers and Hillbilly Canadiians.
Not to offend anyone, but I had a girl friend for 10 years from Canada and when we visited there one summer, they were real Hillbilly's.
Top, all I can say is move to Idaho :D The Sheriff's here WILL help you out. They take Peace and Quite very can trust me on that. Plus we have HUGE areas to fly in. The Tripoli chapter has their spot just off the Snake River where the road drops into the Swan Falls dam, good fishing ;) On the South West edge of the Orchard Military Training Range. I was traveling out of the range one day and we saw a flat bed truck heading in. The cargo was wrapped with a cover that said NASA. What we saw was a boiler plate test vehicle for the Mars Lander Shroud ;) Almost NOBODY has a larger, less populated place to launch and don't worry about the Snake River Canyon, They've never lost a rocket over the's 2 miles away and the winds there tend to parallel the canyon for some reason so the vast majority of the time there's no problem with that.

Oh, the county across the river has, on the average ONE TREE PER ACRE!!! Launch area is the trees for miles and miles and miles....

Does Idaho have IT jobs? Also how warm is the winters and how long do they last?
Does Idaho have IT jobs? Also how warm is the winters and how long do they last?

Micron and HP have huge campus's here plus dozens of smaller support businesses. I don't know how they are doing these days but they are here. I guess getting a job would very much depend on your qualifications but the opportunities are there.

As to the winters they are actually fairly mild. This area is known as "The Banana Belt". Yes, we can get winter storms but usually the snow is gone fast and rather mild conditions prevail. There's a good number of forum members who post here that could back me up on this, we get nothing like the storms they get back east. Hot, dry summers with very little rain but that beats the crap out of high humidity. I summered in Illinois one year, I was never so glad to get back here ;)
Call the police, but don't tell them they are making noise.
Tell them they are shooting at your house and ask if you can shoot back.
I bet they get out there pretty quick.
Once the come, just tell them you called because you heard what sounded like gun fire.
They will search their home for weapons at least, and maybe give em an idea.
I've never been in your neck of the woods, so I don't know what people are like.
I imagine they are a cross between irate New Yorkers and Hillbilly Canadiians.
Not to offend anyone, but I had a girl friend for 10 years from Canada and when we visited there one summer, they were real Hillbilly's.

I resemble that remark!! (Where exactly was she from?!)

Seriously though, evil begets evil.. Have you take do your city / county councillor? to see what they suggest? They might have an idea or maybe a few other complaints for said individual..

Maybe something a little more subtle.. A "revenge" I always wanted to do was this: start sending them stuff. Embarrassing stuff.. Start grabbing the magazine subscriptions cards from "questionable" magazines, and put their address on them. Start signing them up for various catalogs, 'free visits" and other 'TV - free samples' and other 'free trial offers'. get them on as many mailing lists as possible.. Eventually they will get the questionable reading material & all, and have to somehow explain it. They will eventually get billed for the subscriptions & have a heck of a time getting their names removed. And, the added hassle of embarrassment explaining Playgirl Magazines & Depends arriving. Not to mention the added annoyance of having to return the Orick purifier, the Ab-master, the Bullet Juicer. and their credit will probably get shot in the process.. they
might loose their mail service...
Micron and HP have huge campus's here plus dozens of smaller support businesses. I don't know how they are doing these days but they are here. I guess getting a job would very much depend on your qualifications but the opportunities are there.

As to the winters they are actually fairly mild. This area is known as "The Banana Belt". Yes, we can get winter storms but usually the snow is gone fast and rather mild conditions prevail. There's a good number of forum members who post here that could back me up on this, we get nothing like the storms they get back east. Hot, dry summers with very little rain but that beats the crap out of high humidity. I summered in Illinois one year, I was never so glad to get back here ;)

I've mostly been placing myself into VMware administration. BUt my currently position is anything that plugs in is mine.. -.-
+1... Straight from the pages of "How to Get Revenge". I will admit I have used these tactics before. You can get enough "free offers" by shaking a number of magazines at WallyWorld to cause someone problems for Years. It's a nasty tactic but running a generator, barking dogs, and threats to personal well-being as well as real damages to your person while being refused legal help does somewhat justify doing what you have to do....

the law should be on your side. You say they ser up a "camp". Is there actually a house ro building, or do they all live in tents. If they're in tents, I bet there;s a whole passel of laws/ordinances they're violating. Start with vagrancy laws. Then try zoning laws. If they've set up a "camp", I wonder how they're dealing with water and sewage. If they're running a generator 24/4 I bet you can get them condemned. Around here, for a domicile (home) to be legal for habitation, it has to have running potable (drinkable) water, some sort of legal (probably certified) sewage system (city or septic system), and it has to have utility-powered electricity. You can live "off the grid" with nothing but wind power, but if you're in town, ya gotta have a power meter (even if it runs backward).

There should be someone with the city that is willing to help you. There should also be somewhere that offers free legal council. Maybe not in your town, since it's so small, but somewhere close.

I would avoid taking any sort of overt action on your own. As satisfying as it might be at the moment, you don't want to be the one that goes outside the boundary of the law.

One more thing, and this is pretty important: document everything you do with regards to this problem. Write down every time you talk to these folks. Write down the activities the concern you. Write down all the phone calls and contacts you have with city management and law enforcement - get names and describe conversations. If everything else fails, go public - get the local TV stations involved. Let them ask why the city is letting things slide.
TopRamen is not here right now to take your message... He's one of the people who have been locked out due to the maintenance snafu...

He'll get back to you just as soon as he can.

the law should be on your side. You say they ser up a "camp". Is there actually a house ro building, or do they all live in tents. If they're in tents, I bet there;s a whole passel of laws/ordinances they're violating. Start with vagrancy laws. Then try zoning laws. If they've set up a "camp", I wonder how they're dealing with water and sewage. If they're running a generator 24/4 I bet you can get them condemned. Around here, for a domicile (home) to be legal for habitation, it has to have running potable (drinkable) water, some sort of legal (probably certified) sewage system (city or septic system), and it has to have utility-powered electricity. You can live "off the grid" with nothing but wind power, but if you're in town, ya gotta have a power meter (even if it runs backward).

There should be someone with the city that is willing to help you. There should also be somewhere that offers free legal council. Maybe not in your town, since it's so small, but somewhere close.

I would avoid taking any sort of overt action on your own. As satisfying as it might be at the moment, you don't want to be the one that goes outside the boundary of the law.

+1 All you have to do to solve the problem is file a complaint with the town board. What is mentioned above is correct, you can not just set up camp on your property and do as you wish. There are local, state and federal laws, that make that very hard to do legally. Making your town aware of what they are doing will solve the problem. You actually need a permit to take a crap in the U.S.!!!
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the law should be on your side. You say they ser up a "camp". Is there actually a house ro building, or do they all live in tents. If they're in tents, I bet there;s a whole passel of laws/ordinances they're violating. Start with vagrancy laws. Then try zoning laws. If they've set up a "camp", I wonder how they're dealing with water and sewage. If they're running a generator 24/4 I bet you can get them condemned. Around here, for a domicile (home) to be legal for habitation, it has to have running potable (drinkable) water, some sort of legal (probably certified) sewage system (city or septic system), and it has to have utility-powered electricity. You can live "off the grid" with nothing but wind power, but if you're in town, ya gotta have a power meter (even if it runs backward).

There should be someone with the city that is willing to help you. There should also be somewhere that offers free legal council. Maybe not in your town, since it's so small, but somewhere close.

I would avoid taking any sort of overt action on your own. As satisfying as it might be at the moment, you don't want to be the one that goes outside the boundary of the law.

One more thing, and this is pretty important: document everything you do with regards to this problem. Write down every time you talk to these folks. Write down the activities the concern you. Write down all the phone calls and contacts you have with city management and law enforcement - get names and describe conversations. If everything else fails, go public - get the local TV stations involved. Let them ask why the city is letting things slide.

This family is the "Bane" of the town, but even the Town Clerk can't seem to do much about them.
The Law SHOULD be on my side, but that's not the way it works around here. Like I said, even when I was attacked while riding my bike by one of their Dogs back in 11', I was unable to recover damages for my medical bills due to a law here in Vermont that if someone has less than $70,000 in assets they cannot be sued, and these folks don't have any liability insurance.
Their family owns the land they are on, so they are not squatting or tresspassing. There are originally 13 adult children in the family, and they all live in trailers, shacks or campers on their property. A few of them moved to a different part of the state and set up a colony/homestead there, where I hear the conditions are equally abhorrent.
As far as water and sewage, they have a porta-potty that a truck comes and cleans once a week. They have jobs, and their property is basically all a farm, so they get by just fine, and since they are used to living like this it does'nt bother them.
Once, while walking my Dog up the road, they were shooting at an unsafe back stop, and bullets were ricocheting out into the road infront of me. I yelled out, "Hey, what they $%^&" and they realized what was going on and quickly came and removed the target from where it should not have been in the first place. I did call the State Police in that case, but their response was "What do you want us to do about it?" I told them that I guess I just wanted them to be aware and to make a note of it because if someone gets hurt, it needs to be known that these folks are pretty dumb.
Sadly, CVS Drugstores, Convenience Stores and Banks get held up almost every day here in Vermont, and the crooks seem to be onto something, because I NEVER hear of them making an arrest, so it's open season on Banks and such here.
Now, with the escapees from Clinton Correctional on the loose, who will almost certainly elude the Northeasts finest, they would have even less time to spend for a neighbor dispute.
Interestingly, the only times you hear about gun violence here in Vermont, it is typically two neighbors that feuded for years, and the police were well aware of it but did nothing.
My killing days ended when I left Iraq, and my days of being naive enough to think that there is a way to win against this family of hillbillies are over too.

It is time to leave this property. I have over the past couple of days gotten most of my important possessions moved over to my Moms basement, and have made many contacts in the Veterans community that are working to get me the help I need to get out of here, and am waiting on some more phone calls today. Staying here is not an option anymore, as even if I was able to make them leave, they would surely seek retribution which would lead to armed conflict and me ending up in prison.
The desire for revenge and thirst for retribution is what made me join the Army after 9-11, and I did my best to get it, but it is an emotion and a way of being which consumes you entirely and is extremely unhealthy. I will not be that person again for the sake of my Son and my Animals. I deserve peace, as I know I have earned it.
The only good things that has come of this if you can look at it that way is that I have tightened up a few more notches on my belt, as the anxiety has caused my appetite to fade. Also, I am making all these fixes to my house that have gone by the wayside due to the fact I did'nt NEED to make them when I was planning on staying.
I have taken the file folder that I was going to use as a flight log for rockets and converted it to be my moving log book, where I catalog a to do list and keep all of the contact info that I've made over the past couple of days.

Anyhow, It looks like at least I really have the ball rolling here, and there are even more phone calls I need to make today.
Like all things in life, a challenge can be a learning opportunity, and I will face this as such.
When I prevail, I will share my experience with other Veterans who might find themselves in similar circumstances, that they made benefit from my struggle. I have faith that this will eventually be like every other adversity I've faced, and become part of my past.
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One of the ladies I spoke with at the VA, who gave me some contacts said she feels my pain because she is living in a nearly identical situation. People living in Campers and bothering their neighbors is common in Vermont, and there are no laws against it.
As far as the folks that say "Mail them stuff they don't want", first of all, they don't have an address. A few of their dwellings have burned to the ground, but the volunteer Fire Dept. just lets them burn because they don't conform to the "911 visible from the road Address rule", which is like the only rule we do have in my town. In one dwelling in the aftermath, the FD found a 6 foot long alligator in a bathtub that apparently one of the family members had brought back from Florida.
They just leave the rubble, and build a new shack on a different part of their property.
The family was under control for the most part before the Patriarch died about 6 years ago, but then all the kids fought over who got what parts of the land, and so now they all just sort of staked out their own little lots for their campers and shacks.
On a brighter note, I got all of my rockets and rocket stuff safely over to my Moms basement which has a Dehumidifier and stays a pleasant 55 Degrees year round.
I'll get back to doing rocket stuff ASAP once I get moved.
When I went on my first deployment, I was married and living in a trailer park outside of Ft. Riley, KS. I had moved my family and all of my things down there. My Wife could'nt handle being alone, and took the kids and moved back to Vermont. When I got home all my stuff had been looted so I lost everything.
I won't let anything like that ever happen again. At least I have a safe place for my stuff to hide out while I find a new home.

Storing Rockets 2015-06-18 001 by Dave Holmes, on Flickr
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I did'nt receive any return phone calls today from the Attorney or Vet to Vet, but Doug Shrock gave something to my go fund me campaign, and that made my day. Thanks again Doug.:)
Insulation inside helps deaden sound, I think. Not sure what they use for music studios - something to look into.

The essential thing for keeping sound in is sealing. I had a leaky window and covered it with 1/8" Masonite, believe it or not reduced leakage over 90%, since the window did block some frequencies already. The only way to fully block sound requires mass. Deadening the sound in the room would help more than ordinary insulation in the walls. None of this adequate, but could help since nothing can happen instantly.
I am working on spreading the word.

On a brighter note, if you could call it that, the squealing Dog is gone. I have no Idea what they did with it and probably don't want to know.
I'de like to think they were just Dog sitting it for someone and that's why it was making such a racket.
They have Animals just to have them. There are still two other Dogs over there chained to their Dog houses, but they are pretty quiet. It's a shame no one ever takes them for a walk. I called our towns Animal Control Officer about those Dogs a few years ago and he said that as long as the animals have a shelter, food and water, that they can't be held accountable for any kind of animal cruelty. What a shame.
I know, I capitalized the word Dog where it does'nt need it, but I do that for personal reasons.
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On the Atlanta article... "Each has a lengthy rapsheet going back to 2001." Yet they are not in jail.

Something is fundamentally broken in this country.
My insurance policy covers up to $10,000 for mold damage, so I'm getting some estimates on getting the two lofts cleaned up. That will definitely make my house easier to sell. Thankfully, my house is tiny(650sq.ft.) so that ought to be plenty to cover the damages.
Once that is done I'll get an appraisal and find out what my best option is for putting it on the market.
I'm going to be painting the interior starting on the first.
My house is now incredibly boring without my books and rockets, but it does look a hundred times better, and not having any clutter is kinda' nice.
Now, just find a buyer that married his cousin (or sister), and they should fit right in with the existing neighbors. :wink:

That reminds me of the hillbilly who wanted to marry a virgin. His dad said, "No way! If she ain't good enough for her own family, she ain't good enough for ours!"

Sorry if that grossed anyone out. :eek:
First off, I am NOT suggesting violence.

But do you have any veteran friends that are, or hang out with, bikers? Not the violent gang kind, but just the leather wearing, generally tattooed, motorcycle enthusiasts. I have a good friend from church who drives a snowplow for the city, is an Air Force veteran (B-52's) and is the nicest guy you would ever meet, but in his free time he rides with other folks that enjoy motorcycles and they all look like the classic stereotypes (big, bearded, tattooed, etc.).

I am sure that if these folks (even if they were some distance away, just because often times they just need an excuse for a good weekend ride) would be most interested in the welfare of a disabled veteran. Although the police might not be willing to do anything, having 50 bikers show up in their "front yard" for a little (non-violent) chat, might make an impression.

Just a thought.
Any confrontation would likely lead to my Cats disappearing, as they sometimes go across the street to hunt mice and such.
It would be great if I could just keep my Cats indoors forever, but with 7 of them and a 650sq.ft. dwelling that is impossible.
If there were no chance of repercussions to my pets, I'de be handling this in an entirely different manner, but things being as they are I have to work through this with their safety in mind. My Animals mean everything to me.
I resurrected my Twitter account this morning in the hopes that maybe that will get more exposure for my Go Fund Me thing.
Now, just find a buyer that married his cousin (or sister), and they should fit right in with the existing neighbors. :wink:

That reminds me of the hillbilly who wanted to marry a virgin. His dad said, "No way! If she ain't good enough for her own family, she ain't good enough for ours!"

Sorry if that grossed anyone out. :eek:

I'm hoping that I can find a buyer that is either a complete Psychopath or a Law Enforcement Officer.
It would be nice to know that my home will go to someone that can't or won't tolerate such idiocy across the street, and will be able to actually do something about it.
The unfortunate reality is that a large but steadily growing minority of people cause most of these problems. These people have zero consideration for anyone else. I have had 2-3 neighbors that just had no idea that their motorcycles, jet skis, big block blown camaros, huge 4x4 trucks with no mufflers, etc were bothering anyone. What? Doesn't everyone LOVE the noise my toys make?

Unless you move to an expensive neighborhood with CC&Rs you're taking a crap shoot when you buy a house. I had a friend tell me to park in front of the house you're thinking about buying at random times of the day for a couple weeks. That was pretty good advice. The problem is that neighbors come and go. Any a-hole with a HD or rice rocket can come screaming up the block (or two or three away) and disturb the peace. In my neighborhood we have people setting off illegal fireworks in the middle of the night on a pretty regular basis. It seems most common between midnight and 4am. WTF are you supposed to do about that? Or the wanna be racers that do burnouts and doughnuts in residential areas in the middle of the night. People driving by thumping their music at all hours of the day. My dream is to move out in the woods far enough from busy roads that I don't have to hear this crap all of the time. Unfortunately my job ties me to medium to large cities.

I wish you luck with your move. I really do. But be prepared that there will be noise at your next place. It will just be different noise.

Rant off.
Thanks Chris.
This place was great until the jerks across the street set up camp. If my house was at the top of my property they would be distant enough that I'de barely notice them. Trouble is the logging road would be incredibly difficult to clear of snow during the winter.
The problem is that though I have 13.5 Acres, the only road that borders my property is 50ft. from the house.
When I move, I will thoroughly figure out the new place, and pick one where the house is located far enough from the road and bordering properties to at least have 500ft. between me and the road/potential place neighbors might appear.
Before the camp across the street there was about 500ft. to the nearest neighbor on one side and about 700 on the other. Both of whom are normal on the Grid folks that would only run generators in an emergency.