30th Anniversary

The Rocketry Forum

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2007
Reaction score
A little earlier today I was on the Tripoli membership site and realized something........

5 days ago was my 30 year Tripoli Anniversary

It is hard to imagine anything in my life that has been constant for this long.

So much has come and gone over all these years. High school, some college....on and off and on and off, jobs, careers, relationships, homes, friends, etc.

Yet, one thing has always remained, my deep and unrelenting passion for rockets and rocketry.

I have had some of my greatest accomplishments, and some of my deepest sorrows in life, due to rockets. No idea where I would be today if it was not for it all. My life with rockets has taken many turns through the years, some gentile and sweeping, and some dramatic and sharp.

It all started in 1991 with a magazine at Hobby Town USA in Naperville, IL and has taken me places and allowed me to experience things most never will.

In the early days, I spent a lot of my time devoted to EX, focusing mostly on hybrids and biprops. Was an RRS and PRS member for many years as well.

Thank you all for being here and being part of my journey.

Here's to 30 years, and to another 30+ years. :)
