1/48th Saturn V in the future

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
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This thread will prolly be a long ongoing thread for at lest 3 years. I plan on working on an 8" SatV (1/48) that will have all 3 stages! I wanted to see what you guys thought of it and if you could give me some advice (besides slow down, wait, and its a failure since you built it :rolleyes: ) I would like constructive critisizm. I plan on glassing this thing with 6 or 10oz all over. The 8" BT will be Sonotube and the rest will be some tubes I have on-hand (off brands) I will make the nosecone out of foam and pine and/or balsa. I plan on using all quaility Nylon, Kevlar, thick CR's etc. just wanted some advice. But hopefully when I fly this thing I will be 18,19,20,21 and will have had some alts and more experience. Please refrain from saying its impossible and rubbing me in the dirt. I get enough of it from some other TRF memebers.

thanx, Ben
that is where I got the idea!! :D I had another thread called "paper SatV" it was that one and I never finished because the guy never finished the instructions :rolleyes: so here I am

thanx, Ben
OK... I won't say "finish a project" this time;) I notice in your signature that you have not built any very complex models yet. As a starter maybe you should consider building an Estes Saturn V kit. It would help to get your skills up in preparation for a project so ambitious that I have yet to see it done, by anyone, in my 25+ years in the hobby. To start a model THAT complicated with the skills you have now may be a waste of time... In three years you will look back at something you did now and say "Wow, I should have done this differently"... I still do that today on far less intricate projects than yours.

Just my 3 cents worth.
I say go for it, Ive built 2 1/48 Saturn V. I would highly recommend Dave Weeks 1/48 scale plans for the SaturnV booster and the Apollo spacecraft , they were the best thing going to help me with mine. I finished my second one about a month ago and sold it to a friend, heres a pic:


If I can help in anyway, let me know!!!
:D Sheri
OH MY GOD!!! :D :D I am sitting on my computer smiling at that beutiful thing :) :p One thing you can help me with are the length of the stages. I have all the other info on tank diameters, how many ribs, etc. One reason, Sheri, they were saying be cautious is because this is going to have 3 J570 38mm and a 75mm L to 4 F39 24mm to a 29mm G64 to a final 18mm. :eek: That is HPR all the way!! ;) Rockitflight I totally agree and that is why I am going to talk to the guy in my club that has his L2 along with the LCO/RSO owner of the club who has been in the hobby sine he was 12 and he is fifty something ( :eek: ) I am 7 days from my B-day so I will be buying an altimeter with some of my money (whole nother thread) I think I will be going with a G-wiz since they are very programmable. I will also be getting some glass that I can use on the upper stage of this (2 and 4oz) I will probbably start making the nosecone in a few days/weeks. The "nosecone" will be from the very tip of the rocket, to the bottom of the apolo capsule. The capsule wil seperate from the CMSM and that will be where I would like to have 3 small parachutes (6"?) to make it look like the real capsule. This will actually be a 4 stage rocket. I am adding a small 18mm (A?) to the CMSM to seperate it from the rocket so it will land scale. :) Also, Rocketflight I have a 3" one with a 29mm center and 4 24mm in my room I am almost done with. I think I will test my skills by staging it to 4 18mm. Just so I can have more staging/airstarting experience. I totally agree with what you are saying. I just look at it this way: I have the money now and no real expenses, build it. Then when I do have expenses It will be easier for my to fly just need reloads not the whole rocket. plus it keeps me in the hobby longer. My dad did what alot of people said and waited till he was 30 to build a model railroad, he waited, started on it, got 1/3 the way done, and had to give it to charity and move because of his job! I will post pictures if I get any items.

thanx, Ben
Originally posted by sheri
I say go for it, Ive built 2 1/48 Saturn V. I would highly recommend Dave Weeks 1/48 scale plans for the SaturnV booster and the Apollo spacecraft , they were the best thing going to help me with mine. I finished my second one about a month ago and sold it to a friend, heres a pic:


If I can help in anyway, let me know!!!
:D Sheri

I think I love this woman. :D :D :cool: :D

[If my wife reads this, I'm dead meat!]
lol hopefully she hates rocekts enough to not even look :p

Originally posted by Rocketcrab
I think I love this woman. :D :D :cool: :D

[If my wife reads this, I'm dead meat!]
WOW, thanks for the kind words,
Im out of town right now, when I get back next week, Ill forward you the info you needed.
Thanks, SHeri
Originally posted by sheri
If I can help in anyway, let me know!!!
:D Sheri

First, thanks for the picture! A model like that would be certain to get some oohs and ahhhs at the range.

Do you have any data about how heavy your model was (empty) when finished?
What size MMTs did you include, and what kind of motors do you think would work well for a model like yours?
Any close-up photos to show how much surface detail you put on?
ok thanx sheri. I was just amazed at all the SatV info out there. saying that I was also amazed at the lacking of dimensions for the stage lengths.

thanx, Ben
I hope I don't get kicked for saying this "DIE :mad: " ;) :p How in the heck ?? I searched 50 links and you did that in what, 5min? Sheesh :p I will know be complete!!

thanx, Ben
Originally posted by ben
How in the heck ?? I searched 50 links and you did that in what, 5min?
Less than that. (They're in my ScaleData/Sat-V folder) :D
Originally posted by powderburner
First, thanks for the picture! A model like that would be certain to get some oohs and ahhhs at the range.

Do you have any data about how heavy your model was (empty) when finished?
What size MMTs did you include, and what kind of motors do you think would work well for a model like yours?
Any close-up photos to show how much surface detail you put on?

Launch weight was just shy of 6 pounds, the one in the picture has a 2 motor 29 mm cluster, It has 2 60 inch Chutes for the Main section and a single 60 chute for the upper section. Im not sure what the owner of this one will use as I think he is displaying it for now.
Ill post some more closeup detailed pics later. I will be building a 3rd one soon to do some extensive launch testing with.
is that a phenolinc BT with wraps? for Mine I Planned on making a small jig and glueing styrene strips on. INTENSE WORK!

thanx, Ben
Sheri, I noticed you are in Arizona--is there any chance some of us could see this beast in person at NARAM this summer?

I'm noticing that the spacecraft looks like a Block 1 without a Boost Protective cover--Did you use the old Revell 1/48 scale plastic kit?

Very nice-looking model.
Originally posted by Peter Alway
Sheri, I noticed you are in Arizona--is there any chance some of us could see this beast in person at NARAM this summer?

I'm noticing that the spacecraft looks like a Block 1 without a Boost Protective cover--Did you use the old Revell 1/48 scale plastic kit?

Very nice-looking model.

Ben, Yes those are glued on styrene strips. Peter, yes I stole the SM and CM from the Old Block II Revell kit, It turned out OK for this one but I prefer the Boost cover with the built up styrene like I used for my Saturn 1B. It was a lot lighter also. IF I can get my next one finished in time, I could bring it out. The next one will use the same built up styrene for scale accuracy and the block I SM.
This model I sent to a friend in New Jersey.
what are the sizes of those styrene strips? I know place where I can get strips in bulk (I hope so still :( ) If you could, whaer did you get those decals? Tango Papa?

thanx, Ben
Originally posted by sheri
Ben, Yes those are glued on styrene strips. Peter, yes I stole the SM and CM from the Old Block II Revell kit, It turned out OK for this one but I prefer the Boost cover with the built up styrene like I used for my Saturn 1B. It was a lot lighter also. IF I can get my next one finished in time, I could bring it out. The next one will use the same built up styrene for scale accuracy and the block I SM.
This model I sent to a friend in New Jersey.

...and we're all dying to know how to get on your "friends" list!

I don't suppose this is going to be a companion kit for the 1/48th scale Sat IB?
Originally posted by Chilly
...and we're all dying to know how to get on your "friends" list!

I don't suppose this is going to be a companion kit for the 1/48th scale Sat IB?

Hopefully, it will if all goes well with the Sat 1B
Originally posted by DumasBro2
Isn't 1/48 scale an odd tube size? Like 8.26"?


The closest I can come is 8.25" OD, 8 inch with .125 inch wall thickness x 2 = 8.25", close enough I would think for most!!!:D
Yes, that would be close enough. But isn't that still an odd size tube? Not to metion heavy.

It's not too bad, Its a large rocket when finished, 90 inches and the extra strength is nice to have.
Ok, I was just curious....working on a 7.6" version. 75mm central mount with 4 38mm outboards. I need to complete my 1/30 Saturn 1B First though...
