***SCRUBBED*** MMMSC 30 September 2017 Launch, Berwick, Maine

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I-95 Envoy
TRF Supporter
Mar 6, 2010
Reaction score
Amesbury, MA
The next launch in Berwick will be on Saturday, 30 September. The freshly planted sod that restricted us to a smaller area earlier this month has had four weeks to grow and strengthen. Scott will be checking with the farmer to ensure we will have a larger area (and, thus, can use more of our waiver). Keep an eye on this thread, the club website and Facebook page to get the latest information.

Set up starts at 9 AM and flying as soon as we're set up. Come early and get trained on setting up the range so we can all start flying earlier. Our flying day will end at 4 PM. Breaking down the range and packing up the trailer is a big part of making for a good day, too, so stick around an learn how to get things ready for the next launch.

Jason will be on the field with a lot of the AMWProX goodies. As always, if you have any particular needs, please contact Jason or Robert and Gloria ahead of time to be sure they can take care of you.

Is there anyone that is looking to do a Level 1, 2 or 3 certification at the Launch? If so, please do not wait until the last minute. You need time to go through safety check and set up on the pad. Time runs out quickly if you are not the only one rushing to cert at the end of the day. Also, make sure you have proof of current NAR membership and your paper work ready to go.

Also, does anyone expect to need the 1515-rail pad setup? Let us know ahead of time and try to be there to help set it up so you are familiar with how to work it. The same goes for the other high power pads; the more people we can teach set up and break down to, the quicker we can get flying in the morning and the earlier we can get to the all important debriefing sessions after the launch.

All of the usual rules apply:
  • Stay on the roadways - no more than two wheels on the very edges of the grass
  • No sparky motors
  • If you haven't done it yet, have your 38mm CTI motors checked for the proper delay grain
  • Any rocket using a CTI VMax motor and an active recovery system must not rely on the motor's ejection charge for a safe recovery; it must have electronic deployment for all of its events.
  • Positive motor retention especially for composite motors
  • Have your NAR (or TRA) card with you showing your cert level if you're going to fly HPR
  • If the winds aloft are doing much of anything, don't overfly the conditions
  • All the usual stuff in the NAR Safety Code, too.
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In regards to the CTI VMax motor restriction, I should have a copy of the joint Tripoli/NAR release outlining the issue with me if anyone is interested in reading it.

I hope to actually fly my Wildchild and maybe a couple of other mid power rockets in addition to my usual safety check duties. Might even have a FlisKits Juliet built to try out.
If we can use the full field and winds look decent I'm again hoping to fly some Ks to 5-6k feet. Fingers crossed...
How do we feel about the weather forecast? Rochester and Sanford forecasts are for greater than 50% chance of rain and cloud ceilings of 1,500 to 2,000 ft?
How do we feel about the weather forecast? Rochester and Sanford forecasts are for greater than 50% chance of rain and cloud ceilings of 1,500 to 2,000 ft?

As Scott doesn't come to TRF much at all, try hitting him up on FB or texting.
With no alternate day available, it could be a matter of waiting out the weather and getting in what flying we can.
If you hear something, please say something.
The weather forecast keeps getting wetter and cloudier as we approach the launch so Scott has called off the launch for the 30th.
We'll try again on the 28th of October.

In the meantime, there's a joint launch in Rhode Island on the 14th of October and a CMASS launch in Amesbury on the 21st.
Also, bring your small, lighted rocket to the NORG launch in Salem, MA, on the 7th of October. It's the last NORG launch of the season so don't miss it.
Well, that's a bummer. I was going to have to miss it, and I do hate missing out on the fun, but I'm sorry you guys won't get to fly tomorrow.