Nuclear Sledgehammer Build

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Chuck, I may have missed it, but why the two holes in the centering rings? (Not a cluster I know...)
Tell her it will bring you closer together. It has done wonders for our marriage. It works well as long as you hobby is not an escape.
That is awesome... I'm trying to talk my wife into a Level one now.

Don't tell her that everything you are going to do will be "fun." There is not much fun about spending the day outside in the heat, when it is humid, and with some very aggressive gnats to take pictures, hand paper towels, and otherwise be a gopher. It makes doing the laundry or the dishes sound appealing.
Chuck, I may have missed it, but why the two holes in the centering rings? (Not a cluster I know...)

That is a good question. That is to foam the fin can. I am not there yet, but I did the good part and read the instructions first. Well, my wife read them, I just skimmed them.
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I am following this thread anxiously! This is a rocket I could see myself flying in the future! Only one question; where the heck do you get a railroad track?

I have no idea what I was typing but I can not blame autocorrect - I was on my computer. Maybe I had some bourbon. It has been fixed.
Tell her it will bring you closer together. It has done wonders for our marriage. It works well as long as you hobby is not an escape.

My hobby is only an escape from the couch... keeps me away from video games and tv...

Don't tell her that everything you are going to do will be "fun." There is not much fun about spending the day outside in the heat, when it is humid, and with some very aggressive gnats to take pictures, hand paper towels, and otherwise be a gopher. It makes doing the laundry or the dishes sound appealing.

My wife built her own rocket about five years ago, a Flikits Tres, and once it was flown, it became a hangar queen... what impress' me most about it, is that she built it all by herself... research the internet for any tips she needed to finish the rocket.

But this past weekend we attended Southern Thunder with our daughter, and she inquired, however briefly, about what it would take to get a level 1. She asked just after a husband and wife team launched a rocket for her level 1... All in all, one of the best weekends under the sun my wife and I have had in a long time.

Good luck on your level 3...
Tom, Yes. She wants to build another level 2 kit and ket some more k flights first.
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Now it is time to attache the bottom fins.

It starts with sanding them.
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And sanding them some more.
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I chose to use some kevlar pulp and chopped carbon fiber. I mixed it until it was as thick as Peanut Butter. I think it looks like tapioca and pistachio pudding. I used Aeropoxy structural epoxy.
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I used Payload bay to make a foam board jig. Clarify: My wife cut it out. I just used the online tool and printed it.
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Carefully, I placed some of the mixture along the root edge of the fin. The instructions call for the fin to be used to apply the epoxy. I inserted the fin 3 times a piece until there was enough on the motor tube to facilitate a good bond.
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Epoxy and filler on the fin tube.
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Inserting the fin.
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Fin inserted in place.
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This was repeated on each of the bottom fins.
I did not take photos, but next, I slid the foam guide up to hold the fins till the mixture dried. I really like the kevlar pulp. It does not run.

That could also be the mixture I used.
Ok, another productive day! Slowly, I am making progress.

Ok. This is the Glue I used for all parts but lamination. It is a structural Aeropoxy. It is pretty thick stuff.

Taping off the fillets. I tape off my fillets to make sure I don't get epoxy any where else but where I want the epoxy to be. I would rather spend a little more money on tape than more time on sanding (my wife's idea). For this model, I used one inch fillets. I used a mixture of epoxy and milled fiberglass to add strength to the fillets.
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I used a plastic spoon to drip in the epoxy mixture. It is very thick so it took some time.
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I used a dowel covered with wax paper as a tool to form the fillets.
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As I make a pass with the dowel, I wipe excess epoxy off with a shop rag. I use Seller's disposable shop rags.
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Forming the fillet with the dowel. I make multiple passes to make it as smooth and even as possible.
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More passes with the dowel to smooth the fillet.
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The finished fillets. I allowed the epoxy to set for about 5 or 10 minutes before I remove the tape closest to the fillets. If the tape is left on too long, the epoxy will cure and the tape will need to be sanded off.
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Time out will I get my carbon fiber cloth. I will do sanding and filling tomorrow.

Should I use the LOC plastic nose cone that is 3 to 1 or the fiberglass PML that is 5 to 1?
The next step is to place the dome on the saucer. It was glued in place with us composites thick epoxy. A quart of epoxy was used to as weight to hold it in place. I used quick epoxy.

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The next step is to place the dome on the saucer. It was glued in place with us composites thick epoxy. A quart of epoxy was used to as weight to hold it in place. I used quick epoxy.

Hmmm.... I didn't realize there was a dome on a Nuclear Sledgehammer. :)

Is it just me or does the Sledgehammer look a bit shorter in that last photo?


Bridgett got so mad she ran it over with the F250 - I placed it in the correct thread and will leave the post for humors sake.
They stop and ask question on occasion. People to include the police drive by slowly. The police have ask questions once.

Most figure it is a toy or display. The police figure that I am not hiding it so I must be legitimate.
Doing things out in the open does tend to imply that you've got nothing to hide.

We erected a 21 foot tall rocket in someone's front yard. The neighbors drove by slowly, to see what was up, and stood out on their porches to watch.

Doing things out in the open does tend to imply that you've got nothing to hide.

We erected a 21 foot tall rocket in someone's front yard. The neighbors drove by slowly, to see what was up, and stood out on their porches to watch.

That is why I do it out in the open.
Chuck, let me go on the record as saying that you are absolutely Killing Me by not posting more pictures! This kit is one I've lusted after, for years. You're building one, so I'm trying to live vicariously through you.

There will be more pictures tonight of my wife putting some filler on the fins. After that, I need to wait for the carbon fiber cloth. It is on its way. I need them to do fin tip to tip. I may move to the upper section while we wait.

Questions for our audience?

1) I am using CF 5.7 oz and Fiberglass 3 oz. I assume the fiberglass goes on the outsize. Is that true?

2) How much will these add to the diameter of the tube?
1) I am using CF 5.7 oz and Fiberglass 3 oz. I assume the fiberglass goes on the outsize. Is that true?

Yep. The 3oz is a veil layer, there to minimize how much filling you have to do. It's not structural.

2) How much will these add to the diameter of the tube?

Not much. I'd have to dig fabric out and take a micrometer to it, to answer that. Though my carbon is a bit over 6oz, if I remember correctly, so my numbers would be wrong, anyway.


I am sorry for the delay in the thread. I have elected to slow down and wait for carbon fiber. It should be here this week. I will be starting a new thread on my new propellant grain oven.
Chuck, let me go on the record as saying that you are absolutely Killing Me by not posting more pictures! This kit is one I've lusted after, for years. You're building one, so I'm trying to live vicariously through you.


I think he's decided to only post pictures where he's smiling. So it may be a long wait. Maybe until it's on the pad...? :)