Milking more $$$$$$$ from older movies but, in 3-D this go round....

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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
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New Jersey
They are going to re-release Jurassic Park 1 in 3-D
Saw the trailer for it while waiting for The Last Stand to start.

I wonder how much it costs them to convert to 3-D.

I've never been a fan of 3-D movies at least not yet. The quality has improved but its still lacking. I find myself fixated on what does show up as 3-d and miss the "entire picture"
3D films give me a huge throbbing headache.

Last time I was at a 3D film, I ended up watching most of it with 1 eye closed which isn't enjoyable in the slightest.

I saw a 3D IMAX film at a science center/museum in the Virginia Beach area in the late nineties and thought it was awesome. The effect was so good, the surface of the water seemed to fill in the spaces between the heads of the people sitting in front of and below me. It was only about 30 minutes long and made purposely for 3D. I've not heard too many good things said about the recent wave of "major release" 3D efforts. I've even heard some speculation on the radio that 3D TV has been a bust and may be going away.

I watched the 1942 movie Holiday Inn this past weekend (I'm a sucker for old movies) and was struck by a line in there; something to the effect of "Hollywood is always looking for new ideas". Times have certainly changed - new ideas don't go anywhere near Hollywood these days. The title of this thread is a perfect description of the philosophy employed today: What can we do again to make safe money?

I'm glad there are independent filmmakers and theaters out there to produce some new product - the good old movies aren't being offered as much anymore.
If they were done really well, I would not complain......
I've been to about 3 or 4 3D movies and most seem to be an after thought.
The other reason being; they can charger you another $3.50 per movie for the glasses.

Given the tripe that Hollywood seems to be cranking out for the most part nowdays, I'd rather see a 3D re-release of Jurassic Park than most of the other stuff they put out. Looking forward to the next Star Wars re-release in 3D.

I like the 3D myself, now that you don't have to wear those stupid red/green glasses anymore. Those screwed up the color so bad it was rediculous, and I never really saw much of a 3D effect. The polarization 3D is MUCH better! I enjoyed AVATAR and "The Phantom Menace" in 3D, and if I remember right, I saw "Apollo 18" in 3D... which was WAY COOL... (part of the scenes are from the astronauts point of view, and it looks like you're REALLY walking on the moon!)

As for 3D TV... well, since everything's higher, I can see why it's not catching on... The 3D TVs cost WAY more than the same size 2D, the blu-ray players are higher, and the movies are higher, and they've been pretty slow about coming out with content, and there hasn't been the huge rush to add 3D programming by the satellite and TV networks that they figured there would be... so it may sputter out... hope it doesn't-- hope that the demand picks up, and by the time I get my next TV, I'd like to go 3D... but only if the movies and satellite broadcasts support it with content... otherwise, what's the point??

Later! OL JR :)
I'm glad there are independent filmmakers and theaters out there to produce some new product - the good old movies aren't being offered as much anymore.

Nobody watches movies that go off from the Hollywood formula...Cloud Atlas anyone? If anyone is to blame for the retreads, it's the movie going public.

I like a good popcorn movie as much as anyone. And to an extent, I don't mind remakes...apparently Dredd got universally good reviews...and no one watched it.

Also, 3D is one of those things I think needs to be limited to very specific venues and movies (ie The Notebook probably doesn't need that treatment). In my opinion, unless the screen is encompassing close to your whole FOV, watching 3D takes me out of the immersion because it becomes obvious you're watching 3D on a screen. It tends to look like puppet theater where people are shoving stuff in your face from a 'window'.
