PSA: Fireworks on (around?) the 4th

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May 7, 2017
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Murray, KY
I greatly enjoy fireworks and have enjoyed holding mini-shows hither and yon. But as dry as it's been almost everywhere, I'd encourage anyone interested in fireworks to go to a public display. Safer, and usually more spectacular, than you can do at home. But if you insist on doing fireworks at home:
  • Don't mix fireworks and alcohol. Period. Whoever has the torch is sober.
  • Professional ("Class B", 1.3) fireworks are illegal for non-pros for reasons. Training. Knowledge of safe practices.
  • Don't mix fireworks and kids. See it all the time, kids pointing "morning glory mini-fountains" at other kids. They. Don't. Understand. Consequences.
  • Don't...sparklers. Period. They are the #1 fireworks injury every July 4. Burns. They. Don't. Understand.
  • A propane torch is a much more certain, faster way to light fireworks. You aren't surprised when it finally lights...which it will, pretty quickly. You know you'll have to get out of the way in a half-second.
  • Placing "cakes" (show-in-a-box) in a bed of sand, and working them in an inch or so, is a very good precaution. Likewise with fountains and aerial shells. That mortar is probably not terribly stable.
  • Finally...ten words that would reduce fireworks accidents by over 90%: Do. Not. Hold. In. Hand. Light. Fuse. Get. Away. Quickly.
"Many someones don't realize that this is the last weekend they'll have 10 fingers."
All good information.

I'd like to add that if you are using reloadable shells, put the shell into the mortar before lighting it. They have longer fuses, but the fuse also burns much quicker than standard cannon fuse. Make sure you don't lean over the loaded mortar at any point, if you do it may be your face that is missing and not your fingers. I haven't tried it with a consumer shell (1.75" OD in a 1.9" mortar), but a typical 3" (mortar size) dispaly shell will punch through a 1/2" sheet of plywood and continue to function normally. You don't want any part of your body struck by that.
Fireworks are mostly illegal here in the Tinderbox State, for good reasons. Word on the street is county sherrifs will be heavily enforcing this. Good.

Several places in CA allow safe n sane fireworks, which stay on the ground but are still quite fun. Park across the street from GFs house allows them in the parking lot. Families have a good time. We'll go to watch.

None of the fireworks I could get at the Indian place in NV would "fit" in, just too big for this place.
I used to live in Azusa, CA, they were one of the few cities in the area that allow "safe and sane" fireworks. Of course, there was plenty of illegal stuff around too. One year, two of our neighbors both were firing bottle rockets and set one of the palm trees at the end of the cul-de-sac on fire. If you've never seen a palm tree burn before, they're like a big torch. The local fire dept came and foamed half the area, and the Sheriff came and of course the "We don't know...'s" came fast and furious. Nobody ended up getting arrested, but the next near there were no more bottle rockets.

There's a lot of stuff in CA to burn... even outside the hills.
Make sure you don't lean over the loaded mortar at any point, if you do it may be your face that is missing and not your fingers. I haven't tried it with a consumer shell (1.75" OD in a 1.9" mortar), but a typical 3" (mortar size) dispaly shell will punch through a 1/2" sheet of plywood and continue to function normally. You don't want any part of your body struck by that.
I once came across photos of a gentleman in China who had bent over a consumer fireworks mortor. Most of his head was gone. It's not a forgettable image.
I’d like to double down on Prfesser’s comments on sparklers. At first blush they may appear to be the most boring thing in the box. Kid‘s toys. But here’s a personal story…

Many, many, (did I say many?) years ago I was a teenager, we were visiting family in Oklahoma. Fireworks we legal and widely sold. After hours of fun with safe and sane, as well as some unsafe and insane fireworks (flying M80s?), all we had left was stinkin‘ sparklers. Lots of them.

My uncle retrieved a coffee can, and we filled it with probably 1/2 lb or so of sparklers, everything we had, standing on end. My cousin popped one a bit higher than the others, and lit it. After a boring 10 seconds or so the entire back yard was enveloped for an instant blinding white flash of light.

It was so dark until that flash, we could not see for a while afterward.

Sparklers may appear to be the kiddie toys, but they are not. The burns are serious.
I greatly enjoy fireworks and have enjoyed holding mini-shows hither and yon. But as dry as it's been almost everywhere, I'd encourage anyone interested in fireworks to go to a public display. Safer, and usually more spectacular, than you can do at home. But if you insist on doing fireworks at home:
  • Don't mix fireworks and alcohol. Period. Whoever has the torch is sober.
  • Professional ("Class B", 1.3) fireworks are illegal for non-pros for reasons. Training. Knowledge of safe practices.
  • Don't mix fireworks and kids. See it all the time, kids pointing "morning glory mini-fountains" at other kids. They. Don't. Understand. Consequences.
  • Don't...sparklers. Period. They are the #1 fireworks injury every July 4. Burns. They. Don't. Understand.
  • A propane torch is a much more certain, faster way to light fireworks. You aren't surprised when it finally lights...which it will, pretty quickly. You know you'll have to get out of the way in a half-second.
  • Placing "cakes" (show-in-a-box) in a bed of sand, and working them in an inch or so, is a very good precaution. Likewise with fountains and aerial shells. That mortar is probably not terribly stable.
  • Finally...ten words that would reduce fireworks accidents by over 90%: Do. Not. Hold. In. Hand. Light. Fuse. Get. Away. Quickly.
"Many someones don't realize that this is the last weekend they'll
We are having great weather for fireworks. 3" of rain in the last 24 hours, so we won't be lighting any of our firewood at the lake, unless I make a firestarter. I buy mortars, and am using my old launch set and ematches from amazon. If I feel like doing something complicated, I do a nail board. A Propane torch is perfect, as it goes out if you let go. If yours doesn't incorporate a trigger safety and igniter, go buy one, and throw away the old valve; they're dangerous.The new ones are as childproof as you can make a torch.
We had another inch of rain today.
Good tip, Terry.
Here in Pahrump NV we have half a dozen or so fireworks stores. Some of the people in town must by thousands of dollars of the stuff. At dusk on the 4th the sky will start to fill with aerial shells and rockets. With 100 plus temperatures and a dry desert we are guarantied to have fires. The town has a launch site many will use but not everyone. Last year the people on the next street over and down the block some were shooting off rockets. Mini versions of the big stuff. They were not going very high. Some of the cinders were hitting the ground. With all the dead and dried vegetation if they do it again this year they'll set the desert on fire. I have some of the safe and sane stuff I'll set off in the lawn. If the weather and wind cooperate I'll fly some of my rockets during the day. If you look at the cars in the parking lots of the fireworks stores you will see a lot of California plates. Some people show up with U-Haul trucks or vans. The Inyo California Sheriff used to sit across the street from one of the shops and record plate numbers. The Police would stop the cars and take their fireworks and give them a fine. The Vegas police would sit in the pass going into Vegas along with a Park Ranger. The pass is in a State Park. It's more illegal to get caught with fireworks in a park than someplace else. The Police had a semi trailer up there for the stuff they confiscated. Neither the California Sheriff or the Clark County Sheriff have done that in years. I'm going to drag a fire break around the property and have my hose ready.
I greatly enjoy fireworks and have enjoyed holding mini-shows hither and yon. But as dry as it's been almost everywhere, I'd encourage anyone interested in fireworks to go to a public display. Safer, and usually more spectacular, than you can do at home. But if you insist on doing fireworks at home:
  • Don't mix fireworks and alcohol. Period. Whoever has the torch is sober.
  • Professional ("Class B", 1.3) fireworks are illegal for non-pros for reasons. Training. Knowledge of safe practices.
  • Don't mix fireworks and kids. See it all the time, kids pointing "morning glory mini-fountains" at other kids. They. Don't. Understand. Consequences.
  • Don't...sparklers. Period. They are the #1 fireworks injury every July 4. Burns. They. Don't. Understand.
  • A propane torch is a much more certain, faster way to light fireworks. You aren't surprised when it finally lights...which it will, pretty quickly. You know you'll have to get out of the way in a half-second.
  • Placing "cakes" (show-in-a-box) in a bed of sand, and working them in an inch or so, is a very good precaution. Likewise with fountains and aerial shells. That mortar is probably not terribly stable.
  • Finally...ten words that would reduce fireworks accidents by over 90%: Do. Not. Hold. In. Hand. Light. Fuse. Get. Away. Quickly.
"Many someones don't realize that this is the last weekend they'll have 10 fingers."
"Situational awareness" is handy also...
Here in Pahrump NV we have half a dozen or so fireworks stores. Some of the people in town must by thousands of dollars of the stuff. At dusk on the 4th the sky will start to fill with aerial shells and rockets. With 100 plus temperatures and a dry desert we are guarantied to have fires. The town has a launch site many will use but not everyone. Last year the people on the next street over and down the block some were shooting off rockets. Mini versions of the big stuff. They were not going very high. Some of the cinders were hitting the ground. With all the dead and dried vegetation if they do it again this year they'll set the desert on fire. I have some of the safe and sane stuff I'll set off in the lawn. If the weather and wind cooperate I'll fly some of my rockets during the day. If you look at the cars in the parking lots of the fireworks stores you will see a lot of California plates. Some people show up with U-Haul trucks or vans. The Inyo California Sheriff used to sit across the street from one of the shops and record plate numbers. The Police would stop the cars and take their fireworks and give them a fine. The Vegas police would sit in the pass going into Vegas along with a Park Ranger. The pass is in a State Park. It's more illegal to get caught with fireworks in a park than someplace else. The Police had a semi trailer up there for the stuff they confiscated. Neither the California Sheriff or the Clark County Sheriff have done that in years. I'm going to drag a fire break around the property and have my hose ready.

You seem to live in the same town as Balsa Bill. I have been there, a nice place for retirement and freedom. unfortunately I can' afford to move.
As someone that has done pro 1.3 shows, I had to laugh at the OP’s comment on “training”.

Still, do your family a favor, don’t mess with 1.3.
As someone that has done pro 1.3 shows, I had to laugh at the OP’s comment on “training”.

Still, do your family a favor, don’t mess with 1.3.
We always trained our crew members and had annual training for the seasoned crew, new guys, fire depts, and even the state fire marshalls each year.

I have seen crews with laughable safety practices and no adherence to setback distance. I stayed well clear of their shows.
The best pubic (non club) Class C fireworks shoots are just south of Cheyenne, Wyoming (the best State ever!) Present a recent receipt from a qualified local vendor, sign the waiver, listen to safety briefing, look at the on site fire equipment and get assigned a box. All those launch deficient Coloradans with big bucks and many big cakes all going off in two dozen boxes around you is awesome.
When using Cakes or Mortars, a few bricks placed up against the sides will keep them from toppling. Fortunately we had very heavy rain for 2 straight days in Chicago so this will reduce the number of fires while making our lawns green. I spent my Fireworks money on Rocketry so I'll be watching the many people in my neighborhood who spend way over $1,000 each.
When using Cakes or Mortars, a few bricks placed up against the sides will keep them from toppling. Fortunately we had very heavy rain for 2 straight days in Chicago so this will reduce the number of fires while making our lawns green. I spent my Fireworks money on Rocketry so I'll be watching the many people in my neighborhood who spend way over $1,000 each.
Well, let's face it. We both burn money for fun. Just with different results. :D
For the first time in over 30 years I will not see the fireworks on the Thames River, New London/Groton, CT.
Streets on both sides of the river become pedestrian only.
I lived next to Fort Griswold and basically watched from my house.
They set up an exclusion zone on the river and from barges launch over 22k shells.
Of couse it is simulcast to music.
Sponsored by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe, Foxwoods Casino.

I have found pieces of mortor shell casings on my roof and yard the following morning.(phenolic?)
For the first time in over 30 years I will not see the fireworks on the Thames River, New London/Groton, CT.
Streets on both sides of the river become pedestrian only.
I lived next to Fort Griswold and basically watched from my house.
They set up an exclusion zone on the river and from barges launch over 22k shells.
Of couse it is simulcast to music.
Sponsored by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe, Foxwoods Casino.
The casings are usually taped gummed paper.
"July Fourth celebrations make for busy ERs
Some 10,200 people were injured by fireworks in 2022 (and 73% of those injuries occurred during the one month surrounding the holiday.)"
No big fires this year. I was sure I would hear sirens after the Sun went down. Didn't even hear one. Also there were a lot less fireworks going up all over town. Maybe there is some common sense out there. I shot of nothing.
For the first time in over 30 years I will not see the fireworks on the Thames River, New London/Groton, CT.
Streets on both sides of the river become pedestrian only.
I lived next to Fort Griswold and basically watched from my house.
They set up an exclusion zone on the river and from barges launch over 22k shells.
Of couse it is simulcast to music.
Sponsored by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe, Foxwoods Casino.

I have found pieces of mortor shell casings on my roof and yard the following morning.(phenolic?)
More likely just thick, hard paper. Shells are (usually) pasted with many layers of paper to ensure a good burst.