20 Plus Year Old Space Camp Rocket - Please Help Me ID This Rocket.

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.....OpenRocket's ..... "Chuck Norris"
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Mar 27, 2013
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Builder is the son of Dick Wolbers.

From FB, this is what he said about it:

"I found this while cleaning today. My son and I attended Space Camp some 20 plus years ago and we made and flew this rocket."

This one has my attention... Fins look to be based on the Cherokee-D, but that nosecone eludes me, and I'm really digging the long payload section.

I've got an ask to Dick for more info, but I wonder if anyone here is familiar with this kit.

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Builder is the son of Dick Wolbers

View attachment 534147
This one has my attention... Fins look to be based on the Cherokee-D, but that nosecone eludes me, and I'm really digging the long payload section.

I've got an ask to Dick for more info, but I wonder if anyone here is familiar with this kit.

I worked at Space Camp from January-August in 2008. As far as I know, this was a kit specifically produced for Space Camp. It literally is the Space Camp rocket.
Called in a favor w/John Boren, and it's a 1090 (1.09" body tube) based kit. Uses the same body tube as the Terra 7292.
Interesting. Was it ever generally available or was it made exclusively for Space Camp?
Exclusive to Space Camp according to John Boren.
But it predates his tenure, and we're only able to see one site (Worthpoint) that has any images of it. Neither of us could determine 100% what the kit number is. 1756, or 1766. If it's the former, then its kit number has been recycled (as an Alpha Bulk Pack).
Now the next question... John wasn't able to place the nosecone... It's clearly not the Estes HBT-1090 (EX2) Nosecone: 1.08" OD (1.033" ID) x 4.625" inch blunted ogive, with payload coupler nosecone.


So, what is it?
Exclusive to Space Camp according to John Boren.
But it predates his tenure, and we're only able to see one site (Worthpoint) that has any images of it. Neither of us could determine 100% what the kit number is. 1756, or 1766. If it's the former, then its kit number has been recycled (as an Alpha Bulk Pack).
I pulled this up with some google-fu... not sure how reliable it is but it says 1766 for the Space Camp Eagle.

This is interesting, particularly if there is another nose cone for the HBT-1090 tubing besides the one used on Air Walker and Dark Zero, which there appears to be (or at least have been).

I will be interested to see what you get from John.
John provided me with the front page of the instructions, which has a 072638 part number for the nosecone (matches the yellow one posted above). The Firestreak uses a 072626 nosecone, and that's a visual match to the kit in the OP. looks like we have a case of variation over the years. However, I'm lacking the instructions that clearly show one with the 072626 nosecone. I've asked for the rest of the instructions to finish up my sim of the version he was able to provide scans of.

Regrettably both Estes, and Space Camp seem to be out of these... I called and asked... The kit went OOP last year.
This is shocking. Is Estes developing a new kit for Space Camp, is Space Camp going to just be buying some kit from the catalog, or did Space Camp quit doing model rockets?
I think they're going with the RTF SLS type kits now.

Just located at the link below

Attached is the photo enlarged of 10 of the kits on the multi-launcher

I pulled this up with some google-fu... not sure how reliable it is but it says 1766 for the Space Camp Eagle.


According to the pdf at this link below The Kit was only sold as a bulk pack of 12 kits each and last available 2021

Page 4 of the PDF

1766 Space Camp Eagle 2021 Bulk (Qty 12) Pack

Thanks for the links guys!
Annoying that Estes recycles kit numbers as often as it does... Looks like the 1766 was also the kit number for SR-71 Bulk packs. Too bad the we don't know when they first went into production. However, we do know when it went oop.
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FYI there is a video of a space camp session dated March 2008 using the Eagle Rocket.
So that gives you an idea that the Eagle Rocket has been used at space camp since 2008

FYI there is a video of a space camp session dated March 2008 using the Eagle Rocket.
So that gives you an idea that the Eagle Rocket has been used at space camp since 2008
Thanks... I've managed to get in touch with Mr. Wolbers, and was informed that they went to a Father/Son weekend event at Huntsville back in 1997 or 1998.
That looks like the same kit that I built when I attended Space Camp 28 years ago. Man that brings back memories! Funny too, as a few weeks ago I found my Space Camp Resource Book that they gave us on our graduation day!
That looks like the same kit that I built when I attended Space Camp 28 years ago. Man that brings back memories! Funny too, as a few weeks ago I found my Space Camp Resource Book that they gave us on our graduation day!
It probably is... I hope you saved the instructions/kit and can find those too.
It probably is... I hope you saved the instructions/kit and can find those too.
Sadly, 12 year old me probably tossed the instructions when we built the rockets. I do remember launching them, though... Nearly everyone in my group had their rockets eaten by the trees
Sadly, 12 year old me probably tossed the instructions when we built the rockets. I do remember launching them, though... Nearly everyone in my group had their rockets eaten by the trees
I'm sorry to hear that. It's amazing the things we don't value when we have them, and then wish we had when we don't. I know that it's impossible to hold on to everything, but still...
Hey K'Tesh!

I obsessed over this kit for quite a while after my wife and son got back from Spacecamp 10 years ago (or so). They attended the parent/child spacecamp and got to build those rockets. They didn't allow much time for the project, so when they got home, we spent time fixing them up a bit. We re-glued glue joints and sanded/painted the fins.

I really wanted to get a couple new kits to and spend a lot of time and make them all pretty, but never was able to find them.

I did manage to get some in a very unorthodox way. My son had a Boy Scout trip to Huntsville Alabama in the winter. A tour of the Space and Rocket Center was included in our itinerary. I slipped away at lunch and wandered the woods near the launch area for a while and recovered a few abandoned rockets (many were scatter about in the woods high up in trees, but several were within reach).

Once home, I was able to pretty easily dissect them. I traced/recut the fins, and put together a couple in a more clean way than offered at spacecamp.

I scanned the instructions that my wife and son saved, and the remains of one of the decal sheets. I pulled a few decals (peel and stick) from one of the salvaged rockets and put them on white paper to get good scans. A friend of mine created a nice sheet of decals to print out based on the scans.

Here are my resources:

Instructions Page 1.jpgInstructions Page 2.jpgInstructions Page 3 (alt).jpgInstructions Page 4.jpgInstructions Page 5.jpgInstructions Page 6.jpgInstructions Page 7.jpgInstructions Page 8.jpg


  • Estes SCRV Decals.pdf
    840.7 KB · Views: 3
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Middle two are the originals built by my wife and son. Outer pair are the rebuilt recovered rockets.
Estes SCRV Collection.jpg

K'Tesh, if you're interested in any other detailed pics, scans, measurements, etc, please let me know. I do have fins loose and unglued as well and can get a scan of those with a ruler. I also have some spare nosecones / payload adapters.
Your scans are GREAT!!! Looks to be a newer set of instructions than the kits you have (the nosecone in the instructions is the pointy variety (072638), whereas the recovered ones are obviously shorter and blunter).

I've got good images of the decals (as far as making a sim with), but I could use a scan of them (with a ruler) for sending over to JimZ (you'll get the credit (if you want it)). I could use a scan of the fins (with a ruler) as well (ruler laid at the root end is best). I'm certain the fins are 3/32" but confirmation would be good. I'm guessing that the nosecone is made from blue plastic... I'm guessing again that it's likely a Polyethylene nosecone (nearly impossible to take paint), and not the usual Polystyrene (High Impact Polystyrene)(easily takes paint).

Measurements of the nosecone would be useful, to help establish if the 072626 is a valid version (or not). Lengths of the launch lug, and the shoulders of the nosecone and the tube coupler would greatly help. I've got info on the body tube (11" for the white one, 6" for the clear, 2.75" for the blue motor tube), confirmation would be appreciated. I'm curious if the engine hooks on your physical samples have finger tabs or not (older ones *MIGHT* not have them, but they're most likely to have them). Also, if you know, how thick are the centering rings/thrust ring (look to be about 1/4", but might not be)?

I'd LOVE to score a couple of the nosecones and tube adapters, if you're willing to send me two of them, or one of each of them... I'd be grateful either way. PM will be sent in a moment.

Thanks Very Much For All Of This! I'm really looking forward to getting this sim done (I'm also thinking of a BT-60 and/or BT-65 (modify an Olympus) upscale).

All The Best!
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I took some pics of the components all laid out next to a ruler, and can take some caliper measurements too.

With regard to the plastic, it sounds unusual to identify them this way, but I think it is poly-styrene. With multiple nosecones in a bag together, the sound they make when they clank is to "bright" of a sound. It's really hard to explain, but it seems that any of the polypropylene cones sound more "dead" when they clank together. I may be completely full of it, but I think these are poly styrene. And yes, molded in blue.

The engine hooks (both the ones the family came home with and the ones I recovered in the woods) all had the finger hook.

One more comment: these use a long length of 1/8" launch lug, 2-3/8" long.

Here are more pics and measurements.

Body Tube:
OD: 1.085"
Length: 11"
Three fin slots 1-5/8" long, starting 3/4" from bottom of tube

Payload Tube:
OD: 1.065"
Length: 6"
Wall thickness: (varied around circumference) 0.021" - 0.025"

Nose Cone:
Overall Length: 4.218"
Length Above Shoulder: 3.170" (stick the nose cone on the tube and how much sticks up above the tube)

Payload Tube Adapter:
Overall Length: 2.085"
Center Rib thickness: 0.070" (the visible part when a body tube is stuck onto each end)
Only one eyelet

Measurements too wonky... I'll just post the scan tonight. Need to pull the scanner out of the closet.

Raw Decal Scan:
(note a PDF cleaned up version was posted on my first post above)
(second note: this is just what I could peel off of one of the donor rockets and what was left of my kids decal sheet after being there)
decal scan.jpg

NOTE: I have a high res .TIFF image (about 26MB) if you want an uncompressed version of the scan above)
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