Your next 3 builds...

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I don't typically plan 3 models ahead, but I do have plenty of ideas floating, often not very well fleshed out.

Build Queue
Wildman Shapeshifter Jr

Idea Queue
Something minimum diameter, probably 54mm with a long burn motor
Something flying a K-627, if I can get my hands on the hardware
2 stage something
I like to build in 3s. That way theres always something to do. I probably need to start building a construction checklist though as these get to be more complicated, so I dont forget steps bouncing back and forth. (Makes a mental note to add this to the checklist whenever I get around to actually MAKING a checklist).

I like to have 1 large diameter HP master build, 1 FG HP minimum frills, and one park flyer under construction at the same time.

Not everyone needs carbon fiber layups and ovens for epoxy curing... sometimes you just wanna use some CA or white glue.

The next 3 are:
4" Dragon Tail
2.6" Aerotech Arreaux
2" Punisher SS

The build pile:
Sumo, 4" iris, King Kraken, Mega Initiator, 4" Aether Osprey, 4" MK-106, 3" Vertical Assault, 4" Darkstar Extreme, 2" shape shifter Jr, Goblin 3, Prometheus 4, 4" Avalanche
Currently under construction:
Semroc V-2 xKit
Estes Mini Max
Estes Super Alpha

In the queue for the next round (once the Great Planes Fundango is done):
Estes Saturn V (once the missing parts arrive)
Fliskits Corona
Semroc Space Plane xKit
14 years later, I finally finished the Fundango…. and I can’t find the Semroc Space Plane kit. Must still be in an unlabeled box somewhere.

Next builds will be whatever is in the next tote I grab. I have 11 to choose from…
Wrapping up:
Bull Pup 12C
Lance Delta
TWA Moonliner

Next group?
Apogee X15
Apogee 1/70 Saturn V
Boyce Falcon Heavy

Maybe. Probably. But all three of those are long-haul projects, so I may not pull all those out at once. The X-15 is slightly started already, so I may just do that one and then finish some simple/stupid ones in the meantime.
My next three:
LOC IV X2 (bought at LDRS 42)
LOC EZI-65 (replacement bought at LDRS 42, retired my original one)
LOC Vulcanite (going to be dual deploy)
1. Wildman Shapeshifter mini.
2. Wildman Lotus 3 (actually listed as Composite Warehouse)
3. Wildman Mini Mach carbon fiber.
These were all purchased during black friday
Since this is in "Low Power Rocketry", I'll just list my next 3 LPR Builds:

  1. Semroc Sky Hook (ST-7)
  2. Semroc Sky Hook II (ST-10)
  3. Semroc SLS Sky Hook (LT-125)