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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
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I was at the CMASS launch today and Neil actually knows what an A8-3 is :eek: :eek:

I saw him use one in a Triskelion ;) :D
The Triskelion is a new Fliskits rocket.

It flew great. There were quite a few at the launch and they were real good flyers... nice and straight even in the wind.
I showed up late for the launch (about 1pm), but *still* saw about 15 Triskelion kits fly :)

As for Neil... ...yea, he knows what an A8-3 is, he just doesn't talk about it... :D

Here was my favorite, hands down :) :)
Originally posted by jflis
I showed up late for the launch (about 1pm), but *still* saw about 15 Triskelion kits fly :)

As for Neil... ...yea, he knows what an A8-3 is, he just doesn't talk about it... :D

Here was my favorite, hands down :) :)

This, My Friends is the future of our hobby...

I like how her nails and the nosecone match.

Thanks Jim.
Ok.... somebody needs to fill me in on the joke ;).

Neil was great at the launch. He video taped for me, while I operated my Minolta. He helped me locate my treed Magnum, and he found my friends L2 Cert rocket that landed in the residentual area. That L2 rocket had my case in it.
A L2 machine that landed near houses!!!

Bet that woke somebody up!
That is a good idea. I need to keep a few spare buttons in my field kit.
Ok.... somebody needs to fill me in on the joke

Neil generally posts about HPR so it was a kick to see him enjoying some LPR........... That's all. ;)
Yes, I confess. I know what an A8-3 is. But I have an excuse:

I got a big Flight Pack of motors from Michaels with a 40% off coupon, and they had half a dozen very light motors, with very very little propellant in them. They said "A8-3" on them...

As the forcast called for 8-15 MPH winds, I figured I should use a little weanie motor for the first flight ;)

My Triskelion was so light, however, it actually got a somewhat-respectable altitude (considering how tiny the motor was). I actually flew it again on a B6-4 once I knew the wind forcast was way off. It worked just fine, I think... It cracked a few of the outer fins on landing, but oh well. Nothing a little glue wont fix. I didnt even see the flight, however, because my dad needed help with an igniter for his Barracuda. Jim said it was a good flight, though :)

Yep, I did manage to locate and retrieve Nikita's L2 rocket... It was really lucky there wasnt anyone home at the time (I rung the doorbell a few times with no response). The rocket was draped over a medium sized tree... Talk about bad luck. Got it down without a problem, though.

Did you ever get your Magnum out of that tree, Doug?

Got those videos I took loaded onto your computer yet? Im pretty sure you know my email adress... ;) :D
Originally posted by Neil

Did you ever get your Magnum out of that tree, Doug?

Got those videos I took loaded onto your computer yet? Im pretty sure you know my email adress... ;) :D

Yes :). I did get it out. I will tell the story in a new thread i'll post once I get all the pictures scan and uploaded :).

Interesting thing is.... Once I finished cleaning the big motor cases I fired (largest one is the 1050), I went to take a look at a couple new kits I got.. from Micro Classics... They fly on micromax motors. :D. I just love rocketry :)
The Triskelion? Wasn't that a Star Trek episode Jim? The Gamesters of Treskelion??? I will bet 500 quatloos on the newcomers. Now how about a kit named the "Horta"...
Originally posted by rokitflite
The Triskelion? Wasn't that a Star Trek episode Jim? The Gamesters of Treskelion??? I will bet 500 quatloos on the newcomers. Now how about a kit named the "Horta"...

oh! OH! OH!, that is a GREAT name! I can even imagine the saucer type rocket design for the beast! LOL
Don't forget the decal on the side that says "no kill I". Better yet, make it so it burns that in the deflector plate each time it takes off...
Originally posted by jflis
oh! OH! OH!, that is a GREAT name! I can even imagine the saucer type rocket design for the beast! LOL

A lumpy shaggy saucer?

That one would be easy...

1. Leave a snitch in you rear window until it kinda melts

2. Glue assorted bit of yarn to it.

3. Spray paint camo

Note: See the sectionof Rocket Challenge called Snitch-girl before you fly it.
Originally posted by Hospital_Rocket
A lumpy shaggy saucer?

That one would be easy...

1. Leave a snitch in you rear window until it kinda melts

2. Glue assorted bit of yarn to it.

3. Spray paint camo

Note: See the sectionof Rocket Challenge called Snitch-girl before you fly it.

OH! OH!, no, not a melted snitch, rather the new, FlisKits Horta Chia rocket! Assemble your model, sprinkle wetted down seeds over the entire surface and she decorates herself in just days! Amaze your friends, baffle your RSO! And, if you order right now, here's what you get....

:D : D :D
I think it would have to be a silicone sphere with a warning printed on it that prolonged handling will result in you yelling out "PAIN".
The horta kit needs sometype of noisemaker added too it. It has to make that odd churning rumbling-grinding noise when it moves....
Originally posted by rokitflite
a warning printed on it that prolonged handling will result in you yelling out "PAIN".

I think you must have pointy ears and green skin to be able to detect the pain.
... a T-shirt with an image of a damaged Horta rocket and text reading "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a rocket scientist!"

<i>(pssst- hey Jim! If you need someone to design it, I'm available....)</i>
Reminds me of something else that happened at the launch...

Doug sent me to go get some more flight cards, so he could fly his Magnum. I was in the middle of eating a muffin, so I just brought it along. I eat muffins backwards, you see, the bottom first then the top part. So I tell the RSO that I have a "muffin rocket". THAT got a pretty strange look from the RSO before he realized that I was joking :D

Hm... Muffin rockets... Flying saucer muffin rockets... Just stick some plexiglass into the sides of the muffin, stick in a motor and go!

Youll have to fry the muffin to a crisp first though... DOnt want a shred!

I wonder what would happen if you mixed poppy seeds with APCP.... A new variation of the Skidmark propellant? :D
Originally posted by Neil

Hm... Muffin rockets... Flying saucer muffin rockets... Just stick some plexiglass into the sides of the muffin, stick in a motor and go!

hhmmmm... you know the muffin man?

The muffin man??

the muffin man!


Neil was eating muffins and flying A8-3s.

What exactly was in them muffins? ;)


Store bought, though. Not nearly as good as the ones I make, IMHO :D
Do you know the Muffin Man?

The Muffin Man?

