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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Mmmmmmm. Aluminum... *drool*

What notebook do you have? My wife is thinking about getting one.

Yup! you can have my Mac when you pry my cold stiff fingers from the trackball!:D

...and I'm actually considering learning AppleScript Studio to make a simple CP calculator for us Mac users. (Sure, and add that to all the other stuff I'm trying to get done in my life.)
Originally posted by edwardw
What notebook do you have? My wife is thinking about getting one.

That's my baby on the left. It's a 15" Powerbook G4. It has the 1.33ghz processor and 1.25gb of RAM. I'm running OSX 10.3.5 Panther.
I also have the 15," same as the one of the left, awesome computer
shuttle = awesome cases

you know girls like the guys at lan partys with barebones cases.
All though I've never had any of the problems he mentioned, it is pretty funny...:D And one more thing, in the 1.3 years I've had my 1.25 ghz computer, it's never crashed...:)