So it seems a good 24-36 hour drying time is great for the filler primer. You can see the 29 mm calico looking tube there. On a close inspection it looks like after sanding most of the primer off I can get away with just applying the black/silver coat! I could put another coat of primer on it but I can live with barely visible spirals... and I'm fairly sure they'll be barely visible. Next to that is the stacked first/2nd stage parts which needed to be painted orange. When the coat was wet it looked like the surface of a sunkist navel (naval?) orange! Yuck! But as it has dried, it has started to look much better. I think it will get a bit better as it dries further (the coat is only an hour and a half old so far), and I think I can live with it even as it stands now. It won't be a absolute perfect paint job but I think it's reasonably satisfactory ;-)
Also down at the lower left on the blue board, you can see the final contoured hatch covers and wiring tunnel... they're ready for filling and so on. Once the orange paint dries a bit further I'll remove the last of the Tamiya masking tape. I cannot praise it more for it's ability to stretch and stick to a contour like a transition...
Well it'll be about 2 days before I can paint anything other than the 3rd stage body tube! That I can do later today.
Also down at the lower left on the blue board, you can see the final contoured hatch covers and wiring tunnel... they're ready for filling and so on. Once the orange paint dries a bit further I'll remove the last of the Tamiya masking tape. I cannot praise it more for it's ability to stretch and stick to a contour like a transition...
Well it'll be about 2 days before I can paint anything other than the 3rd stage body tube! That I can do later today.