Xyla Foxlin L2 certification kit.

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Some - perhaps not all - of today's comments were satirizing the earlier comments. Certainly that's how I took @Azamiryou 's post.

I thought it was obvious, but apparently not ("meta-humor" was a carefully concealed clue, ahem...)


Back to our regular programming.
Yes. The target of my post was those who can't stop themselves from commenting on a woman's clothing.

For the record, I am not actually interested in criticizing @NTP2's outfits.
Look, I can criticize a mans OR a woman's clothing as well as the next guy... its just not appropriate in an engineering and entrepreneurship hobby forum.
You just can't help yourselves, can you? You have to keep bringing it back to what she's wearing.

How about talking purely about the kit in question, her build technique, build skills, etc?
OT: I used to watch Giada DeLaurentis on Food Channel because I really liked her Italian recipes. Some of the recipes had horrible reviews, but when I looked at the actual comments, it was nearly always women complaining about what Giada was wearing on that particular show.

Hans. (Who sometimes watched the show just because of what she was wearing.)
Look, I can criticize a mans OR a woman's clothing as well as the next guy..
What I find so humorous is that's a TV show called "TMZ" I think... and it's a bunch of fat ugly guys wearing Jeans and T-Shirts criticizing what celebrities wear... Mostly women celebrities. And this is what America feels is worthy entertainment.
What I find so humorous is that's a TV show called "TMZ" I think... and it's a bunch of fat ugly guys wearing Jeans and T-Shirts criticizing what celebrities wear... Mostly women celebrities. And this is what America feels is worthy entertainment.
A show watched almost exclusively by women. The female audience likes 3 things. 1) they like hearing the expensive clothes/fashion, 2) they REALLY like hearing all the bad stuff said about the women who are prettier than they are and 3) they LOVE the fantasy that men actually would sit and talk about fashion.
Mr Moderator sir,
Maybe it's time to close off this thread now.
If and when we have Miss Fire kits flying in the community and someone is prepared to publish a build thread, then we can start over with a fresh post and try and keep it to the subject at hand.
Xyla, good fortune with your kits and growing your business.
OT: I used to watch Giada DeLaurentis on Food Channel because I really liked her Italian recipes. Some of the recipes had horrible reviews, but when I looked at the actual comments, it was nearly always women complaining about what Giada was wearing on that particular show.

Hans. (Who sometimes watched the show just because of what she was wearing.)
Giada is rather attractive. I tease my wife about this when I prepare her swordfish with lemon and mint. But the recipe is a good one.
Um....boys.....some of you might find this of interest.


Everyone should read that article. Sexual harassment which is often viewed as “teasing” is a powerful and crippling thing.

Allow me to share a story from my youth. It was 1989 and I was a young 2LT serving in the 2nd Infantry Division at Camp Casey Korea (Second to None!!!!)

While there I became friends with another 2LT who was a Quartermaster Officer. We billeted in the same officers quarters and the group of us who lived there spent a lot of time together as colleagues cavorting at the O Club after work.

One day on the weekend when we were off duty, we were in Civilian Clothes and decided to go to the PX. A detail that is important is that this female LT was a Korean American. She was born in CA and received her commission by attending the US Military Academy at West Point. She was no joke.

So on this walk to the PX we encountered some soldiers who were in uniform. Enlisted guys. They immediately started cat calling and making very suggestive sexual comments. To their eyes she was likely a prostitute of which there were many just outside the main gate, and not a Commissioner Officer who should have their respect. Or the respect any woman should receive for that matter.

The change over her was immediate. She burst into tears and became an emotional mess. We turned around and went back to our quarters where I attempted to be supportive. Eventually the tears stopped and we started to talk about what to do next.

I formulated a plan which she reluctantly agreed to. We both got into our BDUs and marched over to the company area where these soldiers were assigned. Since they were in uniform we collectively had their names and we knew which company they were assigned to. We asked to see the company commander who was on duty. We marched into his office and relayed what happened and asked what he was going to do about it? He asked if we could identify these soldiers and we said we could. He said follow me and we went to the motor pool where the unit was doing recovery from a recent field exercise. He called his first sergeant and he quickly relayed the situation and we gave him the names. The first sergeant got his squad leaders to find these guys and brought them over to be identified.

The soldiers eyes got as big as silver dollars when they saw us in uniform and realized we were Officers. The first sergeant asked if these were the guys and my Lieutenant Friend said yes that was them. The Company Commander said thanks Lieutenants, I’ll take it from here.

What happened next was we both gave sworn statements and the solders received article 15s for their behavior which is a form of non Judicial punishment. I think they got busted down a rank and had additional duty for 3 months.

The moral of the story as men, it’s not good enough to not be a sexual harasser yourself, but to be an advocate for women who are harassed. I’m sure those young soldiers will
never forget that event as I haven’t some 36 years later. I’m also sure that behavior would not have been attenuated had I not been there to be supportive and suggest we bring the situation to the attention of someone who could do something about it.
Congrats to everyone who made ass of themselves, or took the opportunity to virtue signal.

Can we get back to rocketry?
Virtue signaling is when you pretend to care but actually do nothing.

Another maxim I learned in my time in the military which I have found to be true is: “if you aren’t part of the solution you are part of the problem’”
Um....boys.....some of you might find this of interest.


I just got the opportunity to read that, I knew about the airplane refueling incident but not the others. I agree with the point that we’d never know about grace hoper or other females in the sciences unless we still viewed them differently than others.
This is a very worthwhile subject which, deserves recognition and debate, but it ought, in my opinion, to be in it's own thread. Let's keep this about the kit.
Personally, if I am confronted by a woman in a male dominated industry, such as airline captain, I think great! She probably has to be above average to get where she is.
Congrats to everyone who made ass of themselves, or took the opportunity to virtue signal.

Can we get back to rocketry?

The behavior happened here, therefore this is the correct place to call it out.

It's also 100% about rocketry, because rocketry has a problem with misogynistic comments and "humor", as displayed in this very thread. It's also not unique to this thread.

Sticking your head in the sand and ignoring it is giving it implied consent.

"Why aren't the women speaking up, if it's so bad?" Because they'll be absolutely vilified if they do.

The thread started out about the kit, then people had to pivot it to being about her appearance. Then people felt it appropriate to make jokes about appearance, which downplays the significance of the initial comments. From there, people segued to a celebrity chef....and commented about her appearance. All on a rocketry forum.

But you think calling that out is virtue signaling and isn't an indication of a problem in the hobby.
The behavior happened here, therefore this is the correct place to call it out.

It's also 100% about rocketry, because rocketry has a problem with misogynistic comments and "humor", as displayed in this very thread. It's also not unique to this thread.

Sticking your head in the sand and ignoring it is giving it implied consent.

"Why aren't the women speaking up, if it's so bad?" Because they'll be absolutely vilified if they do.

The thread started out about the kit, then people had to pivot it to being about her appearance. Then people felt it appropriate to make jokes about appearance, which downplays the significance of the initial comments. From there, people segued to a celebrity chef....and commented about her appearance. All on a rocketry forum.

But you think calling that out is virtue signaling and isn't an indication of a problem in the hobby.
You said it better than I ever could. This forum is an online version of community. If you were standing in your front yard, and the neighbor across the street made disparaging comments about your daughter, would you standby and do nothing? Or would you call that out, in the most visible and undeniable way?

Silence = acquiescence = acceptance
You're tilting at the wrong windmill here my guy.

You just got here white knighting a thread been going on for more than a month. IIRC, there was precisely ONE comment out of line, and several people immediately called it out.

Then we talked about rockets, then the effect of celebrity, then about rockets, then about attractive celebrity effects, and now apparently about your Johnny come lately virtue signalling.

Did you buy the kit? That's kinda ll anyone wants to know.
I just got the opportunity to read that, I knew about the airplane refueling incident but not the others. I agree with the point that we’d never know about grace hoper or other females in the sciences unless we still viewed them differently than others.
I'm going to personally disagree with Grace Hopper. As a long-time computer geek, Adm. Hopper was notable for two very important milestones that would have etched her name in my mind no matter her gender. First, she is allegedly the first person to document a bug in a program, by taping a moth that was caught in a relay to the logbook. Second, she is responsible for creating the language COBOL, which you may love or hate, but can't ignore, since the vast majority of code running on mainframes is written in COBOL.
I'm going to personally disagree with Grace Hopper. As a long-time computer geek, Adm. Hopper was notable for two very important milestones that would have etched her name in my mind no matter her gender. First, she is allegedly the first person to document a bug in a program, by taping a moth that was caught in a relay to the logbook. Second, she is responsible for creating the language COBOL, which you may love or hate, but can't ignore, since the vast majority of code running on mainframes is written in COBOL.
How many non computer geeks know what COBOL is? They could have but not definitely heard of bugs.
How many non computer geeks know what COBOL is? They could have but not definitely heard of bugs.
I think you have it backwards. Most non-computer geeks have heard of bugs, but not of COBOL. On the other hand, most non-computer geeks would not have heard the apocryphal story of the moth taped to the logbook.