Woosh Rocketry High Power Launch at the Bong, May 20th-21st.

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SS/EA 6BBL 71 Cuda

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Anyone else planning to hit the Bong this weekend? :rolleyes:
Might be a little *misty* out with rain in the prediction for latter this week. :rolleyes:
I've got something to Smoke the sky with! ;)

Plans are to be there on Sunday only and, fly the final continuation of the "Sabrina's Air Space Flown Shirt Project". A Wildman Ultimate Interceptor AAD on a really small CTI 75mm M motor with this in the nosecone.

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Wildman Hobbies! Your one stop rocketry shop...Will be there too! *SHAMELESS PLUG* :p

As you can see there's STILL alot of space on the shirt (which was flown at LDRS last month) for MORE signatures! :D

So....If some guy with a quasi Wisconsin/Indiana accent walks up carrying a shirt and, a boatload of brightly colored pens on Sunday and, asks you to sign it. Please do. It's going to a deserving young lady (after i fish it out of the swamp). :shock:
NO WORRIES! It will be stuffed into TWO water tight baggies before being stuffed into the nosecone payload bay...
Hope that the weather clears up and, looking forward to being there!

I'll make my go or no-go decision on Saturday afternoon and, post it here.
Maybe? Got my sons cub scouts rocket launch on Sat, but if it gets rained out, the launch is moved to Sunday. If I do fly at WOOSH on sun, not sure what I'll fly.
Gus, I haven't made it to the "Bong" all year, so, maybe this is the carrot that gets me to follow you out to a launch. I'll only bring small stuff, as the big stuff will be for mini MWP the next weekend.
Hi Gus...I plan on being there on Sun. Will be happy to sign the shirt. If the weather holds, I'll see you there. Greg Olson
I'm really feeling the LOVE here! :eek: We've got some maybe's and, I'm thinking I could twist a few more arms! I never get too worked up about weather till the day before a launch...so I'm crossing my fingers and, I'm sure that sometime between now and, then.

I will sacrifice some Chicken (trust me it works to hold off rain). Let's see...I've got some Tyson Spicy Barbeque Wings, some Honey Glazed Drumsticks...Some-:p
Still planning to be there on Sunday! ;) Haven't heard much about the weather cancelling it out, so here we go!
Taking off shortly on my four hour drive north.

This is the final chapter in several promises-

1. To build a rocket.
2. To visit and, fly with the MDRA crew during their shot at LDRS.
3. Get a commerative shirt.
4. Have it signed by a boatload of people.
5. Get the rocket back.
6. Bring it to Bong. (A former LDRS field.)
7. Get more signatures.
8. Fly it again.
9. Fight the Gators in the swamp but, get it back.
10. Hand it to a deserving young lady in her backyard...not very far from where I grew up 40 years ago...

The Freight Train leaves the station shortly heading to his staging point until morning...
Hope to see you there!

We have liftoff and, cleared the tower-the clock is rolling Milwaukee Control! *beep*
Roger that "Freight Train" looking good! *beep*
Dear Uncle Gus,
Thanks for coming to the launch today and thanks for all the cool LDRS swag and the T-Shirt, It's Awesome!

You should come to Bong in the Challenger next time. You'll probably get here much faster with the Challenger, and besides, I have lots more bumper stickers for you. :) :lol: :surprised: :facepalm: :cool:





Launch Photos

I know that guy from some where. :point: Just can't think where :confused: Thanks for the pictures Scott!

Dear Uncle Gus,
Thanks for coming to the launch today and thanks for all the cool LDRS swag and the T-Shirt, It's Awesome!

You should come to Bong in the Challenger next time. You'll probably get here much faster with the Challenger, and besides, I have lots more bumper stickers for you. :) :lol: :surprised: :facepalm: :cool:

Just remember magnetic strip bumper stickers don't stick to Urethane bumpers! ;) :lol:
Oh &$@%! she MIGHT use duct tape next time...:jaw:

Today was a great day for many at Bong! I flew Cosmic Cheesecake for only its second flight, this time on a CTI M3100 White Thunder. Recovered just 100 yards northwest of the "taxiway" restrooms...she belted out a 6591' stretch!

I would like to thank WOOSH for putting on a great event and, all the help with pre launch!
The Sager family for all their help-photos-and, the great cinnamon rolls for breakfast! :p
Good friends Adrian Butler and, Sather Ranum for showing up and, all their support!
Tim Leher of Wildman Hobbies for helping me work through a minor glitch this morning so we could get that critter off the pad!
To ALL of you for signing Sabrina's shirt before we stuffed it into the nosecone and, sent it up!
I figure we added around 25 MORE signatures and, well wishes to the already 34 on the shirt from LDRS...

I will see some of soon at Mini Midwest Power next week in Princeton Illinois and, if I don't be careful and, fly safe.

Plans are to be back for the June two day launch to see Miss Sabrina Jr. L-1!:wave:

Now where did I put that super slick silicone car wax? :tongue:
Visions of that silly Squatty Potty ad, complete with the pooping unicorn, have popped into my mind! Thank you very little Sabrina!!!

Hope to see you all at Mini Midwest Power, and hoping for dry weather and safe travels.