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Have never had need of customer service from Rocketarium, so have never conversed with Pavel, but all of my Rocketarium orders have been promptly fulfilled, securely packed, and have been products I can't get elsewhere. I'm a fan.
I have several of the kits. I really like them, fly them often. Unfortunately, the Frangible Arcas had a heavy crash after a failed ejection charge on a - wait for it - Qjet. Not sure how repairable it is.

So the Frangible Arcas was too..............
Wait for it.................
Nyuk, nyuk.
Which Q-Jet was that ?
It was a C18W-4. I was launching in a school yard.

I'm 18/35 on Qjets having serious flight issues, with rocket damaged or destroyed on roughly half of those 18 substandard flights.

It's too bad, as the 18mm Qjets (with adapters if needed) fill a gap in the total impulse spectrum between the Estes C6 and D12.

Back on topic: The few remaining Qjets I have left will fly in another Rocketarium product, the Vortico! I have 18mm and 24mm Vorticos.

Have never had need of customer service from Rocketarium, so have never conversed with Pavel, but all of my Rocketarium orders have been promptly fulfilled, securely packed, and have been products I can't get elsewhere. I'm a fan.

I also like the stuff that's not available from any other supplier. Unfortunately, the shipping on anything bigger than a small, padded envelope has kept me from ordering anything but the motor retainers so far.
Rocketarium scale kits have so much more details than a lot of other manufacturers. I reached out to ask a question about their BB Vc and I got a quick reply. I ordered the ki and was very, very happy with it. I wish they would add some BT80 based kits to their line up.


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