Which Estes starter kit will go the highest with an aerotech motor?

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May 18, 2009
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Hi i am doing a pbhysics project because i finished my AP physics class. and i want to do it about rockets. i do not want to build a rocket so what aerotech starter kit will go the highest on an Aerotech 18mm D motor? i need to launch a rocket with a 25 gram camera on it for onboard video

Aerotech has only one starter kit rocket, The Initiator. Assembly required. It comes with a 29mm motor mount.
In your title you ask which Estes kit.....in your statement you ask which Aerotech kit. If you would kindly clarify, it would be easier to answer your question.
hi let me clarify

an E2X estes or RTF estes that i can put an Aerotech engine into it so it goes high

which estes rocket is best suited for going high
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If you're restricting to STARTER kits, none. Bad idea. Lowest impulse Aerotech motor is a high thrust D in 18mm, which is way more than those wimpy 1/8" rods and tiny plastic pads can handle, regardless of the rocket. Furthermore, most starter set Estes rockets are not designed to handle overpowering.

That said, there are a number of Estes rockets that fly perfectly fine on AP motors, but they just don't come in starter sets, and typically require heavier-duty launch pads. Certainly any of the D/E (24mm) products.
Actually it will work but...

The Aerotech motors (something like the 24mm SU F motor) have so darn much power that if you put them in a minimum diameter model like the Alpha they take off so darn fast it's like watching someone fire a shotgun up in the air.:eek:

Just BANG...gone!

Almost nothing to see.

Ask me how I know.:p
You *could* put an 18mm Aerotech D21 in an Alpha III, but the chances of recovering it are very slim. It is just too darned small, and it will fly too high....

I'd say the Estes StormCaster although it's a skill 1 it's pretty simple. Or the Blue Ninja which is an E2X. The Storm Caster will go higher though. Either could handle a 24 mm Aerotech motor and go quite high but still be visible.

Don't know where you plan to put the camera, unless you mount it externally, since I don't think any of the RTF kits have payload sections.

Aerotech does offer a RTF kit, the "value rocket". I think it's a plain jane Mustang. https://www.valuerockets.com/product_details.aspx?pid=8&itemid=15
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Hi i am doing a pbhysics project because i finished my AP physics class. and i want to do it about rockets. i do not want to build a rocket so what aerotech starter kit will go the highest on an Aerotech 18mm D motor? i need to launch a rocket with a 25 gram camera on it for onboard video


Hi there. Here are some links that discuss using an Estes Stormcaster for taking
pictures and video with an Aiptek pen camera. Sounds similar to what you want to do:


Hope you find useful. Good luck.

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I built one recently - another vote for Stormcaster - the high quality balsa TTW (through-the-wall) fins make it a real sturdy rocket, a bargain at the price. I am sure it will fly fine on all 24/40 reloads through F24 & F39. (I was afraid to lose it in the breeze at the launch last weekend.)

not so sure it would survive the new F35s though :) they have a real kick!!

but that's 24mm. the original question was about 18mm.

if you really want maximum altitude, build the smallest diameter rocket - just the motor diameter.

there's a LOT of stuff to learn about how to build for altitude, and a lot to learn about seeing it all the way up there and recovering it.

You can get some amazing altitudes out of A and B motors. No real need to lose your Aerotech D motor casing on the first shot.
ok scratch the highest, but which estes will carry a 3.9 oz camera (with batteries and SD card included) without screwing up its flight path too much? i dont need a payload i just tape the camera on
3.9 ounce? That's pretty heavy and definitely takes you past any Estes motors into at least an E30 or F24 type range, and definitely more than you can handle in an 18mm. You're also no longer in starter set territory, with the possible exception of The Dude, which you can occasionally find around $10-15 on clearance.

Most Estes 24mm motor kits would work, especially rugged ones like the Big Daddy. For higher altitude and simple construction, something like the Eliminator would work pretty well.
I would also worry about "taping" a 3.9oz payload to the side of a rocket that weighs about the same.
You're looking for the Estes Astrovision Launch set. It is an 18mm mount with a built in video and still camera that is ready to fly. It will accomodate an AT d motor. You will need to get a larger launch rod 3/16 and stake down the legs. A larger rod will require the mounting of larger launch lugs and correct placement of these will be critical. There is a review of the kit on EMRR and you can find a lot of useful info for your project. I'm not sure if it is out of production but if it is you should be able to find one on e-bay.
Estes has some other ready to fly kits that would be more useful for a science project like the maxtraxx(altitude data) or the speedfreak?( velocity data).
You could also mount a Quest altimeter in the nosecone of your video rocket.
Have fun Ted