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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2009
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Well, Mom is doing better. She's out of the hospital and into a rehab center, and is up and about now in her wheelchair. They're making some good process with her. Maybe home by the end of the month.

Now comes the scary part...

On our first anniversary, my wife was undergoing emergency treatment for brain tumors. The tumors did a huge amount of damage that has affected her ever since. She is legally disabled. She'll never hold a job again. I came so close to losing her then. They actually had to zap her 3 times on the table.

Now, as our 20th anniversary approaches at the end of the month, they found a new tumor. Different location, but still a brain tumor. This one is rather small, the size of a small walnut, compared to the last one (the size of an orange), and in a completely different location. This one is just abover her left ear, rather than on her brain stem.

They haven't decided what to do yet. She has an appointment with the neurosurgeon on the 18th. And I'm scared again. Not as much as the last time, but still scared.

Bob I hope everything goes well. We will keep you and your family in our prayers.
I hope that all goes well for you and your wife.

Take a look at this: Cyberknife

My mom's brain was riddled with several large tumors and this really shrunk them and bought her some time. They gave her a few weeks to live and she lasted a few months. At the stage that your wife sounds like she is, this may be the ticket.

You will be in my prayers.

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