Originally posted by Justy
I'm certainly not trying to defend the criminals here, but I hate hearing "people do business on the internet and lose profits when there are problems". No kidding! Okay kids, it's storytime.
So one day, Bob walks out into the middle of a fairly quiet rural highway, and sets up a lemonade stand on the yellow line, on one side of a small hill. People driving the speed limit crest the hill, see the lemonade stand, and since he's out in the middle of desert nowhere, he's making quite the profit selling cold lemonade. The people think it's a little odd that he's right in the middle of the road, but it sure is convenient.
Bob comes to work one morning in time to see a Mustang doing 110 or so come over the hill. Once he sees the lemonade stand, he doesn't have time to stop, because he's going too fast. He swerves but still manages to take out several boards of Bob's stand.
Bob gets really mad, swears bloody vengeance against speeders, pushes the remains of his lemonade stand three feet further away from the hill -- but still on the yellow line -- and starts fixing the corner boards.
The moral of this story: When you set up a business some place that isn't safe, you shouldn't be surprised when you get whacked. The internet is not, and was never meant to be, a safe place to conduct business