Despite having 6 years on the program and going back to it in my next AF assignment, I could not agree more. Love the F-16 for visceral appeal--it just screams "FIGHTER!" And, nothing better looking than an SR-71. The "Fat Man in a Magic Suit" Lightning II is mean looking from the front, kind of a buzz kill from the side. The capabilities, however...are amazing.
When the F-16 came out, it was a crash prone, single mission, 'disposable' jet produced in large numbers to fight the Russian hoardes over the Fulda gap. AIM-9s and 20mm were originally the only munitions carried. Now look at it, as it is practically the underpinning of our 4th Gen capabilities in more missions and munitions than I can easily count! The Lightning II's first chapter is still being written and the jet already eclipses multi-mission 4th Gen (F-16, F-18, etc.) capabilities so significantly (in all the ways that matter) it's hard to describe. Where it will go with time, experience and development will be facinating to watch.