1. get or build a tower launcher ---- sink some old conduit into a pail of cement and space them to contain your rocket ---- do NOT use launch lugs, or buttons, or any other protruberances
2. fiberglassed equivalent BT (I think there is a website somewhere that shows how to do this)
3. make or buy a conical NC with a nice length/diam ratio (maybe 4, 5, 6?) ---- protect the tip to keep it as pointy as possible and do not round it off
4. G10 fins, as small as possible, as thin as possible, as smooth as possible, as sharp as possible ---- this is one flight where you are going to have to take a risk on getting some landing damage--- to minimize drag, the fins need to be knife-edge sharp front & rear
5. go find the world's smallest altimeter (I saw some very light electronics recently on R.O.L.) and match it up to the lightest possible wiring, on-board power supply, smallest possible ejection charge, smallest streamer, etc.
6. prime, sand, polish, and paint very lightly to end up with a smooooth exterior surface ---- concentrate on the front half of the rocket and the front half of the fins