Various Aft Closures question

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2009
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I am going to buy several 54mm and 75mm casings for AT motors and I see 6 different forward closures available. I am planning on using electronic ejection, dual deploy, and not using any motor ejection for backup or otherwise. Can someone explain briefly the differences between these:

Rouse Tech 54mm Forward Closure Open.
Rosue Tech 54mm Forward Closure Plugged.
Rouse Tech 54mm Forward Extended Closure Open.
Rouse Tech 54mm Forward Extended Plugged Closure o
Rouse Tech 54mm Forward Extended Tapped Closure
Rouse Tech 54mm Forward Tapped Closure
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First, your list is all FORWARD closures. There is only one AFT closure for the 54mm cases.
Rouse Tech 54mm Forward Closure Open.
Rosue Tech 54mm Forward Closure Plugged.
Rouse Tech 54mm Forward Extended Closure Open.
Rouse Tech 54mm Forward Extended Plugged Closure o
Rouse Tech 54mm Forward Extended Tapped Closure
Rouse Tech 54mm Forward Tapped Closure

Open closures have the BP ejction well for loading BP.
Plugged closures are capped and have no place for loading in BP
Tapped closures are plugged closures but tapped to fit an eyebolt usually used to attach recovery harnesses to.
The extended closures are used for specific reloads. For instance, the K185 uses the 54/1706 case with an extended closure. Consult the Aerotech website for which loads require the extended closure; some loads require the standard closure and others require the extended...they are NOT interchangeable for the specific reload.

Since you will be using exclusively electronic ejection, you can do without the open closures; go with plugged. Whether or not you need a tapped closure is up to you. I suggest you get one plugged and one extended plugged. You'll cover all your bases. If you like the eyebolt idea or require the use of one (like in minimum diameter rockets) go with a tapped and extended tapped.
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