First was definitely a "Wheeled Sled" used for testing. The second one, the camera footage is so crappy it's not easy to make out if it really is a "truck" or another test sled.
Now, I have heard of old cars being shot off a carrier before. In one case, something like the captain's old worn-out car.
But certainly 50%, if not 100% of the video is not a "truck" being shot off. Unless the Navy calls those test articles "trucks", then the rest of the world "assumed" those were like pick-up trucks.
Oh, I went back and looked at Peartree's post #3. It has the SAME footage as the short misleading video has, but showing what they really were, not trucks:
Here's a youtube video with test articles instead of trucks.
That video was posted in June 2015. Washington Post story about it, calling them sleds, not trucks.
Same for Popular Science:
Yet "Social Media" and other "Copy and paste, do not THINK, do not VERIFY" websites have this video "blowing up" now, like it's recent news and the Navy shot off Ford or Chevy or Dodge trucks for giggles.
"It's on the internet, so it has to be true"
BTW - None of the above is meant as a criticism of Peartree, it's how you cannot trust the accuracy at face value of a lot of the stuff posted on the web.