August Launch and URRG Picnic
August 26 - August 27
Hi Team. We are having our club picnic at the August launch. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. Bring a dish to pass and some rockets for a great time!
Setup starts at 9:30, range is open from 10 am to ~5 pm
Crops are fully grown by now, if youre going high, plan on using a tracker. Last year they cut the corn the morning of the August launch!
The August Picnic launch we invite newbie's looking to come see what we are about and come fly for free. If you join on the field that weekend you will be good through 2018.
August 26 - August 27
Hi Team. We are having our club picnic at the August launch. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. Bring a dish to pass and some rockets for a great time!
Setup starts at 9:30, range is open from 10 am to ~5 pm
Crops are fully grown by now, if youre going high, plan on using a tracker. Last year they cut the corn the morning of the August launch!
The August Picnic launch we invite newbie's looking to come see what we are about and come fly for free. If you join on the field that weekend you will be good through 2018.