Unfair punishments?

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1st detention??!! Underachiever! :wink:

But seriously,... I think we need to see a pic of the teacher. :wink: :wink:

This is nothing. Don't stress. Take your punishment and move on.
Grow up kid - I just had a co-worker get fired for a minor argument with the boss, all you got was detention. You will follow the boss' instuctions all your life or move on.
Well, sorry this happened to you first off, but realize that sometimes in life you can DO NOTHING WRONG and STILL GET THE SHAFT. Sorry to say but that's just LIFE. Also sorry to tell you that this is gonna happen to you more than enough times in the future if you live long enough, and so don't get TOO upset about it.

Realize that teachers are people too, and some teachers are A-holes. Just part of life. Part of the reason I'm generally convinced most people suck... not all, but certainly more than a few... :) I give people the benefit of the doubt, and sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised to find that folks are good and decent. Many times my suspicions of their status as A-holes are confirmed... As they say, "cest la vis"... (such is life).

Even if the teacher isn't a particularly petty person, realize too that they have bad days... sometimes they're catching crap rolling downhill from upstairs, just like yall do as kids from grumpy or stressed teachers or other grown-ups. It happens. My wife, sister, and Brother in Law are all teachers, and I can tell you they have a LOT more stress now than EVER... Heck I was a bus driver and we got plenty of crap coming down from upstairs that made no sense, would have teachers outright lie, (and their word was ALWAYS considered gospel truth no matter HOW BIG A LIE it might be, because *they* are "professional employees" whereas we were merely "support personnel"... so if in doubt, blame the bus driver... Again, just one of those things that makes life suck sometimes... what can you do??) Maybe she was stressed about some crap paperwork she has to get done on 80 students and have it turned in by tomorrow morning or something... believe me there's plenty of that. Maybe she just snapped because of stress and the kids getting loud and rambunctious and took it out on everybody, and then the sound set her off again... and yall happened to be the unfortunate recipients of it...

When I drove bus, there was more than a few times that I simply pulled over to the side of the road and parked... yelled out "when yall decide to SHUT UP we'll continue... otherwise we'll sit here til yall settle down and I can hear myself think to drive safely." I myself was never a fan of corporate (group) punishments like that, because it's always the quiet, good kids that suffer because most of their classmates are immature, idiotic turds. BUT, sometimes as an authority figure, you just don't have any other choice, and it's whatever works at the time that you use... use the tools you got, so to speak... At any rate, I'm not saying that she was right (teacher) but I'm just saying, "hey, it happens". I always made a good faith effort that when I called someone out personally for doing something, that I had the right one. Nothing PO'd me as a driver more than SEEING WITH MY OWN EYES some particular kid do something stupid and calling them on it, and them saying to me, "I didn't do that-- you didn't see that." In effect, it was calling me a liar to my own face, because I made a good effort to make sure I had the right one before I called them on it. I didn't act (or certainly tried my level best) not to be capricious in my rule enforcement. Some folks aren't so diligent and don't expend as much effort to "get the right one". And, sometimes I, like everybody else including this teacher of yours, makes a MISTAKE... there was a time or two that I called someone out that I was "pretty sure" did something, only to find out they didn't, and I was man enough to apologize to them for it and make it right. Some folks (including teachers) aren't responsible enough or honorable enough to admit that they're wrong or mistaken and rectify the situation. Again, just how some folks manage to suck...

Don't sweat it. It's better to be accused incorrectly or falsely and be innocent than to be guilty and get away with something, though it certainly never seems that way. Since you're going to Catholic school, I'm sure you've learned by now how Jesus himself suffered and was executed even though he did nothing wrong. A detention, while an inconvenience and perhaps a personal embarrassment to you, is certainly not the worst thing that can ever happen to you... so don't let it get you down too much. I lost my job because of a mother who thought her precious little daughter walked on water, despite me having to constantly remind her to sit down on the bus, not pick on other kids, and not yell and talk loudly on the bus, and not constantly come up and distract me from my driving. I wrote her up to the principal several times, which after about 3-4 should have put her off the bus for awhile, but the limp-wristed principal was too lazy to do anything about it, and this mother was the type that if the kid crapped on her dinner plate she'd think it was cute and smile and pat her on the head... so NATURALLY *I* was just "out to get" her poor, innocent baby!!! Nevermind that her teacher was constantly writing her up as well... Never underestimate 1) the stupidity of people, and 2) that most people, especially higher-ups, are generally just like lightning-- they ALWAYS FOLLOW THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE! IOW, for my turd of a boss and the principal in question, it was easier to simply fire me and replace me with a driver that just let kids scream and push and shove each other, steal from each other, beat each other up, and hang out the windows til somebody gets killed rather than stand up and put this one grossly deluded mother in her place... Oh well, that's life...

Don't worry... one stupid detention isn't going to ruin your future... it'll be okay... blow it off and be done with it. I taught my daughter that in school, LOTS of stupid stuff would happen... and unlike my parents, who basically taught me to put up with ANYTHING, I taught Keira that when she has a problem, take it to the teacher, and if the teacher doesn't fix it and she's had a few times to make it right, take it to the principal, and if THEY won't do anything, solve the problem herself. I was picked on and bullied terribly when I was in school, and I don't want Keira to endure that sort of thing just to "stay out of trouble". I told her that if the teacher turns a blind eye and the principal won't fix the problem, then if she has to fight to DEFEND HERSELF, strike AS HARD AS POSSIBLE, as FAST AS POSSIBLE, and DON'T STOP TIL THE OTHER ONE GIVES UP!

Yeah, it'll mean she gets in trouble, gets suspended or ISS or whatever, but so what... it's a couple days or so of punishment, which I can speak from experience is better than 12 years of living h3ll....

Later and good luck to you young man!!! You sound like an honorable and upright guy, and we need more of yall!

Take it easy and good luck! OL JR :)

PS. By all means, protest it and have a hearing with your building AP or principal... explain your side of the story, point out your clear record, and explain the situation calmly and succinctly, and why you think you don't deserve to be punished like this... explain you understand that perhaps the teacher was upset or had a bad day, but it's your belief that she mistakenly took this out on you and your "accomplice" (friend doesn't sound like the right word from what you said). If the principal is understanding and fair and honest, then they'll probably let you go with a warning or a lunch detention or whatever... If not, take heart... God knows the heart, who's guilty and who's not... and he keeps track when folks suffer unjustly... don't let it steal your joy, and serve your punishment with a smile. Apologize to the teacher afterwards for upsetting her, and realize that as the Bible says, "love those who persecute you, pray for those who despitefully use you, for in so doing you heap piles of BURNING COALS ON THEIR HEAD". IOW, God repays...

Later and good luck!
I had a teacher that when you did something wrong, she'd grab you by the ear, and the only way you'd be getting away was without an ear. Yes, life is unfair, but it could be worse. (You said not to rag on Catholic school, but from what I've heard, they used to be tough.)

Yeah, my second grade teacher was like that... big old black woman that if you did something she didn't like, she'd lift you out of your seat by your ear!!! OUCH!

Not proper and I'm glad that sort of thing doesn't go on anymore (or shouldn't) but it certainly got your attention. Personally I think the AP's and Principals should use the board a lot more than they do, but that's just me... certainly straightened me out on the rare occassions I got out of line...

Later! OL JR :)
Consider yourself lucky.

I was in school in the 60's, back then it did not matter what went down, the teachers ruled.

They sent you to the football or golf coach for "cracks". Girls to the gym teacher.
Up against the wall on your fingertips, legs stretched out 3ft from wall, then the fun began.

Out comes the "board" [nice 1x 6 with handle & drilled full of holes for faster swing speed] then ya got 3 cracks per infringement, actual or perceived.

There was NO talking, laughing or hee hawing, in any class period.

Teachers rarely had to repeat themselves or discipline anyone.....ya knew what would happen. Then after punishment they called your parents & ya got it again when ya went home. Right or wrong, did it or not, ya got it for causing school any grief, period!

I got it royally once.....6 cracks....couldn't sit down for days. I did have it coming though, I threw Mike Smith out the second story library window.....

....but that's another story....LOL:smile:
Consider yourself lucky.

Kinda my thought.

The teacher said "Be Quiet," you and your friend weren't. So, now, you get to bear the consequences.

If one of my kids came home with a similar story (I have four boys, oldest is 20, youngest is 9), the response would be, "I guess you should've been quiet, huh?"

when I was in 6th grade i had a teacher that i absolutely hated and kept getting in trouble with... one day he said if i didn't straighten out my act I would have detention for the rest of the school year. I called his bluff using some choice words. I was suspended for 5 days from school and when I came back I had detention every tuesday and thursday for the rest of the school year. This was during the first quarter of the year. Was I pissed. Damn straight. For the first couple weeks i skipped the detention and subsequently got suspended each time. Then after being forced to go by my grandmother i started to realize something. This teacher (Mr Lowell) was really looking out for my best interest. The first day i spent in detention i had to work on my school work and was not allowed to divert my eyes from my books or put my head down. I couldn't even look at the clock. Another couple weeks went by and Mr Lowell came to my desk with a chess set, he sat down beside me and asked if I knew how to play. I did somewhat know how to play. I understood the piece movements. (by this time it was about mid second quarter). I started playing with chess with him during each detention after 30 minutes of studying. At first I we didn't talk. I just moved my pieces and twiddled my thumbs. He would talk to me about things that were going on in school asking me if i had any questions on my school work (ive always had good grades and managed to be #%# up) after a countless number of games loosing he started to explain to me the tactics he would use and how i could better my self as a chess player. Eventually I started to talk to him and then actually looked forward to our detentions. Not only did i use the time to get homework done. I also had Mr Lowell as tutor if I had any questions and also I enjoyed our chess matches. One day after a game we had been playing for a week he got me in check mate with queen rook and a pawn being the KO. He then asked me why I didn't take the pawn when the chance was given to me. I said i didn't even think about it. His response was "its always the little problems that will catch up with you" turns out his entire plan to win the game was using the pawns. I remember that quote and use it in life to this day. The last detention I had that year he asked me if i knew why we had been playing chess that entire year. His reasoning was to teach me to choose my battles wisely and not with anger but use my wits. All this time i figured he was as bored as i was. For the remainder of my middle school career we continued our twice week chess games. this time it wasn't detention but on my own will. During graduation he presented me with an award for excellence and dedication. The first week of my freshman year he passed away. High school was entire different story. I spent more time in the principles office or in the park skipping school getting stoned then i did sitting in my desk. Still managed to pull good grades though.

Do your detention and get it over with. It isn't the end of the world and you are going to be bored out of your mind. Getting a single detention is nothing to have a fuss over. If I were your teacher I would have done the same.
"detension" doesn't sound that bad. lots of people pay good money to be "detensioned". you should have seen the rates at the spa for a cruise I was just on!
When will you bratty little kids learn to behave? School is for learnin not cuttin up and carryin on. Laughing during school hours? Outrageous!!
If one of my kids came home with a similar story (I have four boys, oldest is 20, youngest is 9), the response would be, "I guess you should've been quiet, huh?"

I didn't dare tell my parents a story like that - their punishment would have been worse!
Consider yourself lucky.I got it royally once.....6 cracks....couldn't sit down for days.

I got that beat! The rule was that you couldn't get more than 3 "licks" per day. I got caught shooting spit wads at a movie presentation and it just so happened I hit the teacher. The vice principal asked me do you want 3 today and 3 tomorrow and 3 the next OR I can give you all 9 right now? I walked out of his office with tears in my eyes. We also had a rule that said NO PUBLIC SHOW OF AFFECTION, I got 3 licks for kissing my girlfriend!
I was in a group of cars that were all exceeding the speed limit. Out of the group, I was the only one pulled over. I contested the ticket and went to court. I told the judge that it wasn't fair because a number of other people should have been ticketed as well. He asked me "Were you speeding?" I had to say "Well, yes, but I wasn't going the fastest, that person should have been stopped instead." The judge again asked, "Were you speeding?" "Well, yes, but . . ." He then said that while I might not think it fair that other people got away with doing something and I got caught, if I had not been speeding, then I would not have been pulled over, and that we would not be having this conversation. I have to admit, it took me awhile before I could agree with that, but eventually I "got it".

The detention was for your action, not a judgement about what kind of person you are. This can't have been the first time you've seen an adult say "Be Quiet!" and get upset when there isn't absolute quiet. Talking, laughing, sometimes even making a funny face is all it takes to draw the person's ire after they've said those two words. The person isn't literally making a request to only stop talking. I'm pretty sure you know that by now. :wink:

Rationalizing that because you are "a really good person" that you shouldn't get in trouble for something that you did do, is something I did -- a lot, well into my 20's. It never worked for me, but if you want to try, good luck with that. Face it, you were rationalizing; otherwise, what would things like "But saying she told ME personally is simply not true" or "The letter itself was written with poor grammar, and incorrect spelling", or "so I guess laughing is wrong now" have to do with it?

However, if the school's policy is "stay in from lunch" and "letter home" before detention, then you have a point. If the school doesn't have a policy that allows you to appeal a punishment yourself, talk to your parents and ask them to maybe respond to the letter and/or follow up with the school to find out why the policy doesn't appear to have been followed. Before doing so though, double check to make sure about the policy, and about the whole policy. You won't have a leg to stand on if the policy allows the teacher to use their discretion to give detention directly. Also, when you appeal to the school or talk to your parents, you might consider leaving out those parts that I quoted in the previous paragraph, especially the grammar/spelling one. Getting nitpicky won't help your cause, nor will being guilty of something you're accusing the other person of doing. :smile:

Consider yourself lucky.

I was in school in the 60's, back then it did not matter what went down, the teachers ruled.

They sent you to the football or golf coach for "cracks". Girls to the gym teacher.
Up against the wall on your fingertips, legs stretched out 3ft from wall, then the fun began.

Out comes the "board" [nice 1x 6 with handle & drilled full of holes for faster swing speed] then ya got 3 cracks per infringement, actual or perceived.

There was NO talking, laughing or hee hawing, in any class period.

Teachers rarely had to repeat themselves or discipline anyone.....ya knew what would happen. Then after punishment they called your parents & ya got it again when ya went home. Right or wrong, did it or not, ya got it for causing school any grief, period!


They sent you out for punishment? At my elementary school the teachers doled out the everyday discipline right there in the classroom in front of everyone. I got paddled once in 2nd grade. I was in an overcrowded school and my class was mostly 1st graders with about 12 of us leftover 2nd graders and the teacher wasn't happy to be stuck with us. One day we were supposed to be quiet with heads down and the kid next to me called my name. I looked up (silently) and the next thing I knew she told me to stand up and she walloped me with a paddle. I was horrified.

Only kids who were really, really bad got sent to the principals office for punishment. Principals then weren't friendly to students like they are now. Ours was scary. Rumor was that he had a really big paddle in his office. I never once knew of a student being sent down. Kids just didn't act up.
First you got it at school, then ya got it from Mom when you got home, then you got it from Dad when he got home after a bad day at work....
Now the Mom calls the Principle to defend their (perfect, innocent) child, and Dad even doesn't find out unless the media gets involved (such as if you blow up the chem lab attempting to make EX motors...). Ah the glory days of flushing cherry bombs down the 2nd story toilets...
Next time you have detention, read a book about a soldier's life in a POW camp.

Before you leave, thank the teacher.

Then go home, and give your mother and father a hug.

Your world will change.
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Ohh nestalgia....

well, that wasn't HER name, but did we like getting detained together. Usualy spent the time in detenshun plotting what we'd do, and trading funny notes.........I wanna go back! She drove a 68' stang... whoooo...

school and detention remind me of a quite I once heard... " I make a point to lie to my children... because how else are they to know what to expect from the government when they grow up."

what your faced with here is simply a feat of maturity. what I mean by this, is as you mature, your have more ability to accept the outcome of your choices. People say it was "different when", or "better when", or "look at when".... the problem is, kids in the 60's and 70's were doing LSD and dropping cherry bombs down the toilets... today it's LOL'ing... my cousin was arrested in the 80's for a toy bomb at school. NOTHING is any different now that it was then, *they still give licks at my kids school*. But same ole is as wus, and ever will be.

While, I dont agree particularly with the dissmissive, "should have shut up then." or, get over it... "it happens"... The real answer is that it is you that is at 100% fault, both in your actions to get in trouble, but you lack of maturity that got you there, and that it isn't developed enough to get you out of it. Think of how a buisness man deals with someone pounding them... they dont say... but I'm a good person? - It takes a mature thought(think about what a mature thought is) to affect how you interact before the issue and afterwards. Perhaps your imaturity, was why you got introuble, not what you did.
However, if the school's policy is "stay in from lunch" and "letter home" before detention, then you have a point. If the school doesn't have a policy that allows you to appeal a punishment yourself, talk to your parents and ask them to maybe respond to the letter and/or follow up with the school to find out why the policy doesn't appear to have been followed. Before doing so though, double check to make sure about the policy, and about the whole policy. You won't have a leg to stand on if the policy allows the teacher to use their discretion to give detention directly. Also, when you appeal to the school or talk to your parents, you might consider leaving out those parts that I quoted in the previous paragraph, especially the grammar/spelling one. Getting nitpicky won't help your cause, nor will being guilty of something you're accusing the other person of doing. :smile:


One way to look at it, is that art is elective, so is your presence in the class, if you being singled out and treated unfairly you need to have a head to head with the administrators of the school. That is, as a last resort to excersizing some control of the relationship between you and your teacher.... there's some good advice there. Pretty sure, you signed an agreement to thier policy of discipline somewhere... a choice you made weather you accept it or not.
My understanding of the original post was that the "I'm a really good person" comments wasn't supposed to be a reason why he shouldn't be punished, but rather part of the explanation of why the unfair punishment was so upsetting.
Detention? For laughing? in middle school? At my middle school we didnt even have detention, we had in school isolation but you had to do someting pretty bad to get that, and even there it wasn't really punishment (from what I saw). Take the time to get some work done, or while they think you're thinking about "what you did" just think of stuff that's imaginative. I only got detention twice, but in high school, for being moments late to class, wasnt a big deal.
So...which one are you, Jake or Elwood?


You, sir, are awesome!!!! Perfect clip for this thread.

On a side note, I think I'm mainly Jake......off to netflix to see the rest of the blues brothers!!!
What I want to know is, how did it work out?? Did you get out of it, did you do the detention, what was your parents response???????
Assuming that you did the detention, what did you use the time to accomplish?
Even good kids (people) make mistakes, just proves you are human.
Some of these stories reminded me of a teacher I had in grade school. It was a Catholic school, but she was not a nun. She was a battleaxe though. She never did it to me, but she used to pinch cheeks of misbehaving kids between her thumb and forefinger and shake their heads as she yelled in a thick German accent, "Ach ya kid, PRODUCE!!! PRODUCE!!!" She may have been a founding member of the Hitler Youth.