For the two Estes tube-finned rockets that fit your description, the Super Neon would be the easiest to clone, even with no plans available. The Torellian Invader plans are available, but you will be hard pressed to come up with one of those nose cones (also used on the Alien Invader.)
For the Super Neon, I'd approximate an 18" length of BT50, six BT50 "d" engine mount tubes (2.75" long) for the fins (mounted flush with the bottom of the airframe,) and then make the little fin/winglets out of a strip of 3/32" balsa, 3/4" wide, and cut the root edge on a 45 degree angle. Approximate the leading edge to be about 1.5" long.
I bet that's pretty close, just looking at the picture and catalog description.