Well-Known Member
Well I can only really add this, Ted @Onebadhawk Tim @WILDMANRS Scott @Loki Research the people at Giant Leap Rocketry, Chris's rocket supply, Sirius rocketry, and dragon Rocketry have all done exactly what they say they will do, and are highly recommended.
I have never given rocketman chutes a chance, and I don't see how I can. I wanted to buy a weather balloon set from them really bad and the chutes and streamers look great. The website looks great, but maybe I get what I pay for looks awful.
Vs, hey Steve I won't charge you for anything I can't ship. That imbued confidence in the other vendors.
I don't know how someone would go about fixing a reputation like that.
I'd add in Mike at MAC Performance. I also got great service from Apogee and Discount Rocketry. Which I guess supports your point.