Tri-Cities Rocketeers March 2017 Launch

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
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Pasco, WA
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The Tri Cities Rocketeers will be holding our first official launch of 2017 on Saturday March 4, 2017. We will have a 10,000 foot waiver in place limited to L impulse open from 10am-4pm. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp] [FONT=&amp]If you plan to fly an L motor, we would ask that you provide sim data that will show us that the rocket will not break the waiver. [/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&amp] [FONT=&amp]We have implemented a liability waiver policy. All event attendees (flyers and spectators, including children) must now have a signed liability waiver on file. These waivers will be good for our “fiscal” year (April 1st through March 31st).
You can download the waiver here:


[FONT=&amp] [FONT=&amp]Please also note our enhanced safety policies as well. You can read them here:


[FONT=&amp]Dry camping is allowed at our site if you would like to come early. Here is an overhead view of our site with camping area marked:[/FONT][FONT=&amp]

You can visit the page on our website with our "address" to aid in locating our launch site here:

[FONT=&amp]Sparky motors are allowed.

Please keep an eye on our website and the mailing lists and our forum for launch updates. No news is good news, which means we will only make a cancellation announcement if poor weather is expected. If the launch is cancelled, the announcement will be made at least 24 hours in advance.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]If you would like to become a TCR member, the annual cost is $10.00 for a single membership and $20.00 for a family membership and is good for our "fiscal" year from April 1st through March 31st. All proceeds go towards maintaining and improving the equipment necessary to provide a better launch experience.


[FONT=&amp]Hope to see you at the sod farm![/FONT]
The NOTAM has been called in, a final go/no-go decision will be made Thursday evening 3/2/2017.
From our clubs forum here is an update on last Saturdays launch.

From our club presidents post:

[FONT=&amp]One word to describe Saturday’s launch - WOW. We were pleasantly surprised with a very large crowd, the most fliers in recent memory. The prep area was full from end to end, with fliers from all over the northwest. From the west side, the Newport High School Rocketry Team that was invited by NASA to participate in a Student Launch competition was able to successfully fly their full scale 10’ tall rocket. We had a total of 86 flights, with a TCR club record of 7 successful L1 certification flights. The motor breakdown was as follows:[/FONT][FONT=&amp]
A: 10
B: 12
C: 23
D: 11
E: 9
F: 3
G: 6
H: 10
I: 4[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]J: 2[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Thanks once again to all who attended, and to those who helped set up and take down the range. Also a special thanks to those who contributed to the Lewis & Clark Elementary Science Club B6-4 motor drive. Thanks to your generous donations, they now have the motors they need for their April school launch. We’ll see you at our next launch!

Edit: We had some awesome flights and some beautiful rockets, a single E9 cato and surprisingly a Loke J316 Spitfire cato (cause has been undetermined, but the casing appeared to be burned through just about where the forward closure was so possibly an o-ring failure, but several theories abound). Two awesome flights with I600R's, and the SLI teams flight on a J449 Blue Streak, the EWU rocketry group showed and everyone certified L2 by days end (we only had one recycle due to a deployment failure, the rocket was undamaged however). Joe Cooney flew some great flights with various LPR and MPR rockets, several goonies, the Moser clan flew a number of LPR, MPR and HPR flights. Loki seems to be gaining a following here, now if we just had a local vendor that would come to our launches it would be awesome. Dave broke out his lightweight 3" BSD Thor (recently recovered from an AT EZ forward closure failure) for a beautiful flight. Lots of long walks for the cert crowd as they almost unanimously did pop-at-the-top recoveries, and the winds were averaging about 5-10mph, good thing the winds were pushing from the SW instead of the usual SE so the rocket were visible until just before they touched the ground.
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Sounds like an awesome time, wish I could have made it! Crossing fingers for next month.