Today's launch report, liftoff pics

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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Reaction score
Central Iowa
4-20-04 Local Park

Well the weather was mild today with little wind, the kids wanted to chase rockets so we went out to the local park and launched.

First up was Meesha's green Estes Baby Bertha on a B6-4 to test out the winds. Good flight and recovery with no problems.

Next up was the Estes Enduring Freedom Patriot on a C6-3 for another nice flight.

Next Estes Amraam, and as usual this very consistent flyer took off nice and straight off the pad with a good boost on a C6-5. One of our best flyers.

Next was Tannor's Quest Penetrator. This was our first flight with this rocket that recovers with two parachutes. You pack the top chute in first, then pack the boosters parachute in on top of it, with the idea that the top chute will pull the booster's chute out. Made me a little nervous but it worked just fine for a nice flight on a C6-3.

Next was the Estes Cluster Bomb on a C6-3, a nice slow flight and good deployment of all the pods, but we landed in a tree during recovery. A quick climb later and it was recovered with no damage.

Next was the Estes Executioner. We've not had the best luck with this rocket so we were ready to get it up for a good flight. A very nice slow, and straight boost with a D12-3 allowed for some nice pictures and a good flight.

Next was the Estes Phoenix. Once again we have problems with this rocket. Flight and recovery was just perfect with a D12-3, but again upon landing we knocked a bottom fin loose. Easy enough to repair but we may retire it and build another with epoxy, and epoxy rivets on the fins.

Next was flight number two on the Executioner, this time with an E9-4. Again a nice slow liftoff, good and straight high flight with recovery under a 22" nylon chute.

Next the Estes Asraam Python on a C6-5 for a nice straight flight again. Landed in a tree, same parachute as the Cluster Bomb so we're blaming it on the chute being cursed. A quick climb and it was recovered with minor damage having the shock cord break, easily replaced.

Last flight of the day was on Tannor's Estes Skywriter, the pencil rocket. He wanted it to go "high, high, high" so we loaded it up with a C6-5 and let it rip, for a quick and straight boost, recovery was fine until it landed in a tree. This one we couldn't climb for as it was on the outside edge branches. So a quick run home for our rocket recovery pole and we came back and got it down without any problems or damage.

Liftoff pics to follow
Those are some great pictures!! Sounds like it was a great time!
Beautiful rockets and photos.

Too windy here to fly today. :mad:

Makes me wish I had been with you. ;)
Great photos!

Looks like a fun day. It was a beautiful day here but other than organized launches, I don't have a good site.

Thanks for the photos.

Len Bryan

I'm just curious...
Was it the same tree each time?
I've got a chain saw... if it was...!!!

Great flying....

Great pictures!! I went up to Lucerne last weekend, 3.28.04, and most of my pictures were smoke trails. I'll post in another thread later. Thanx again for those great lift-off shots, any tips on how to get them?

I can't take liftoff pics worth a darn so I cheat..

Bought a Kodak EasyShare 6490 digital camera, it's got a six shot burst feature, so on the "ignition" command i just squeeze down the button and it takes 6 pictures in a row very quickly and it usually catches one or two good ones...


3 trees together, the rockets landed in two of the three, I think the park and recs people might get a little cranky if we chop em down though..
Very awesome photos. I wish all digital cameras had that feature. They all were great no matter how you did it. :D
Great Photos! I can't catch anything with my digital... ok with the 35mm but not luck at all with the other. Burst feature! Wonderful Idea!!!, I'll have to check that burst pics thing out..I seem to recall something like that little BOOK of instruction, who has the time to read all that junk:D:D. Looks like you had a perfect day also.

Ditto on those launch pics... very cool! Great job on those rockets, too! Guess I'll have to break down and get me an Executioner. That thing looks mean. BTW - isn't that similar in size and shape to the Maxi-Alpha?

(I've been too timid to put a C in our Skywriter 'cause it already goes like a banshee on a B :))
