Thanks for the replies. Do I also need a TNC, like the Mobilinkd, or can I send the output from my HT directly to a laptop or tablet?
Yes you need a TNC of some kind or diddle with the software decoders available that take the acoustic info off the earphone jack. If you are going to five figure altitudes and very far distances downrange, the higher powered trackers are at an advantage. Higher power = clearer signal that is more likely to be decoded.
If you accidentally knock a volume control or your computer is in a "bad mood" that day software decoding might not prove very easy to use in the field.
A Mobilinkd TNC can be used with any H/T but be aware that the receivers in the cheap Chinese H/T's are O.K. for voice but are really not as sensitive or as selective
as some of the higher quality APRS H/T's out there. If going to be doing a lot of APRS tracking, investing in a D72A, a used VX8GR (it's out of production), FT1DR
or the $$$$$ Kenwood D74A. It depends upon what you want to do. If you just want to see an arrow on the H/T, any of the APRS H/T's (even the VX-8R)
can do that. If you want to track on a computer, you want to see if the H/T in question can get the Waypoints out through a jack, port or B/T directly.
The D74A at $600.00 (too rich for me) can get it out via B/T so any tracking app that can connect via B/T can track on a map for you. The D72A one can attach
Garmin 60Cs series and the old Etrex Vista mapping GPS devices for tracking on a map with a simple serial cable that attaches securely to both devices. This is a pure navigation app with no ability to save a flight, track or data. It will find the APRS tracked rocket and has never let me down when I don't want to diddle with a laptop or tablet.
The VX-8GR can use the same cable as the Kenwood to get the Waypoints (rocket position out) to a Garmin GPS with the big round serial port or the clip on the
Etrex Vista. The FT1D I don't think one can get the waypoints out of the device as easily but perhaps Keith may comment. I believe he tracks by using the
screen on the FT1D whereas I like to see a map.
Some folks use Baofengs and Mobilinkd TNC with Android devices but you have to set the volume on the H/T for accurate decoding and not touch it or you screw up the settings. Again, this combo might fail under the extremes of range. I've heard local radio stations coming in from the broadcast band faintly when I have
my Baofengs on the 2 meter and 70cm bands. Anything that uses a USB cable can get torn free from their respective devices easily.
If looking at an APRS H/T go to the manufacturers site and look at the manuals and see what means there is to get the waypoints out of the rigs in realtime.
A lot of the early Yaesu stuff like VX-8R's and DR's couldn't do that so stay away from those rigs unless one would be happy with an arrow on a the compass
rose screen of the radio.