I recently got an Altos Metrum TeleMega, planning to use it with my existing handy talky and APRSDroid to track an upcoming flight. While I am receiving packets from it on my HT, APRSDroid is unable to decode the packets. Reading the documentation, it looks like it may use a nonstandard encoding -- APRS is supposed to use AFSK at 1200baud, while the Telemega appears to be using a 4 convolution code -- so, questions:
1. Is anyone using a TeleMega with a non Altus Metrum ground station?
2. If so, how? Is there a setting that can use a standard code? Or do I need to just turn its transmitter off and continue to use my Big Red Bee?
1. Is anyone using a TeleMega with a non Altus Metrum ground station?
2. If so, how? Is there a setting that can use a standard code? Or do I need to just turn its transmitter off and continue to use my Big Red Bee?