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Found Spent AT L1000 motor w/ current thrust ring and charge well intact

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Jun 4, 2019
Reaction score
Erie, CO

I'm looking for a spent AeroTech L1000 DMS motor from recent production; after factory thrust ring fixes and with the forward closure / charge well all still intact and in good condition. Must be usable for precise measurement and test fitting. No CATOs. :-( I might buy up to 3, or so, to see some production variation. If you've epoxied something into the charge well, or otherwise modified it, that's not what I'm looking for.

I'm working on an MD rocket and am hoping to find the best location / design for a forward retainer which will accommodate the L1000 and CTI 38mm/54mm reloads with a minimum number of extensions / adapters.

I will pay a reasonable amount for the spent motor and shipping to Erie, CO, 80516. I prefer PayPal but no "friends and family" so price accordingly. Reply with proposals and/or PM with price and payment details, etc. Thank you for looking!

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