So, you are trapped in the hospital. What is there to do?

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Pem Tech

Notorious Member
Jan 19, 2009
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Llama Central
Well, if you have your trusty Mac with Rocksim installed on it, you could always design more rockets.

So, here are a couple I have pounded out in the few hours between pain meds.

An almost, but not quite scale Wasserfall:

Bt-60 based with a 24mm motor mount, 13.55 inches long and weighs 3.6 ozs dry.

The almost comedic RedShift:

Bt-80 based with 24mm motor mount. Nose and tail cones are Apogee PNC-66a. 23" long and even ounces dry. Fins are laser cut 1/16th ply. This one is actually built and is setting on the TV table waiting for me to come home. I finished it after being discharged from the hospital the first time.

The classic "Luna" style:

Bt-80 based with 24mm motor mount. Nose and tail cones are Apogee PNC-66a. 21" long and six ounces dry.
It even has the goofy little "jack" in the stead of a ventral fin.

And finally, a very close scale of the Space Ark, from When Worlds Collide:

Bt-80 based with 24mm motor mount. Nose and tail cones are Apogee PNC-66a. 17.5" long and seven ounces dry.

This is not based on our 3" HPR version but rather on a continuous ogive airframe like the original.

Ok, back to work...
You could always raid the supply closet for gauze and bandages
and do a midnight 'return of the mummy' production....

Use bed pans for steel drums...

Launch paper cups with pressurized oxygen using
facemasks for recovery....

You're a rocket scientist,
have fun....

Disclaimer: Any aforementioned activities might
lead to a heavy sedation and/or bed restrains....

You gotta kit that Wasserfall thou...
I work in a clinic / hospital all the time. I constantly find things to use in rocketry. It is only white collar crime.
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1. Fill your urine sample collection cup with apple juice.
2. When the nurse comes to collect it, complain that the sample doesn't look right and needs to be run through again.
3. Drink the apple juice.
4. Enjoy the look of horror that slowly appears on her face.
You could always raid the supply closet for gauze and bandages
and do a midnight 'return of the mummy' production....
Plus you would get enough gauze for several lifetimes' worth of fin and motor hook reinforcements for your Astron Scout and Sprite clones. :D

Or enough for one REALLY BIG upscale of each rocket. :bangbang:

Get well soon, Layne... for the sake of the health care system. :D

I've been trapped in one for almost 12 years.

Unfortunately being a systems architect for IS gets in the way of my rocket designing.
Well, the question was meant to be rhetorical but I'll see about snagging what I can in the way of gauze and such. Also, I wonder if they still have the old metal bed pans? One of those, a can of lysol and a lighter should keep me out of trouble for a short while.

Anyway, back the original porpoise of this thread......

A scale rendition of the MARS-1 from First Spaceship on Mars:

Bt-80 based with 24mm motor mount. Nose and tail cones are Apogee PNC-66a. 23" long and 6.5 ounces dry.
Just love those Bonestell designs....
You know, this would have been a lot easier with my copy of the Spaceship Handbook. Instead I had to search the web for scale drawings and then measure all the proportions.
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Eat a box of Oreos and tell the Doc your gums kinda hurt a little?

Be well soon, Layne.

Here are some fun things to do. Hope you feel better soon.

1. Look around your room and anywhere else in the hospital for "Nurse Tape"
You know it's that white cloth tape that nurses use everywhere for everything,
kind of like nurses version of duct tape. Nurses love to stick it on everything! Count how many places you saw it.

2. Plastic blood sample tubes make great nose cones. When you get stuck ask for a couple of unused tubes.

3. Look in the bathrooms for the empty industrial TP and paper towel tubes. They are strong and make great HP tubes. If you don't see any ask the house keeper if she has some empties.

That's all I got, Again get well soon
1. Fill your urine sample collection cup with apple juice.
2. When the nurse comes to collect it, complain that the sample doesn't look right and needs to be run through again.
3. Drink the apple juice.
4. Enjoy the look of horror that slowly appears on her face.

There ain't NO urine collection cup sterile enough for me to drink out of.

OK, the final addition for the evening, the Es6:

My first retro clusters.
2.6" in diameter, 27" long, 7 ounces dry and has a six X 18 mm cluster under the bonnet. That should be an impressive lift off.
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Blood sample tubes?
That is an idea....
I'll ask the staff about extras.

Here are some fun things to do. Hope you feel better soon.

1. Look around your room and anywhere else in the hospital for "Nurse Tape"
You know it's that white cloth tape that nurses use everywhere for everything,
kind of like nurses version of duct tape. Nurses love to stick it on everything! Count how many places you saw it.

2. Plastic blood sample tubes make great nose cones. When you get stuck ask for a couple of unused tubes.

3. Look in the bathrooms for the empty industrial TP and paper towel tubes. They are strong and make great HP tubes. If you don't see any ask the house keeper if she has some empties.

That's all I got, Again get well soon
1. Fill your urine sample collection cup with apple juice.
2. When the nurse comes to collect it, complain that the sample doesn't look right and needs to be run through again.
3. Drink the apple juice.
4. Enjoy the look of horror that slowly appears on her face.

Whatever you do, don't mix up the cups.
At long last it is accomplished!

The HMS Ralph A Smith design is complete!
Everyone please say thanks to Mr Griffith Ingram for pushing me until I completed his brainchild. Without his constant reminders and death threats this project would have been forgotten long ago.

So, here it is, the HMS Ralph A Smith, retro 2 stage, launch vehicle:

It lifts off on a 24mm booster and stages to an 18mm sustainer for a streamer recovery. Base diameter is BT-60.
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Layne, that is...words fail me for how amazing that is! Now, I get the impression that Ralph Smith himself meant his ships to be "all natural metal" colour scheme, but that could be a bit hard to see; the scheme you've chosen is close to that of a "rip-off" of this rocket on an old Topps bubble-gum card, with red fins, which should make it show up better. If anyone wants to see that scheme, just type "Atomic Rockets of the Space Patrol" into a search engine; this site has (somewhere!) this design, and a lot of other useful inspiration! Thanks again, Layne - I can't wait to build this!
At long last it is accomplished!

The HMS Ralph A Smith design is complete!
Everyone please say thanks to Mr Griffith Ingram for pushing me until I completed his brainchild. Without his constant reminders and death threats this project would have been forgotten long ago.

So, here it is, the HMS Ralph A Smith, retro 2 stage, launch vehicle:

It lifts off on a 24mm booster and stages to an 18mm sustainer for a streamer recovery. Base diameter is BT-60.
Are you hallucinating and seeing an actual image of the rocket somewhere in this post or in an attachment? (Because if you are ... maybe it's time to have a little talk with your doctor about that medication that you are on!)

But whatever you do -- don't do anything crazy! You don't want your hospitalization to be significantly extended now, do you? :y:

yes I do..

Here is tne jpg for those having trouble with the Tiff file

Are you hallucinating and seeing an actual image of the rocket somewhere in this post or in an attachment? (Because if you are ... maybe it's time to have a little talk with your doctor about that medication that you are on!)

But whatever you do -- don't do anything crazy! You don't want your hospitalization to be significantly extended now, do you? :y:

Lots of good suggestions. I only have this:

Whenever they bring you meds in pill form they will bring them in a plastic measuring cup like you get for cold medicine. Then they throw it away.:eek:

Ask to keep them so you can mix epoxy in them later.
I've been trapped in one for almost 12 years.

Unfortunately being a systems architect for IS gets in the way of my rocket designing.

You just need your company to get bought out a few times. 12 years at the same hospital and I've worked for 4 different companies! I've gone from doing everything to only LAN, WAN, and VPN work. The benefit is I have more time to do rocket stuff on my second computer! :D



You are behind the times.

The Stern Show has stretched it out to various time lengths with one of them many minutes long. It is insanely hysterical when stretched out. Tome remains the same but you get weird digital artifacts. There is a link to one of them, but it is accompanied by a lovely photo of the "celebutard" getting out of a vehicle, and we would not want to provide a link to that...:y:
Lots of good suggestions. I only have this:

Whenever they bring you meds in pill form they will bring them in a plastic measuring cup like you get for cold medicine. Then they throw it away.:eek:

Ask to keep them so you can mix epoxy in them later.

I did that....
Got a whole stack of the little buggers.

And syringes!
The IV antibiotics require the use of 10 disposable syringes A DAY. I am going to try them with glue, and if it works, I'll have a life time supply.
Apple juice in the urine jug?

Y'all are just bad, mischivous people aren't you? :roll: Good thing he didn't take any of your advice literally or I would be trying to figure out how to get him out of the padded cell in the psych ward or out of Federal lockup!!

"really, he's not a terrioist! He wasn't trying to make IED with those medical supplies..."

"Explosive devices at home? Well, um, see he's into making model rockets, so there's these 'motor' things..."

"Ok, yeah, well he dresses in a turban on the weekend sometimes, but he wasn't trying to make a bomb with that bedpan! He's really just a rocket engineer..." (he comes with me to SCA events where I dress Egyptian basically, and he obliges me and lets me clothe him)

"Muslim? yes, I am but what does that have to... ...uh no, I don't want to sit here and wait for security...! :eyepop:​
Y'all is bad, bad, funny men!!

But of course that is why we loves 'ya! :p :neener:

PemTech's Art Department and hopefully-never-to-be-used Poster of Bail
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You are behind the times.

o <---Caring about Howard Stern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Me--->o

Sorry for the threadjack, Layne - guess I'll have to get one!
You could use the gauze to "glass" the toilet paper tube, use the nurse tape with sticky side up and wrap around the glass to squeege out the excess glue! Don't forget to grab some of those tips they put on the flashlight thingy they stick in your ear and nose, great for fake nozzles..tongue depressors are good for mixing epoxy and examination gloves-blow up to play hospital volley ball or use when mixing epoxy too...:roll:
I bought some large syringes and found that they are great for making fin fillets with epoxy. I mixed microballoons with 5-min epoxy to get a soupy consistency and then squirted a bead of it right in the joint. One swipe with the finger (gloved, of course) and it was beautiful. Sounds like you have access to free epoxy squirters.