Sky Captain Space Ark Rocket

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Well-Known Member
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Jul 18, 2022
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I recently re-watched "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow", and I'm seeking a decent image of the Rocket Ark, for a possible scratch build. I mean, it's 3FNC and some pods on the Fintips, not terribly complicated but I want to get the proportions as close as possible. Not doing a cluster with those pods as far apart as they are -- no way that would be stable. Will just thrust from the center, yeah, boring, but less likely to get me thrown out of my club.
I recently re-watched "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow", and I'm seeking a decent image of the Rocket Ark, for a possible scratch build. I mean, it's 3FNC and some pods on the Fintips, not terribly complicated but I want to get the proportions as close as possible. Not doing a cluster with those pods as far apart as they are -- no way that would be stable. Will just thrust from the center, yeah, boring, but less likely to get me thrown out of my club.
I recently re-watched "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow", and I'm seeking a decent image of the Rocket Ark, for a possible scratch build. I mean, it's 3FNC and some pods on the Fintips, not terribly complicated but I want to get the proportions as close as possible. Not doing a cluster with those pods as far apart as they are -- no way that would be stable. Will just thrust from the center, yeah, boring, but less likely to get me thrown out of my club.
For kicks put tiny motors like micromaxx or 1/4A 13 mm motors in the pods, with a good 24mm or higher motor in the core. The small motors will give you a nice show if they light, the rocket won’t leave the pad if the core DOESN’T light, and if the core lights I don’t think the outboards will matter much even if only two light on the same side.
I don’t think the outboards will matter much even if only two light on the same side.
It's a 3FNC, so how can two be on the same side? Or perhaps the question is how could they not be on the same side, depending on how you want to look at it.

And once again I find myself wishing that someone would certify a motor with trivial thrust and a long "delay". Something like a ⅛A0-6, so it's nothing but six seconds of tracking smoke.
Good point, I was visualizing a different 4 fin rocket. Must have seen it on another post.

Concur, an all smoke motor would be nice, I am however guess that since we are stlll hoping/waiting for a C5-0 (so far in vain) which I would expect to be in much higher demand than cosmetic “smokies” that we are more likely to see @Daddyisabar fly 3 consecutive 3FNC rockets than get no thrust heavy smoke motors any time soon.
I am however guess[ing] that since we are stlll hoping/waiting for a C5-0 (so far in vain) which I would expect to be in much higher demand than cosmetic “smokies” that we are more likely to see @Daddyisabar fly 3 consecutive 3FNC rockets than get no thrust heavy smoke motors any time soon.
Sadly, I think you're right. And I'm one of those people who wants that B5-0 too. I'm greedy, I want both.
If you just want smoke, use an aerotech delay grain. Light it with an ematch like mtek, maybe with a .30cal pyrodex pellet too. Should be easy to make a casing for it, maybe in a used 18mm motor or 24mm motor?

Edit:. For sure, remove most of the nozzle, no pressure so the delay grain burns a long time
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Wouldn't that be either a flammable payload (prohibited) or an EX motor?

not pressurized, no thrust, so maybe not EX. yeah, more difficult to argue against it being a burning payload... however, I have seen people try orange smoke flares, at altitude. but that was at a TRA HPR launch, so maybe it was ok.