Have any of you built this kit? Just wanted to know if there's any "Gotcha's" before starting?
Look into Tango Pappa's Landers. I read where they were pretty decent, IIRC.
Sorry to say Gary was never satisfied with our kits.
I have a lot of Semroc kits...and TLP.
Some people just are not up for the challenge.
Or prefer an easier build for their money.
I have a lot of Semroc kits...and TLP.
Some people just are not up for the challenge.
Or prefer an easier build for their money.
Lastly, you might want to make the aft end removable so you can change the rubber bands or adjust good replacement springs like what I did on my build. I have a few pics showing what I did if you want to see.
Gary Byrum wrote to Afterburners:
I got a Semroc M.L. kit which I'll be modifying in various ways, but won't be able to get back to the build for a few months. Want to use springs.
Sorry to say Gary was never satisfied with our kits.
IIRC, Gary even contacted Semroc proposing a solution to the embossing problem.
I won't critique any kit unless I've built it myself. That being said, I doubt you (the customer) can do much about those embossed parts which are essential to the aesthetics of this rocket. 1st and foremost, I didn't weigh in to slam SEMROC, I'm pointing out the given flaws of the Mars Lander. I have a few other SEMROC kits that were given to me, and built them never having any thing negative to say about them. Good kits honestly. But when you redistribute an OOP of this nature, one might consider renewing the tools that make them.
And I doubt seriously that you can say I'm in for the easy or less challenging. I just prefer quality parts. This is why I don't buy many or any kits anymore. Some are good, some are not. It's a crap shoot. Now, have a taste of some challenge that's not so easy. I made my own graphics turned the nose cone myself.
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I have to agree with what you said Gary. Challenging should refer to the details involved in building a kit and techniques used, not having to rebuild the kit to make it right because of poor quality materials used in the first place. This is also the same reason I won't buy kits. I would rather scratch build something over a kit if Ican and capable of doing so with what I have.
I don't wanna hijack AB's thread, but if it's OK with him, I'll post the pics and a description of how the removable aft section works.
Does anyone know if there have been any changes made to the embossing, to the kits, or the the openness of the new owner to make changes since Semroc changed hands?
I modified it to have the lower section removable by removing two small screws, sunk into small balsa blocks. I'd post a picture of this mod but the rocket is boxed for transit. Will do so after NSL.
I did a Semroc lander about 10 years ago with accessible suspension. Photobucket is blocked here at work but I assume the pics are still in the thread.
Exactly! And I made the nozzle a friction fit as well so it could be removed.
I did a Semroc lander about 10 years ago with accessible suspension. Photobucket is blocked here at work but I assume the pics are still in the thread.