Scratch built Micro's

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Micro Craftman/ClusterNut
TRF Supporter
Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
Washington DC
I know there are at least a few folks out here that build and fly scratch built Micro-Maxx models.
Thought it might be fun to start a thread to see what everyone is scratch building in the micro-maxx size. That doesn't mean only models in the .281" dia.bodies. if your flying BT-80's clusted with 100 or so micro-maxx motors I know I'd like to see it:D
To save some space I put a pic page together of most of my Micro-maxx fleet. I've excluded PMC's and the Quest RTF models. I may add the PMC's if folks are interested but I really just wanted to show some of the Down Scales, Scale models, Odd-rocs and competitions type models that fly really well on these tiny motors. Sorry for the poor pic quality, had to really lower the resolution to 55dpi to get the page to post.
Let the pics, and processes flow:)
My building for MicroMaxx sized rockets has been put on hold this winter due to larger, more exciting projects. I do, however, plan on building more Micros after the dust has settled (litterally) in the shop.

I do have a bunch flyable, but am not gonna post pics...

I need to start planning my next micro project. About all I've worked on since mid Dec. was my upscale Cluster Bomb. I have thought about installing an adapter in an Art Apllewhite Cubit, just to see if it clears the rod ;)
Geeze guy's
I know you've got a batch of Micro's Dick, Carl you also, couldn't ya take a minute or two to put em together and snap a pic? I think I remember seeing a Nike-Hercules of Carls and a pretty neat looking Titan-IV or V of yours Dick. Still wondering what else you guy's and the other folks have in the stable? Need to keep those motors flowing... Build guys build...
Micromaxxx.... looks very cool... must build... ARRGGHHH... must finish V2 first... and Shrike project... ignore the siren call... stay focussed... head spinning... everything...getting dark...
John...I'm tell'in ya man,

I barely have enough time to build, post here, help with the scouts when I have time, do club launches, update websites, play with the kids, build more rockets, build R/C...etc...

Micro's are on the "way-da-heck-back-there" burner...even though I enjoy em so. I do still launch em' and keep most of them in the car at all times. If I get the fever, I can do a lunch-hour launch.

Maybe this fall,

micro, I'll be glad to take a pic later today. Just got to gather them from the 3-4 places that they are gathering :)
10-4 Carl! I do understand....Soooo Many rockets...Way too little time:(
We'll look for your stuff later.

Thanks Dick! who else out here is building Micros.

since the page came out so small heres a better view of my current DownScale classics:)
My micro fleet is small compared with yours micro. Here they are:
Here a new Pic of my 4 micro-maxx Nike-Smokes from .281" (7.1mm) to BT-5 (13mm). The launcher is scratch built also.

I also stuck pic of 3 additional Scratch built Micro-Scale models in the low power section Nike-Apache, ARCAS, and ASP
Finished another of the Micro-Scale series I've been working on, the Scout-B. .281" minimum dia. body made this one a real headache. the fins are folded tapered triangular cardstock.

Ever try building a micro-Deuce or Micro-Tres? I've been pondering that ever since my Tres arrived in the mail...

Nicely Done. I really like th lexan rods that you use fro displays. McMaster? How did you get them red...paint?
Nope! the Deuce didn't make a good Micro-Maxx subject, Jim Flis has one but the flight reliability is poor, I have several other clustered micro's.. the deuce just doesn't like micronization. Haven't tried a Tres yet. With Sooooo many other"workable" micros to build..I'll let someone else fuzz with those 2 for now.

The florescent Yellow and Red rods are actually acrylic, .5" .375" 10.5mm and .25" are Plastistruct components you can usually find in hobby shops. I've also found some smaller rods in the same colors to 1/16", can't remember who's thay were?
Originally posted by Micromister
Nope! the Deuce didn't make good Micro-Maxx subject, Jim Flis has one but the flight reliability is poor, I have several other clustered micro's.. the deuce just doesn't like micronization. Haven't tried a Tres yet. With Sooooo many other"workable" micros to build..I'll let someone else fuzz with those 2 for now.

The florescent Yellow and Red rods are actually acrylic, .5" .375" 10.5mm and .25" are Plastistruct components you can usually find in hobby shops. I've also found some smaller rods in the same colors to 1/16", can't remember who's thay were?

I knew i had seen them before...I'll put that on my shoping list!