Scratch Builder Survey - Your Opinion Wanted!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
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One of the first things I see when I round the corner in my basement is my big box-o-tubes. Those tubes are short and long, small and large diameter, body tubes, motor tubes, casting tubes, liner tubes...tons of tubes. There's some nosecones laying around here and there, but no fins or centering rings in sight. Who knows, maybe someone will change that someday! :wink:

I created a survey so that I can hopefully learn more about your tube inventory and build goals/preferences. I appreciate your time!
just filled it out.

some are hard to answer, because I felt I had to make multiple choices ( I like my own design as equally as upcscaling). I have a few other tubes, that fall into the 'HPR' catagory
My tube sizes weren't on the list.
A 5 inch fiberglass and the ~8" mailing tube.
Interesting how filling out a simple survey gets you thinking about the whats and whys of any activity.

One question missing was whether scratch builders augment their tubes in any way (e.g. tendency for FG wrapping of LOC, PML etc)

Intrigued as to what the data you gather will show.
It should be no secret that I am asking the questions with a potential product in mind. I'll be happy to share the results if people are interested.

The questions are less about how or why people do things and more as a means to discover whether or not there's an appreciable market for my idea.
Filled out the survey, hope it helps in your decision. BTW, two thumbs up on the simple circuit, makes flying my Raven much less complicated.
Favorite part of building rockets? Laminating. (When they come to lock me up, I'll go quietly.)
I appreciate everyone's responses thus far! Keep them coming!
I keep picturing an Estes "Designer's Special" but the box is 4ft x 18" x 12" deep, with all the usual Estes parts found within, all scaled up accordingly. Same styled box-front graphics even!

And yes, I would go for a 'scratch kit': 1 NC, 1 or 2 BT sections (with coupler tube), 2 or 3 CRs, 1MMT tube, and one sheet of ply.. all bagged up!
I keep picturing an Estes "Designer's Special" but the box is 4ft x 18" x 12" deep, with all the usual Estes parts found within, all scaled up accordingly. Same styled box-front graphics even!

And yes, I would go for a 'scratch kit': 1 NC, 1 or 2 BT sections (with coupler tube), 2 or 3 CRs, 1MMT tube, and one sheet of ply.. all bagged up!

I'll keep everyone updated as I continue to develop my idea and bring it to fruition. I've received 35 responses (AWESOME!) which gives me a really good sample to analyze. Next big step is packing up my house and moving across town to a bigger place with more space for the cool toys I need to acquire for this venture.