Scale model ????

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Mar 21, 2024
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S.E New Mexico
Already have a Madcow DX3 2.6" and a 40+" Hi Flier 2.1" clone I built , so I'm thinking of building a mpr scale rocket ...Amram (spelled wrong ?) or something like that...Nike, etc...I like the 2.6" body size, but will go to 2.1" or 3". Have to stay in the e,f,g range of motor reload because where I fly , it's about all it will handle. Maybe 1500' height, maybe alittle more. I use a JLCR to keep it close..?anyway, what say the forum? I now have 2 29mm/40-120 engines assy so I'd kinda like to stick with that. But I am definitely open to adapting down from 38mm or whatever to the 29mm. Thanks for any experience with a certain model or advice...rsbhunter
Don't forget about the Doorknob. Any of the bigger Estes stuff is a good bet, but you may want to beef it up for the 29mm motors.

Plenty of other MPR scale kits available, though.
AeroTech HV Arcas

I personally like the Little John, as it's just about the most "rockety" looking rocket out there. Very well-balanced all around.

The big questions are, what kind of glue do you want to use to build it? (I'm serious: wood glue vs. epoxy and fiberglass kinda defines what world you want to live in.) How serious do you want to be about he scale aspects? Sport scale or OCD scale? Single or multi-stage? DD or whoosh-pop?

In general, I'd pick a scale subject you really like, or that captures your imagination somehow, and then build that.
I'd like it to look, nice when done, but it will be no o.c.d.. If you meant fiberglass tubes, I'm ok with that. I have used all types of adhesives, all the other rockets, I'll probably end up with 3-4 different models...Nike, V2 , etc...anything that will fly on mp engines...rsbhunter
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