Rocketry Forum Rules and Posting Guidelines

The Rocketry Forum

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Obsessed with Rocketry
Staff member
Global Mod
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Glennville, GA
Welcome to The Rocketry Forum (TRF)!

TRF is a community of individuals of all ages who are here to learn about how to safely build and launch rockets, to share information, and to help their peers. Our goal is to create a family environment that is conducive for learning. With that in mind, we ask that all members follow these simple rules to create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable. Building a comfortable and tolerant environment will help expand the community and hobby.

  1. No third rail discussions: Like the third rail on the subway tracks, please avoid the topics of politics, sex, and religion. Because TRF is a family-oriented forum that has a diverse group of individuals, these specific topics are off-limits. Using the words (politics, sex, and religion) is not a violation. Rocketry-related issues such as regulations that impact the hobby or human space flight are allowed, but outside of that, we recommend you avoid political discussion on the forum. In addition, many holiday greetings, by their nature, have a religious aspect to them. These are acceptable.
  2. Name-calling, derogatory language, personal attacks, and disparaging remarks absolutely will not be tolerated. In terms of language, images, and any other communication, think in terms of what is acceptable in the typical high school. If it's appropriate in that environment, it's probably appropriate here. We advocate civil discussion and debate but do not allow it to cross over into insults or to troll for remarks. If you see this type of behavior, please use the Report Post or Report PM function so we can keep the community friendly and knowledgeable.
  3. All of the forums are categorized into topics, so please post your questions or messages in the appropriate forum. If a thread is incorrectly filed, use the "report" button to let an admin or moderator know to move it.
  4. Promoting or encouraging illegal behavior is not acceptable. Posts encouraging or supporting illegal activities are to be avoided. This concept doesn't mean you cannot discuss the trouble someone got into by violating the law, but do not post a how-to guide.
  5. No trolling. Trolling is a deliberate act of making random unsolicited controversial comments with the intent to provoke an emotional reaction from unsuspecting readers to cause an online fight or argument. Trolling often involves inflammatory and divisive dialogue. Trolling may include making rude remarks.
  6. Software and video piracy links are expressly forbidden. If you sell it or distribute it, you must have the legal rights to do so.
  7. Harassment, in any form, is verboten. The rule covers any harassment based on gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, etc.
  8. Follow your organization's and country's rules. Because rocketry is an international hobby, and there are numerous rocketry organizations, TRF does not follow the rules of any single organization. Instead, we encourage you, the TRF member, to join and support the rocketry hobby organization that best fits you as an individual, and to follow that organization's rules.
  9. Research Rocketry (making your own motors, igniters, etc) is an advanced topic that is restricted to certified flyers from the United States. The specific details are not to be discussed except in an area specifically designated for such topics. These topics include propellant and igniter compositions and techniques for processing propellant. Posts on the topic of Research Rocketry containing information not widely available in published materials are limited to the access controlled area. Directions to apply are here.
  10. Conversations or private messages are subject to the same rules. These may be hidden from public view, but can still be offensive or harassing. If you have concerns about a message sent to you, please send it to a moderator or admin.
  11. All rules apply equally to all areas of the site, including user signatures. In addition, user signatures that are disruptive to the flow of threads (flashing images, excessive colored text, etc) are not allowed. User signatures are not allowed to use anything other than standard font sizes. Signatures found out of compliance are subject to edit, or removal, by the forum staff.
  12. Vendor Spamming: Vendor spam posting is responding to another vendor's thread with a post advertising your own or another vendor's products or services. Responding to a member's questions about a vendors product by advertising your own products or services is forbidden, so please do not do it.
  13. "Deleting text": Please do not remove the content of your post by replacing it with the words "delete post", "post deleted", and "please remove post". This destroys the content value of the forum and frustrates users. "Report" your post to a moderator and we may remove it for you once it is reported.
  14. Safety code violations: Discussion of flights which, in the opinion of the forum staff, are a violation of the NAR or Tripoli Safety Codes are not allowed, and may cause the offending users to be banned permanently.
  15. Problems with dealers: if you have a problem with a dealer, please attempt to deal with them directly. Airing dirty laundry on the forum is not the way to start the customer complaint. Reviews about vendors should be placed in the vendor and product review section.
  16. The Yard Sale: This forum is the place for posts about items that individuals have for sale, or are interested in buying. Regarding comments about sellers, if you are not involved in a transaction with the seller or do not have current experience (last 6 months) with that seller, stay out of the conversation. Violation of this will result in infractions being issued. The forum is not a place to tell the seller the price is too high. Haggling should be done by conversation or PM in a respectful manner.
  17. Godwin's Law: Invoking this principle will result in the entire thread being yanked. Immediately. Users who cause this to come into play (as determined by the staff) will be subject to infractions and/or banishment, at the staff's discretion, based on the context. If you do not know what Godwin's Law is, do a google search.
  18. The administrator and moderators are here to help support these rules. They have graciously volunteered and try to keep the forum a friendly environment. These individuals will remove or edit messages, as necessary, to maintain a friendly environment. Please do not argue and pick fights with them because they are just enforcing the rules. For a list of our administrators and moderators, visit the administrators/moderator list.
  19. Rules violations will be dealt with based on severity. A severe infraction, such as posting a pornographic picture or posting spam, will result in an immediate ban from the forums. A more typical violation, such as posting a propellant formula in an inappropriate location, will result in the issuance of an infraction or warning (4 points). You have a 12 point limit so if you reach this limit, expect a vacation.
  20. Infractions will be kept "on your permanent record". Any user with 12 points in 12 months or 3 infractions on their record will be banned from the forum for a period of time. The duration of the ban will be determined based on the severity of the infractions, as well as past behavior. A ban may last as little as a week, or as long as the lifetime of the forum. Repeat and intentional rule violations can result in a permanent or temporary ban.
  21. Hostility or Threats: Hostile or threatening posts will not be tolerated (veiled or otherwise). If you receive them, REPORT them but do not respond. A list of the staff can be found at:
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If you want access to research:

TRF now hosts a restricted forum related to Research Motors. Requirements for access are:

1) TRA senior member
2) US Person (US Citizen or US Permanent Resident (Green Card Holder))
3) High Power Certification (Level 1, 2 or 3)

To request access to the forum, please send a conversation or PM to cwbullet
  1. Your fullname:
  2. Your TRF username:
  3. Your email address (associated with your TRF account):
  4. Are you a US citizen (required),
  5. You must also attach a scan or picture of your current TRA Membership card, that shows HPR certification. A picture of the card taken with a digital camera or phone is fine, as long as the card image is legible. No PDFs please.

Please allow up to a week for access to be granted -- we're all volunteers and things come up.

Please do not include scans of identification cards (driver's license, passport, etc)

If you are a parent/legal guardian/older sibling of someone who does not qualify for access, allowing someone otherwise not eligible for access to use your account to access the Research forum will result in permanent loss of access to the Research forum.
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*EDIT* I was just made aware you can turn off signatures in preferences. That does mitigate the issue a bit.

"All rules apply equally to all areas of the site, including user signatures. In addition, user signatures that are disruptive to the flow of threads (flashing images, excessive colored text, etc) are not allowed. ...."

It would be great if there was a limit to the number of lines and the size of images that are allowed in signatures. Some are so long/big I think they meet the 'disruptive to the flow of threads' portion of rules.

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*EDIT* I was just made aware you can turn off signatures in preferences. That does mitigate the issue a bit.

"All rules apply equally to all areas of the site, including user signatures. In addition, user signatures that are disruptive to the flow of threads (flashing images, excessive colored text, etc) are not allowed. ...."

It would be great if there was a limit to the number of lines and the size of images that are allowed in signatures. Some are so long/big I think they meet the 'disruptive to the flow of threads' portion of rules.


One of the things I’ve minded about using Tapatalk is that I cannot see signatures. Now maybe I don’t mind as much.
It means you’re watching the thread. If you post to a thread, the forum will mark you as as watching that thread. If you’re watching a thread, you’ll get a notification when a post is made to that thread.

You can also choose to watch a thread that you haven’t posted to. You can choose to stop watching a thread.
At the very top of a thread are two buttons - 'Thread Tools' and 'Watch Thread'. If you are watching a thread (typically because you have posted in it) the button will read 'Unwatch Thread'. The Thread Tools button allows you to export a thread, which I have found very handy on a couple of occasions. It doesn't actually export it, it just converts it into plain-text in a single window that you can then copy and paste to another program. It is text only, no images.

Also worth noting are the tags that have been associated with a thread. If you make a note of them you can more easily find that thread in the future by searching for those specific tags. To do that you need to click the 'more' button at the bottom of the search field (visible only when you have clicked on it) and then click the 'Search Tags' tab on the right. After you type in a tag hit return and then type in the next one. If the tag is recognized you should see it listed as you type.

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Hello! I'm new to the forum and looking forward to learning lots from the people here!

I recently posted up a new thread in the scratch build forum but my latest post has been awaiting moderation for a few hours. I'm just wondering if that is going to apply for every post I make, or is that just because I'm new? I couldn't find any info on this.

I'm just curious, not complaining!
Definitely not every post, or some of us would be in big trouble. ;) (mostly the moderators!)

Probably a filter on new user/new thread creation to ensure that spambots don't create accounts and start creating new garbage threads.
Your posts had pictures and they must be moderated initially. I approved them.
Hello! I'm new to the forum and looking forward to learning lots from the people here!

I recently posted up a new thread in the scratch build forum but my latest post has been awaiting moderation for a few hours. I'm just wondering if that is going to apply for every post I make, or is that just because I'm new? I couldn't find any info on this.

I'm just curious, not complaining!

Your posts had pictures and they must be moderated initially. I approved them.
Adjusted rule 21. Hostile posts or PMs will not be tolerated.
Is there a reason WHY you have a limited time to edit your threads??? I'd like to fix something and I cannot????
Is there a reason WHY you have a limited time to edit your threads??? I'd like to fix something and I cannot????
Gary, you can PM/Start a conversation with Angie and she can with reason allow you to go back and edit threads, just let her know.
Is there a reason WHY you have a limited time to edit your threads??? I'd like to fix something and I cannot????

PM me the fix and I will edit it. The reason is the destruction of threads. Someone gets made and ***Deletes**** their thread. It ruins the value of the collaborative forum.
PM me the fix and I will edit it. The reason is the destruction of threads. Someone gets made and ***Deletes**** their thread. It ruins the value of the collaborative forum.

C, Links were broken to pics on a recent post of mine about glassing couplers, I'll leave it as is as its not worth the hassle. But IMO if the person who started a thread wants to delete it? They should most definitely! have the ability to do so.. If a thread goes south its better they delete it anyway.

Thanks for the info GT.
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