Rocket Kit Manufacturers

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Well-Known Member
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Jan 19, 2009
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I made a list of different manufacturers, past and present.

I tried to indicate which vendors are out of production (indicated by OOP) and which have been bought out or changed names (ex - Semroc states "see E Rockets")

Please let me know if I missed any or have any errors.

And is there an easier way to post a table??? Note - after spending time to add spaces to make the table more readable, the system removed all the extra spaces. Ugh.


Manufacturer Comment
3D Rocketry
Aerospace Specialty Products
Aggressor Aerospace Rocketry
Altaira Rocketry
Always See BMS
Always Ready Rocketry
Animal Motor Work
BaddAzz OOP
Centuri See Estes
Cygnus OOP
DFR Tech See Real Space Rockets
Edmonds OOP
Empire OOP
E Rockets
Excelsior ?? - occasionally
Fat Cat OOP
Fliskits Closing end 2018
Hawk OOP
Hostile OOP
HotRod OOP
Launch Pad OOP
Loc Precision
Mad Cow
Model Min ??
North Coast Rocketry
New Way
Public Missles Ltd
Polecat OOP - Madcow?
Q Model OOP
Real Space Rockets
Red River OOP
Roachworks OOP
Rocket in Box OOP
Rocket Warehouse See Madcow
RocketPad OOP
Rogue OOP
Rokitflite OOP
Semroc See Erockets
Sheri OOP
Shrox See Apogee
Space X
Spacemonkey Models
Stellar Dim OOP
US Rockets
Vision OOP
Yank See LOC
Zooch OOP
You may consider the list of manufacturers at Rocket Reviews to be a good starting point. Not every one of them is a kit manufacturer, but there are some in the list that did make kits but aren't on your list. I haven't gone through them all to see which is what. and just look at the manufacturer pull-down.
To make a table, Go Advanced and click the lowest left icon.
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THOY, Venus, Vaughn Brothers, etc
As Neil_W said, Rocket Reviews is a great resource. Might want to consider adding a section for some of those who produced one or two kit designs with short runs provided to fellow members here, although they might not be considered or consider themselves a 'manufacturer', such as the TRF'er who produced the Mach Buster clone, etc.

It seems someone somewhere may have already tried to put together such a list, not sure where. If a list is put together, would be great to have columns with a started date, Years of operation, principal founder, types of models, etc. I recall the old RMR site used to have a list of manufacturers with contacts & brief info on them.
Binder Design

Hawk Mountain

Then there was Performance Rocketry, now part of Madcow.
Red Arrow Hobbies, I think they had a few kits of their own. They are gone now regardless.
Giant Leap Rocketry although there doesn't seem to be much going on since the company was bought/sold.
Mile High Rockets

Smokin Rockets and TCB in a Flash both can be found at Performance hobbies. Don't know if Performance has taken over their production or they are standalone companies.

Does one kit make you a manufacturer? If so then Chris' Rocket Supplies offers the Bomb Pop; and BlastCap with the Painkiller; and


Also, I think “Hostile” was actually called “Hostile Projectiles” or at least that’s what it says in the materials of the one kit I have from him - a V-2.

“Squirrel” is, of course “Squirrel Works”.

“New Way” is “New Way Spacemodels”.

Also, I think Starlight is OOP.
What's this about Fliskits closing at the end of 2018?
He announced it at NSL this past weekend.
He'll be focusing on family and expanding his teaching gig. He feels if he held on to all three, they would all suffer.
There has been some interest in parts of his business by others.
Hott Rockets, which became Maximum Thrust Rocketry, which was bought by Rocket Dyne Systems, which changed their name to Rocket Dynamic Systems, which is now out of business.

Cluster R and Rocket R&D have some affiliation with THOY (Tiffany Hobbies of Ypsilanti), I believe.

Black Sky Research, later blacksky. Delta V Rocketry was their storefront.

AAA Model Aviation Fuels.

Impulse Aerospace.

Seattle Rocket Works.
Edmonds OOP
Launch Pad OOP
Loc Precision
Mad Cow
Sheri OOP
Shrox See Apogee
Space X
Stellar Dim OOP
Yank See LOC

Edmonds Aerospace
The Launch Pad
Madcow Rocketry
Sheri's Hot Rockets
Shrox Industria
Stellar Dimensions
Yank Enterprises
Why are people naming vendors already in the OP's list, and others like Missile Works that don't sell kits?
Missile Works did sell kits at one time, but I agree, posters should check to make sure a company isn’t already mentioned before adding them.

The initial list was extremely incomplete. Personally, I would like to see the list updated to have, at minimum, everything in the RocketReviews list, before continuing. Plus everything that's been mentioned here. 20 posts in, it's pretty inefficient to ask folks to read through the list up top and all the other replies to try to figure out what's missing. Especially since there's already a much more comprehensive list out there ready to be used.
Especially since there's already a much more comprehensive list out there ready to be used.

I agree. I was thinking of trying to update the list based on the comments but since there is a better list already I think it would just be a waste of time.....
I agree. I was thinking of trying to update the list based on the comments but since there is a better list already I think it would just be a waste of time.....

Well, I don't think the Rocket Reviews list has some of the newest vendors, so there's still some value in trying to update it. And I would love to see complete info on each vendor regarding dates in production, although that might be hard to come by for all the vendors.
Well, I don't think the Rocket Reviews list has some of the newest vendors, so there's still some value in trying to update it. And I would love to see complete info on each vendor regarding dates in production, although that might be hard to come by for all the vendors.

You can add a missing product to at

This will add the manufacturer if it isn't already listed.

There isn't a way for visitors to directly update manufacturer info (yet), but you can submit information through the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.
You can add a missing product to at

This will add the manufacturer if it isn't already listed.

There isn't a way for visitors to directly update manufacturer info (yet), but you can submit information through the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.

I didn't realize that, thanks!