Yes, the RX-USB will be available for the foreseeable future, as will the Bluetooth module separately. There are a number of Windows apps that can decode a live NMEA data stream. Most of the RX-USB units that we sell are to universities, they buy an RX-USB receiver to set up a ground station, AND an LCD receiver to go retrieve the rocket. We've come to realize over the past few years that this is the best application for the RX dongle. Using it as the primary means of retrieving your rocket is not a great idea, hauling a laptop around while looking for your rocket is inconvenient at the very least, and USB connectors do not like being moved.
Accordingly, we may stop selling the RX combo's... we realize that the price point is appealing, but another $20 for the LCD receiver upgrade is a much better value. The percentage of users that start out with the RX dongle and end up buying the LCD receiver afterwards is pretty high... probably 75% at least. It also will help us with our lead times, because we can ship everything out at the default 915/0 frequency. Honestly, it's a pain to reprogram the RF modules to some custom frequency for the RX combo's. It was OK back in 2014 when we first started selling them, but we probably sell 10x the number of trackers that we did back then, and we don't have 10x the time to deal with programming custom units.