Rest In Peace William Hurt, 71.

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Mar 27, 2013
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Actor William Hurt, known for roles in "Body Heat", "Children of a Lesser God", "Broadcast News", "The Big Chill", and in the MCU films (as General Thaddeus Ross) has passed away at the age of 71. Apparently he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2018, though the cause of his passing was given by his family as "natural causes".

Rest in Peace Mr. Hurt.
He played Professor Waldman in a Hallmark mini-series of Frankenstein. Most faithful adaption of Frankenstein to ever be filmed, IMO. And what was the one where he was a scientist who start reverting to a caveman? One of his earlier films.
And what was the one where he was a scientist who start reverting to a caveman? One of his earlier films.
Altered States

[EDIT]Don't you hate it when you post a reply to a post, only to find that the computer didn't update the thread completely, and you find a completely duplicate answer that is only a few minutes older than your own post [/EDIT]
He also played Professor Allen Hobby, the designer of the android "David" in "Artificial Intelligence: AI".
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My three favorite William Hurt movies, Altered States, Body Heat & Gorky Park. Honorable mentions, Lost in Space & A History of Violence.