Ok, to clear things up... (again)
This isn't about how TRF is "forcing" ads or the like.. its simply about that fact that someone has an ad campaign, that seems to be missing in the proper method of delivery, namely the graphic they chose, or that Adsence has the wrong size classification for it. Either way, these two ads that seem to have the main part of their ad cut off. In both cases, they are just some random graphic with no indication of who, what, or where they are advertising. It's like me paying for an ad, and just having a blank rectangle. Why bother.. The only winner here, is the receiver of funds to post the ad.. that's what I find funny (or pathetic or lazy or obtuce or whatever word you want)
As to the ad choices when you click on the 'x' in the corner, I get (see below). Now, in the case of the two in question, (as well as the other 5 I see routinely), I have clicked on either "seen multiple times" or the "not interested" only to have it come back again and again.. (so, then, what is the point of doing so?)
I surf TRF at break, at lunch on my work station TRF, and two news channels are all I really surf, and Accuradio (which also serves 'Adsence' ads). I do the odd work related search, but not often.. So, I assume the following: My cache is cleared routinely thru IT (but I should verify). I surf thru a network connection, so I'm seeing other's "ad preferences" as well as my own. Since I rarely do massive / multiple / daily searches, adscence doesn't really know what to show, as it's data library (for me) is very limited. And, that the searches I do perform, don't meet the criteria of "every day user" ( I have recently searched for '5-axis mill' and 3d printer filament', but never see those kind of ads). And, lastly, that since being in Canada, the rules are slightly different, and ads are generated more by the ISP than by my personal setting / cookie / trails / etc... And, I only see about a dozen or so ads. They are never different, or vary. Its' pretty much always the same dozen or so ads. And, none that I feel are even remotely relevant to me..
Do I profess to know a lot about this "ad stuff" and how computers / the internet track my every move & visits? No. Don't really care, it's a fact of life (today).. I used to be pretty 'computer savvy', but I feel over the past two decades, things have gotten harder & more 'hidden' and more complex than I care to delve into.
Do I want know? Yeah, to a certain degree, but I don't have the time, patients or the absolute desire to read each & every bit out there about it. And, I'm sure there is lots that people like Google, M$, Apple, etc.. don't want me to know.. I'd much rather sit with someone and have them show me, allow me to ask questions, fill in the blanks I have.
So, I know "ads" on TRF are bit touchy, and I don't want to go there. I'm just laughing at the $$$ spent on an ad campaign that's slightly more than a [pointless] blank white square..