The 40-120 motor has such a range because it varries its propellant lengths. The empty space between the propellant and closure if taken up with a spacer. The problem with this is there is a lot of mass. For example, and E18 would be lighter than a E16... since a E16 is loaded in a G size case. Also, this gap makes the motors harder to ignite. F40's are not that bad... but E16's are extremely stuburn. A definite Magnelite Only motor.
As far as the HPR motors... I don't think the bates grain configuration and the higher pressures these motors run at would work very well with a spacer. The G75 uses the RMS 29/180 case... those cases are very affordable.... and if you already have the 29/240, you can get just the 180 case for under $20, and borrow the closures from the 240.