Hi I’ve completed my Apogee Saturn V, but did some things in finishing before I learned how it should have been done. Have built my second project as well with the same paint, but I’m going to gloss clear that and then install decals with micro set followed by another clear coat. I now know the right way to have done this and that is not my question. I’m looking for recommendations on how to proceed from where I’m at now with the Saturn V. I used a satin Rust Oleum white and black. I also used a Rust Oleum Bright Coat silver (bad idea as I found out too late it won’t accept clear) applied the decals straight onto the rocket (water slide). A couple have come off after they were dry and stuck to my hand. I have re-applied those. At this point would micro set over the top help? Just go to a clear coat when the paint has cured? Other ideas? Thanks in advance for any help!